Scenario Response Form

Reinventing Education 3 Ð Teachers Education


Required Response Date:       (please fill in date required)                 

Respondent:                            (please fill in your last name)

Location:                                 (please fill in your RE3 site name)


Major Issues/Concerns (e.g. missing info, incorrect info):


á       Scenario Name: (Pre-Service Professional Portfolio I think its focus should be broader and include evidence of content competencies as well as field experiences and pedagogical courses. Teachers need to know content also. They should be allowed to include a wider range of artifacts: required liberal arts courses, out of college experiences that might be relevant like work in a YWCA or Alternate Spring Break. As soon as they enter College of Education, students should be storing all their artifacts in an online repository.

Also, a development portfolio can be a learning tool, helping a student to iteratively reflect upon what they know and what they still need to learn. This should be an integral aspect of portfolio development. It should have a place where students can brainstorm, easily take notes for personal use only, and can take their portfolios off line to access when they do not have internet access. This would also make it more equitable for commuter students that may have less technology at home. If students leave the College, they should be able to take their portfolios with them. Some may move to a state or district without Learning Village access.

IÕd like to see at least three scenarios:

One student, Jennifer, has easy access to technology at her dorm and at the College where she is in the Elementary Education Program. During her first year in college she took a required computer course so she feels pretty confident in using technology tools.

Another student Earle attends a commuter college. He has no internet access at home but can usually find a computer at his College. Because he wants to be a High School teacher, he didnÕt enter the College of Education until he was in his junior year. He knows a little about the internet, e-mail, and word processing but has had no formal training.

Maryann is in the Early Childhood program not comfortable using technology. She wants to teach in the first grade and figures she wonÕt have to use computers much. She is not required to take a technology course in her program although a few teachers in the college have given her assignments where she has had to use PowerPoint and use Internet resources.

I think each of these would generate some different needs in a portfolio tool.

á       Scenario Name: (add scenario name and comment here)

á       Scenario Name: (add scenario name and comment here)

á       Scenario Name: (add scenario name and comment here)

á       Scenario Name: (add scenario name and comment here)



Minor/Specific Issues/Concerns:


Scenario Name



Pre-Service Professional Port


*Include content knowledge also-why just professional courses? Important to demonstrate depth of understanding -All VT pre-service must have a major concentration.

* Allow access for K-12 teachers in studentsÕ field placements and selected other pre-service students for peer reviews

* Why not include a planning component so the student and advisor can together periodically review and plan further coursework and field experiences.

* Unclear in paragraph 2 who students are-say K-12 students to differentiate from college students

*Regarding portfolio support, #1 include ÒCreating a multimedia digital pre-service portfolioÓ. The added value of digital portfolio is the wide range of multimedia tools one can use to demonstrate competency.

#4 Provide flexibility for developmental, showcase , and assessment portfolios to respond to a variety of expectations and standards.

#5 Provide an environment for helping the pre-service teacher and advisor plan for a studentÕs course of study.

#6 Provide a tool that allows sufficent feedback in a text field next to reflections and artifacts.

#7 It would be advantageous if this tool could have a drop box for different professors. Students could drop in assignments, faculty could provide feedback and send back to the studentÕs inbox to be added to the appropriate artifact database.




*Artifact selection should also include demonstrations of content knowledge, research abilities, problem solving solutions. Students should have the ability to collect as they produce and select different products to create different kinds of portfolios: ieÉour Literacy Program requires a Literacy Portfolio, some places might require a Òtechnology demonstration portfolioÓ. This tool will have a greater audience if it useable for a wide range of scenarios.

*Regarding storage: Access should be able to include fellow students, cooperating tK-12 teachers and even parents if they wish. They also should be a mechanism that allows students to save their portfolios to CD or download to their hard drive. Some schools may not allow any pictures of students or videos including them so parts of the portfolio may have to remain offline. *Additional portfolio attributes:

Should be password protected

It should allow for students to build portfolios in original ways. Pre-Service teachers should learn about visual literacy and be able to design their portfolios in an external publishing tool and import the design to their portfolios. Databases should be relational so they can connect all their products as they create different kinds of portfolios.

There should be online information to help students storyboard or flowchart their portfolios, learn about visual literacy, copyright issues, and web publishing.

It should be easy for users to import their artifacts from a wide range of formatsÉjpegs, gifs, mov, mpeg, etc.

Allow for realtime feedback from an advisor while the portfolio is open. The portfolio should be printable.

Allow a wide range of advisors with pre-teacher control of who their ÒadvisorsÓ are.




Teacher Induction


There should be an effort to develop a tool that lets teachers share their products and ideas with different people and at different levels. For example they might share a lesson with plan with a mentor teacher and a management problem with their graduate classmates.

It would be nice to have a portfolio cover-splash page that links to a table of contents that includes links to :

Pre-Service Portfolios, Induction Portfolio, Certifications

So it becomes an evolving document of what a teacher knows and can do as well as an organized repository of their units, products, and resources.



They need to save web-based documentation offline.

There should be a strong communications tool connected to the sharing of artifacts and reflections.




Seeking/Maintaining Certification


The portfolio can also serve as an organization tool where teachers in practice can store and retrieve their lessons, teaching strategies and assessments. This should link to their induction and if available, pre-service portfolios for a growing body of resources as well as competencies.






Shareable data with different levels of access- Program Chairs might be able to see their program against aggregate but Dean sees allÉ

Ability to analyze quantitative data

Spreadsheet and graphing capabilities.

Ability to generate a site map of portfolio

Ability to open collaborative tool discussion box in a separate window

Ability to open real time chat in a separate window

































Upon completion, please return this form (softcopy/hardcopy) to the Project Manager or Education Consultant who provided it (or send to Jackie DiGiandomenico,


Thank you for your comments and suggestions!