We will be meeting next week (JANUARY 25) for our first class at 7 pm., Paul and Christine's house.




For those of us who have never been to our home, here are instructions.....


We are found by taking the Burlington (not south Burlington) exit off 89 which will put you westbound on Route 2. After getting off the freeway, you will pass a Sheraton on your right and then bear gently right on East Avenue (big sign) which will pass to the east of the University. Continue on East Avenue until it ends in a traffic light and then turn west (left) on Colchester Avenue which will head toward the lake. At the second traffic light (which is a messy intersection (non orthogonal) turn north (right) onto Prospect and then take your first left, down hill on Brookes Ave. We are #86, a sage green house with cream and "pumpkin" trim.



For Monday, please:


Please read the attached papers BEFORE arriving and come prepared having written a single paragraph for each paper describing why you agree or disagree with the author's argument.


bring a story to tell about why your are a scientist

bring your favorite 2 slides or photographs of something related to natural science

bring your enthusiasm.


we will supply desert..this week!



Oh yes, if you drive, you'll need a parking permit from us or face the wrath of Burlington's finest.





Paul, Stephen, and Christine