PSS 138 - Commercial Plant Propagation

Spring 2008

Tentative Lab Schedule



Date                   Lab #                                     Topic


January            17                    Lecture on structures, environment and propagation media

January            24        1          Greenhouse use and UVM greenhouse orientation, sanitation,

                                                mycorrhizal additives and pea inoculation labs


January            31        2          Seed production/pollination/viability/polyembryony__________________

February            7        3          Seed pretreatment (stratification/scarification)

February          14        4          Hardwood cuttings (Lab #2 DUE)

February          21        5          Herbaceous cuttings, air layering

February          28        6          Specialized stem & root propagation (bulbs, rhizomes and stolons)  


March                6                    No Lab (Lab #3 DUE)

March              13                    No Lab, Spring Break

March              20        7          Micropropagation of Venus fly trap  and sundew by axillary shoot

                                                proliferation, African violet by adventitious shoot initiation and amaryllis

                                                by aseptically germinated seed. Harvest peas.  (Lab #6 DUE)                      


March              27                    Harvest  deciduous woody and herbaceous cuttings, pot up tree seedlings

                                                (Lab #7 DUE)


April                  3        8          Bench grafting: Apple, elm and spruce.  Transfer African violets.

                                                (Lab #5 DUE)


April                10        9          Bench grafting: Side-veneer (tomato), cleft (tomato-potato) &

                                                T-budding (citrus). (Lab #1 DUE)


April                17                    Harvest evergreen cuttings, transplant African violets, pot pineapples,                                                          

                                                check air layers and bulb scales. Transfer Venus fly traps and sundews to

                                                Terrarium. (Lab #8 & 9 DUE)


April                24        10        Tour ClaussenÕs greenhouse (local commercial operation). (Lab #4 DUE)

***  all plants must be removed from the greenhouses by the Final Exam (May 6th).