June 17, 2011



Dept. of Anthropology                                                                          Phone: (802) 656-3181

515 Williams Hall                                                                                 (802) 656-3884

University of Vermont                                                                          Fax:     (802) 656-4406

Burlington, VT 05405-0168                                                                  Email:




University of Vermont

           Associate Professor, Anthropology                                             Aug. 2004 - present 

           Acting Chair, Asian Languages and Literature                            Jan. 2009-July 2009

           Director, Asian Studies Program                                                 Jan. 2009-July 2009

           Interim Director, Asian Studies Program                                     June 2007 – July 2008

           Assistant Professor, Anthropology                                              Aug. 1998 - May 2004

           Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology                                 Jan. 1998 - May 1998


Fudan University

           Fulbright Scholar, Sociology/Medical Anthropology                   Jan.-Aug. 2012


Harvard University

           Writing Center Tutor                                                                   Sept. 1997-Jan. 1998

           Teaching Fellow, Asian Studies                                                  Sept. 1997 – Jan. 1998

           Teaching Fellow, Anthropology                                                  Sept. 1991 - June 1997




Harvard University                                                                 June 1994 - June 1998

           Ph.D in Social Anthropology.


Peking Union Medical College Hospital                     Fall 1993-Summer 1994

           Fieldwork internship on aging and menopause, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Harvard University                                                                 Sept. 1990 - June 1994

           M.A. in Social Anthropology.


Beijing University                                                                     Sept. 1989 - May 1990

           Fulbright Student Fellow in Chinese history and culture, Department of History.


Dartmouth College                                                                Sept. 1985 - June 1989

           B.A., summa cum laude, and high honors in Asian Studies.


University College London                                                Oct. 1987 - March 1988

           Dartmouth College Foreign Study Program in English Literature.


Beijing Normal University                                                   June 1986 - Dec. 1986

Foreign Study Programs in Chinese Language and Literature organized by Dartmouth College

and University of Massachusetts-Amherst.


Bellows Free Academy, Fairfax, Vt                                 Sept. 1973 - June 1985           










Caregiving for elderly in social and cultural context; experiences and dynamics across different family caregiving situations and use of informal/formal social supports in China.

●Mainland Chinese women’s views and experiences of the lifecycle, the generations, aging, middle age, menopause, and old age, analyzed in cross-cultural perspective.

●Media representations of later-life romance, sex, and marriage in mainland China in comparison with ethnographic research on ordinary Chinese women’s views and experiences.

●Experiences of Chinese immigrants in Montréal, including ethnic identity, everyday life, lifecycle, intergenerational relationships, and health, healing, and health care.




Sociocultural anthropology; China, East Asia, Canada, and the United States.

●Medical anthropology; health, illness, healing, and health care in sociocultural perspective.

●Psychological anthropology; personhood, the lifecycle, human development, and aging.

●Social gerontology; family caregiving for elderly persons in sociocultural context.

●Interactions of biology and culture, mind and body, and natural and social environments in relation to human experience, health, and quality of life.

●Cultural/generational differences in lifecycle experience and intergenerational issues.

●Health concerns and social issues marking lifecourse transitions.

●Women’s studies, cultural construction of gender and sexuality, and feminist perspectives.

●Women, health, aging, gender, sexuality, and conjugality in China and cross-culturally.

●Chinese views and experiences of the lifecycle, middle age, menopause, and old age.

●Chinese experiences of illness, healing practices, and health care system in China.

●Culture and history of Chinese populations in East Asia and North America.

●Negotiation of identities, cultures, and languages in the Chinese diaspora in Montréal.

●Multiculturalism, transnationalism, and interaction of “eastern” and “western” cultures.

● Research methods and integration of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

●Evidence-based medicine, efficacy, evidence, and theory and practice of Chinese medicine.




●Mainland China (four cumulative years) 1986, 1989-90, 1992, 1993-94, 1996, 2000, 2007, 2008, 2012; Taiwan (three weeks) 1990, 1996; Hong Kong (two weeks) 1986, 1990, 1992; Chinatowns: Montréal (numerous short stays) 1980-85, 1992, 1998-2005, 2010, Toronto 2005, Boston 1990-92, 1995-98, 2000; NYC 1989, 2000; San Francisco 1996, 2000; Philadelphia 1998.


