Application Information

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Research Training Award:

Students can be admitted at any level. Mentees will  receive:

·  Year 1 $2,000

·  Year 2 $2,000

·  Year 3 $2,000

·  Summer(yr 3) $4,000

·  Year 4 $2,000

·  Total $12,000

*Additional need based financial aid may be available.Funds are paid as hourly wages, thus students with full tuition scholarships are eligible.


Application Instructions:

You are encouraged to contact Professor Stevens ( ) and Professor Bentil ( with any questions. Subject: Inquiry

Email application preferred. Subject: Application (pdf or word attachment).

Application deadline: April 15, 2007.

If email is unavailable, applications can be mailed to:

Biology Students

Mathematics Students

Professor Lori Stevens
321 Marsh Life Science Building
Department of Biology
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405


Professor Daniel Bentil

25 Colchester Avenue (Mansfield House) Room 305

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

University of Vermont

Burlington, VT 05405



Applications should consist of the following:

  • Cover Sheet, typed if possible
  • Essay (typed if possible, 12 point Times font, one page maximum, single spaced, one inch margins) The essay should be written by the student and include:
    1. Objective: A clear and succinct statement of your reason(s) for attending UVM. Academic, career and personal reasons can be included. Academic and career reasons will weigh most heavily, especially if they relate to curriculum, jobs, or graduate study in mathematics or biology.
    2. Preparation: A brief review of the things that led to your interest in studying Mathematics and Biology.
    3. Education goals: A summary of the things you expect to accomplish at UVM. This section should talk about the Interdisciplinary Training Program and how it will help your education goals. Include a discussion of:
      1. your choice of major (Biology, Mathematics or Double Major) and
      2. the research project(s) that interest you and how flexible you might be in working on any particular project.
    4. Future directions: A brief statement of what you might do after college.
  • Letter(s) of Support (maximum of 2, at least one from a high school science or mathematics teacher)
  • Unofficial High School Transcript

The deadline for receipt of the completed application is April 15, 2007. Submit by email to either or Subject: Application, as .pdf or .doc attachments.

Awardee's Responsibilities

As awardee your responsibilities are to:

  • Enroll and maintain good standing (3.0 GPA minimum) as either a: (1) Biology, Biological Science or Environmental Science major and mathematics minor, or (2) Mathematics major and Biology or Environmental Science minor. Double majors in Mathematics and Biology are also possible.
  • Participate in Program activities including Biology major's club, annual seminars, and summer research in the junior year.
  • Spend at least 5 hours per week in your mentor's lab. This will be time learning basic lab skills, then progressing to working on an independent research topic.
  • Comply with relevant University administrative and academic policies and procedures for accounting, safety, and ethics, among others.
  • Participate in program assessment and submission of required reports to the funding agency.

Guidelines for Choosing Participants for Mathematics and Biology Program:

  • Students must have been accepted for admission to the University of Vermont. This is a separate application process.
  • The essay will be judged on its strength (preparation, education goals, post-college goals clearly defined).
  • High school academic record, particularly in sciences and mathematics, and standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) will be considered.
  • The letter of support from a high school science or math teacher will weigh heavily in the choice of Program scholars.
  • The group of scholars will be chosen to include a diverse group.

These guidelines are not listed in any order of importance, but only serve as a list of criteria used in deciding which students will be selected for the program.

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