Abstract 2000-2008

Worden JK, Flynn BS. Using mass media to prevent cigarette smoking. Hornik, Robert C. (Ed). (2002). Public health communication: Evidence for behavior change. (pp. 23-33). xv, 435pp.

(from the chapter) This study combined school-based smoking prevention with mass media messages created through an intensive program development process, which targeted subgroups by developmental level, gender, and risk for smoking adoption in both program design and implementation. 5,458 students in Grades 4-6 from 2 areas in the US received either a mass media cigarette smoking intervention combined with a school program or a school program only over a 4-yr period. The mass media program consisted of TV and radio messages designed to address the educational objectives and to appeal to the interests of the target audience. Smoking behavior was assessed by determining the number of cigarettes the S reported smoking in the past week. Findings indicate 35% lower smoking among adolescents exposed to the smoking prevention campaign combined with school-based smoking prevention programs, as compared to the school-based programs alone, and demonstrate 1 way that mass media may be used for smoking prevention.