The shrine of Thomas a Becket, martyred archbishop of Canterbury, drew hordes of pilgrims to Canterbury Cathedral during the middle ages. Among the most famous of these pilgrims are those created by Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales. The images included here will allow you to explore stories of Becket and those who sought his help, as depicted in Canterbury Cathedral's stained glass.


South Aisle, Trinity Chapel, Window IX: Pilgrims on the road to Canterbury

Cripple Healed

South Choir, Window 2: A cripple healed at the shrine of St. Thomas a Becket.

Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury called the "holy, blisful martyr" by Geoffrey Chaucer in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Born in London, December 21, 1118. Died in Canterbury, December 29, 1170.

Trinity 7;1-6

South Aisle, Trinity Chapel, Window 7, medallions 1-6: The medallions in this window tell stories of people healed by St. Thomas.