Mandarin Chinese: Fluent speaking, reading, and writing ability; French: Advanced reading and listening ability, intermediate speaking and writing ability; Cantonese: Rudimentary oral comprehension of some basic phrases; English: Native speaking, reading, and writing ability.






● Jeanne Shea, “Older Women, Marital Relationships, and Sexuality in China,” Ageing International, Special Issue on Sexuality, Summer 2011, in press, 18 pages. 


● Jeanne Shea, auth., Cuixia Shi, transl., 循证医学在中医学中的应用标:争论与策略 (Application of Evidence-Based Medicine Standards to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Debate and Strategy), 中国中西医结合杂志 (Chinese Journal of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine), 2010(30:3):230-233. 


● Jeanne Shea, auth., Francis Yu Lu, transl., 性解放理论与中国当代老年妇女 (Sexual Liberation Theory and Senior Women in Modern China), 广西民族大学学报 (Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities), 2009(31:6):26-36.


● Jeanne Shea, “Review of The Triumph of Citizenship: The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67” (Patricia E. Roy, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007), American Review of Canadian Studies, 2009(39:4):467-469.


● Jeanne Shea, “Conference Abstract: Efficacy, Evidence, and the Authentic Natural Other: Menopause, Midlife Aging, and Western Encounters with East Asian Alternatives,” in Westminster Workshop Abstracts, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2008(16:2):113. 


● Jeanne Shea, “Conference Report: Authenticity, Best Practice, and the Evidence Mosaic: The Challenge of Integrating Traditional East Asian Medicine into Western Health Care,International Association for Study of Traditional Asian Medicines Newsletter, Fall 2007: 9-13.


● Jeanne Shea, "Cross-Cultural Comparison of Women's Midlife Symptom-Reporting: A China Study," Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry: International Journal of Comparative Cross-Cultural Research, 2006(30:3): 331-362.


● Jeanne Shea, "Midlife Women's Symptom Reporting in China," American Journal of Human Biology, 2006(18:2): 219-222.


● Jeanne Shea, "Applying Evidence-Based Medicine to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Debate and Strategy," Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2006(12:3): 255-63. 


● Jeanne Shea, "Chinese Women's Symptoms: Relation to Menopause, Age and Related Attitudes," Climacteric: Journal of the International Menopause Society, 2006(9:1): 30-39.


● Jeanne Shea, " Parsing the Ageing Asian Woman: Symptom Results from the China Study of Midlife Women," Maturitas: The European Menopause Journal, 2006(55:1): 36-50.


● Jeanne L. Shea, “Older Women and the Sexual Liberation Movement in China,” Women of China Magazine (中国妇女), 2006(11): 12-13.


● Jeanne Shea, "Sexual 'Liberation' and the Older Woman in Contemporary Mainland China," Modern China: International Quarterly of History and Social Science, 2005(31:1): 115-47 (ranked among the top three Most Frequently Read Modern China articles at Sage Journals Online ( from 2005-2007; updated monthly; regularly number one.)


● Jeanne L. Shea, “Review of China's Revolutions and Intergenerational Relations" (Martin K. Whyte, editor, Ann Arbor: Univ. Michigan Press, 2003), The China Journal, 2004(52): 131-3. 


● Jeanne Shea, "Setting the Anthropological Record Straight: Critique of Marshall Sahlins’ Char- acterization of Classic Theories of Causality in Anthropology,” Anthropos, 2003(98):489-97.


● Jeanne Shea, "Review of China Urban: Ethnographies of Contemporary Culture" (Nancy N. Chen, Constance D. Clark, Suzanne Z. Gottschang, and Lyn Jeffery, eds., Durham: Duke University Press, 2001), Journal of Asian Studies, 2002(61:1): 211-213.


