--The Cape Breton Highlands--

The following pictures were taken during a drive along the "Cabot Trail" through the Cape Breton Highlands.

Starting on the west-central coast, this is the town of
Margaree Harbor
And this is a picture of the highway winding up into the highlands
As you come through
a highway cut, and head into the Highlands Park, you descend to a little harbor shown here
and here
Then it's up and over the height of land...
and down
(WAY down)
though valleys like
<------ this
and along heights like
this ----->
Until you bottom out in little bays like the one shown

<---- here.

Then heading south you travel by out-croppings like these-- I think they are gypsum

here ------>
And eventually wind up in the very pretty town of Baddeck... a nice sea town, and where we got an amazing seafood dinner.