Geomorph 151- 2003
Paul's Class Powerpoint Presentations
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Week 1-Introduciton

Week 2- Surveying
GPS work (.ppt)
Autolevel work (.ppt)
Week 3- Huntington River
(Adubon Land)
stream gage pres
(web) (.ppt)
Week 4- Mt. Mansfield
postglacial Lecture pres
(web) (.ppt)
Week 5- Miller Brook Gully
Week 6- Mass Movements
mass movements pres
(web) (.ppt)
Week 7- Slide Mechanics
Slide Mechanics pres
(web) (.ppt)
Landslide Model (.xls)
Landslide Calc Info Sheet (html)
Landslide Calc Info Sheet (.doc)
Interesting Exercise
Week 8- Lake Mansfield
Glaciers and Glaciation pres
(web) (.ppt)