● Jeanne Shea, "When Research Ethics and Regulatory Procedures Collide: Suggested Strategies," Ethical Currents series, Anthropology News, 2001(42:9): 19.


● Jeanne Shea, "When Research Ethics and Regulatory Procedures Collide: The Problem," Ethical Currents series, Anthropology News, 2001(42:8): 18.


● Jeanne Shea, "Revolutionary Women at Middle Age: An Ethnographic Exploration of Mainland Chinese Women's Experiences of Middle Age, Menopause, and Midlife Aging,” China Exchange News, 1994(22:2): 12-17. 




● Jeanne Shea, Research Report: Negotiating East and West: Chinese in the Montal Mosaic, submitted to Canadian Embassy in the United States, Wash., D.C., March 2003 (technical report).


● Jeanne Shea, Revolutionary Women At Middle Age:  An Ethnographic Survey of Menopause and Midlife Aging in Beijing, China, Doctoral Dissertation in Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, published by UMI, 1998, 353 pages.  (Dissertation committee: James L. Watson, Arthur Kleinman, Rubie S. Watson, and Michael Phillips)


● Jeanne Shea, The Impact of Economic and Political Systems on Fertility and Population in Singapore and China, Senior Honors Thesis in Asian Studies, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1989, 150 pages.  (Thesis Committee: Kirk Endicott and Hwa-Yuan Li Mowry)




● Jeanne Shea, “Venting Anger From the Body During Gengnianqi: Meanings of Midlife Transition Among Chinese Women in Reform-Era Beijing,” in Caitrin Lynch and Jason Danely, eds., Transitions and Transformations: Cultural Perspectives on the Life Course, Berghahn Books, 24 pages. 






● Discussant on Chinese diaspora in Canada, Invited Roundtable on Globalization, Transnationalism, and Migration in Asia, Association for Asian Studies conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Apr. 2010. 


● “I’m Not Willing to Depend on My Children”: Resistance To Later Life Familial Dependence By Chinese Women in Beijing,” paper presented in Gender, Family, and Kinship in China Panel, Invited Panel sponsored by the Section for East Asian Anthropology, American Anthropological Association Conference, New Orleans, Nov. 17-21, 2010.


● “Gender, Family and Morality in Everyday Life: Meanings of Shen Chang’s Science and Technology of the Body For Women in Rural North China,” paper presented at Workshop on Social Suffering, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, May 7-8, 2010.


● “Gender and Ageing in Contemporary China,” poster presented at Center on Aging Research Day, Fletcher Allen Health Care and University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, Mar. 23, 2010.


● “Later Life Conjugality in Contemporary China: Dominant Promotional Discourses Versus Chinese Women’s Own Views,” paper presented at American Anthropological Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2-6, 2009.


● “Beyond the Natural Woman: Mixed Methods Approaches to Understanding the Midlife Health of Chinese Women in Beijing,” paper presented to Fairbanks Center Gender Studies Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Dec. 12, 2008.


● “Gender, Ageing, and Health in China,” paper presented at Shorenstein Center’s AHPP Seminar Series on "Implications of Demographic Change in China," sponsored by Stanford China Program and Asia Health Policy Program, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Nov. 19, 2008.


● “Chinese Women, Aging, Conjugality, Sex, and Well-Being,” paper presented toYunnan Health & Development Research Association Meeting, Kunming, China, July 19, 2008


● “Socioeconomic Development, Women, and Aging in Contemporary China,” paper presented at Harvard Yenching Conference on Rethinking Development in China: Social and Cultural Perspectives, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Apr. 25-26, 2008


● “Efficacy, Evidence, and the Authentic Natural Other: Menopause, Midlife Aging, and Western Encounters with East Asian Alternatives,” paper presented at seminar series coordinated by Drs. Ted Kaptchuk and Andrew Ahn, Osher Research Center - Division for Research and Education in Complementary Integative Medical Therapies, Harvard Medical School, Apr. 8, 2008.


● “Menopause, ‘Sexual Liberation,’ and Older Chinese Women,” paper presented at New Departures in Cultural Study of Medical Anthropology and Medical Humanities Conference establishing 1st medical anthro. program in China, Fudan University, Shanghai, Oct. 20-21, 2007.


