Rachel Stadfeld

> Benjamin Psaros


> Title: A report on the structural and natural earth processes at the

> historical

> Shelburne Farms landscape and other natural changes made in the past

> 100 years.


> The basic idea of the project is to determine the amount of change the

> landscape

> (forestation, runoff, lake effects) that has occurs over the last 100

> years.  We


> do not intend to have staggering numerical data however we intend to

> closely

> analize

> the photographs we have chosen from years past to the ones we have

> taken

> recently

> of the same exact locations.  We plan to discuss the nature or

> vegetation, along


> with water level, retreat and others.  We also plan to have class

> discussion

> about

> what they see in the photographs.

> The Webb family has taken good consideration in maintaining their land

> not to

> mention

> documenting it.  They have a huge selection of photgraphs and written

> works we

> have

> chosen to use.  We have taken pictures from the same locations and

> plan to

> compare

> them in a classroom setting.

> The lake being one of the borders of the farms gives us another

> interesting

> aspect

> to study.  Each of the coastal photographs we have chosen is very

> interesting

> due

> to the nature of the water line and what the waters of lake champlain

> has carved

> out

> of the cliffs over the past 100 years.  We have also found that there

> are some

> very interesting outcrops by the coast line and I know that is not

> really are

> project

> and we are to focus on the lanscape we do intend to discuss the

> outcrops a bit.

> The main idea is to re-examine artistic photographs with how the

> location

> appears

> today and develope some hypothesis' about the formations of the

> landscapes.