● “Efficacy, Evidence, and the Authentic Natural Other: Menopause, Midlife Aging, and Western Encounters with East Asian Alternatives,” paper presented at conference on Authenticity, Best Practice, and the Evidence Mosaic: The Challenge of Integrating Traditional East Asian Medicines into Western Health Care at University of Westminster in London, Apr. 19-20, 2007.


● “Clinical Normativities and Women’s Narratives: (Re)Visions of Gendered Aging in China,” paper presented at American Anthropological Association meeting, Wash., D.C., Nov. 2006.


"Gender, Aging, and Modernity in Post-Mao China: Women's Experiences and Public Discourse," lecture for research colloquium in Anthropology Department at McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Mar. 2006.


"Liberating Elders: Promotion of Later-Life Romance, Sex, and Remarriage In Mainland China,” paper presented at American Anthropological Assoc. meeting, Wash., D.C., Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2005.


● "Cross-Cultural Comparison of Menopausal Symptom-Reporting," paper presented at NE Regional Medical Anthropology Conference at McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Apr. 2004.


● "CAM Reactions to Evidence-Based Practice: A Focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine," paper presented at American Anthropological Association meeting in Chicago, IL, Nov. 2003.


● "Negotiating East and West: Chinese in the Montréal Mosaic," paper presented at annual meeting of the Northeastern Anthropological Association in Burlington, VT, Mar. 2003.


● "Cultural Competence Issues in Biomedical Health Care Encounters With Elderly Patients in the US," paper presented at American Anthropological Assoc. meeting, New Orleans, Nov. 2002.


● "Gender, Health and the Lifecycle in China," paper presented at the Asian Health and Healing Symposium, sponsored by the UVM Asian Studies Program, Burlington, VT, Apr. 2001.


● "Chinese Women’s Views of the Generations and of Intergenerational Issues," paper presented at American Anthropological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2000.


● "Controversies Surrounding Romance, Sex, and Marriage Across the Lifecycle in China," paper presented at meeting of the Northeastern Anthropological Association in Queens, NY, Apr. 2000.


● "Chinese Debates Concerning Romance, Sex, and Marriage in Later Life," paper presented in panel on “Genders, Sexualities, Kinship, Lives: Perspectives Through Age,” at American Anthropological Association meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov. 1999.


● "The Medicalization of Menopause and Female Midlife in Mainland China," paper presented in panel on “Consuming Health: Changing Health Care in East Asia,” at American Anthropological Association meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 1996.


● "Chinese Experiences of Menopause, Middle Age, and Midlife Aging in the Transition from a ' Feudal'  to a Socialist Market Economy," paper presented at Transformation of Social Experience in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China Conference, Academica Sinica, Taibei, Aug. 25-30, 1996.


● "Revolutionary Women At Middle Age: Intersections of Culture, History, and the Life Course in Mainland China," paper presented in panel entitled “Culture, History, and the Life Course in East Asia,” at American Anthropological Association meeting, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1995.





oFulbright China Studies Research Award: For ethnographic research project on family caregiving for the elderly in China.  Research Award #1083.  Entitled Family Caregiving for the Elderly in China: Meanings, Experiences, Practices, and Social Dynamics.  To do fieldwork in China during a half sabbatical from January – August 2012.  Host Institution: Sociology Department and Fudan-Harvard Medical Anthropology Research Collaborative at Fudan University in Shanghai.  Grant submission completed in August 2010.  Award letter received April 2011.


oFaculty Sabbatical, University of Vermont: Awarded one semester of half-sabbatical, Spring 2012

and Fall 2008, and a year of sabbatical, 2004-2005.


oAsian Studies Research and Conference Grants, University of Vermont: Awarded $500-$2500 per year from the Freeman Foundation and/or Parimitas Foundation for research on Chinese culture in China and Montréal and presenting at and attending conferences, 1999-2010.


oWriting in the Disciplines Award, University of Vermont: Awarded $750 for research and conference travel and seminar training on

advanced writing pedagogy, Summer 2010.


oHonors College Faculty Neuroscience Seminar Award, University of Vermont: Awarded $450 for research and conference expenses and

invitation to attend interdisciplinary faculty seminar on recent neuroscience research findings, Summer 2010.


oDean’s Fund Awards for Faculty Research, University of Vermont: Awarded $908 for research on women and aging in China, and efficacy and Chinese medicine in Beijing, Summer 2007; $1000 and $2000 for research on Montréal Chinese, Nov. 2002-Nov. 2003 and Jan. – Dec. 2000; $500 to present paper on women and aging at conference in China, Summer 2008; $300 and $350 to present paper at conference on East Asian Medicine in London, April 2007.


oProvost’s Problem-Based Learning Community Award, University of Vermont: Awarded $10,000 for Health Challenges in 21st Century to run seminar with two colleagues on health challenges for students in Anthropology, Political Science, and Economics, Spring 2008.


oCanadian Embassy Faculty Research Grant: $10,000 for research on Chinese in Montréal, cultural identity, lifeycycle issues, and health practices, grant period 2001–03.


oCanadian Studies Awards, University of Vermont: Awarded $1200 through U.S. Dept. of Education for research on Chinese in Montréal, Jul.-Aug. 2002; conference award to attend Canada Seminar on contemporary issues and international relations, in Ottawa, May 2003.


oUniversity Committee on Research and Scholarship Grant, University of Vermont: Awarded $4500 for research on cultural identity, lifecycle and generational issues, and health practices among Chinese population in Montréal, Jul. 2000 – Aug. 2001.


oNovartis Research Grant: Awarded with P. Woolfson and Center for Aging at McGill Univ. $50,000 for intergenerational research and education in Montréal, grant period 1999-2000.


oCenter for Teaching and Learning Awards, University of Vermont: Awarded $250 for teaching enrichment seminar, Fall 2003.  Program

to incorporate web-based research skills, Fall 2002. $1000 for digital documentation of Chinese culture, Jun. 2000-May 2001.  Workshop on

integrating laptop technology, Aug. 2000.  Visual anthro. curriculum grant, Apr. – Jun. 1999. 


oWomen’s Studies Research and Conference Grants, University of Vermont: Awarded $300 by Women's Studies for research and conferences, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.


◦Cora DuBois Dissertation Fellowship, Harvard University: Awarded Sept. 1995– Feb. 1996.


◦National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Award: Awarded in medical anthropology in Depts. of Anthropology and Social Medicine

at Harvard University, Sept. 1994 – Aug.1995.


◦CSCC Graduate Fellowship: Awarded by Committee on Scholarly Communication with China for dissertation research on menopause and midlife aging in Beijing, Jun. 1993 – Aug. 1994. 


◦National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship: For graduate study in Anthropology at Harvard, Sept. 1990 – June 1994; NSF Travel Award for China research, June-Aug. 1992.


◦Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship: For study of Chinese language and culture, Harvard University, Sept. 1992 – June 1993.


◦Mellon Predissertation Award: For preliminary dissertation research, China, June-Aug. 1992.


◦Fulbright Student Fellowship: For graduate study, Beijing University, History Dept. Awarded by Fulbright Commission, Inst. of Intl. Education, and ITT Intl., Aug. 1989 – May 1990.


Turrell Fund Award: Awarded to underprivileged youth for undergraduate education, 1985-89.










Four-five courses taught annually, 1998-2011, including:


Culture, Health and Healing

Psychological Anthropology

Medical Anthropology Seminar

Health Challenges in 21st Century

Foundations of Gerontology

Aging in Cross-Cultural Perspective

Bodies and Lifecycles Seminar

Ethnographic Research Methods

Gender, Sex, and Culture

Gender and Health Freshman Seminar

Intro. Cultural Anthropology

Gender and Lifecourse in Chinese Culture

Chinese Culture and Society

Cultures of East Asia

East Asian Cultures Freshman Seminar

Chinese in the Canadian Mosaic

Anthropology Theory

Senior Seminar in Anthropology

Race and Ethnicity in the United States

Race and Ethnicity: Asians in N. America




Course titles, enrollment, dates, and institutions:


Course (institution, number of students/semester)      Course/dates

Intro. Cultural Anthropology (UVM, 41-91*, 143-180)         Anth 021, 1998*, 1999, 2001, 2002,                  

                                                                                              2003, 2009*, 2010, 2011

Culture, Health and Healing (UVM, 23*, 69-110)                 Anth 196, 2002*, 2004, Anth 174,         

                                                                                              2006, 2008, 2010

Anthropology Theory (UVM, 26-30)                                     Anth 225, 2005, 2006, 2007

Psychological Anthropology (UVM, 33-60)                           Anth 180, 2006, 2007, 2009

Gender, Sex, and Culture (UVM, 40)                                     Anth 172, 2007, 2010

Health Challenges in 21st Century (UVM PBLC, 13)              Anth 174 extra credit, 2008

Aging in Cross-Cultural Perspective (UVM, 20-40)                Anth 189, summer 2011

Foundations of Gerontology (UVM, 5-20)                             HDFS 295, summer 2010, fall 2010

Gender and Health Freshman Seminar (UVM, 17)                 Anth 095, 2006

Medical Anthropology Seminar (UVM, 9-22)                        Anth 296, 1999, 2003

Bodies and Lifecycles Seminar (UVM, 8-10, 6 credits)         Anth 296, 2009, 2011

Chinese Culture and Society (UVM, 35-50)                           Anth 096, 2007, Anth 154, 2009, 2011

East Asian Cultures Freshman Seminar (UVM, 17-27)           Anth 095, 1999, 2003, 2005

Cultures of East Asia (UVM, 29-33)                                      Anth 195, 2001, 2002

Gender and Lifecourse in Chinese Culture (UVM, 16)          Anth 196, 1998

Race and Ethnicity in the United States (UVM, 21-36)          Anth 187, 1998, 1999, 2000

Race and Ethnicity: Asians in N. America (UVM, 50)           Anth 187, 2004

Chinese in the Canadian Mosaic (UVM, 6)                            IS 296, 2001

Ethnographic Research Methods (UVM, 10-15)                     Anth 290, 2001, 2002, 2003

Senior Seminar in Anthropology (UVM, 6-13)                       Anth 296, 1999, 2000

Int. Independent Study in Anthropology (UVM, 1)                Anth 197/8, 2006, 2009

RA/TA Independent Study in Anthro. (UVM, 1-6)               Anth 197/8, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006,  

                                                                                               2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Adv. Independent Study in Anthropology (UVM, 1)             Anth 297-98, 2001, 2007, 2009

Adv. Independent Study in Asian Studies (UVM, 2)              AS 297-98, 2001, 2002, 2009

Anthropology Internship (UVM, 1-2)                                     Anth 201, 2006, 2009, 2010

Women’s Studies Internship (UVM, 1)                                  WGST, 2006

Senior Thesis in Anthropology (UVM, 2)                               Hon 202, 2005-06, 2007-08

Senior Thesis in Global Health IDM (UVM, 2)                      JDHP/IDM, 2006-07

Senior Project Health Promotion IDM (UVM, 1)                    2009-2010

East Asia Junior Tutorial (Harvard, 14)                                  1997-98

Thesis Advisor in Asian Studies (Harvard, 1)                         1996-97

Thesis Advisor in Social Anthropology (Harvard, 2)             1994-96

Culture, Illness, Healing, Head Fellow (Harvard, 195)           1996-97

Culture, Illness, Healing, Teach. Fellow (Harvard, 35)           1996-97

Chinese Family, Teach. Fellow (Harvard, 20-40)                   1991-93

Training Interview/Survey Methods (BJ Med Univ, 9)           1993

Tutor in Chinese Conversation (Dartmouth, 1)                       1989




“Women’s Health in China,” guest lecture and facilitated discussion in Cell to Society seminar, a graduate course offered by the School of Medicine, University of Vermont, April 2010.

“Women’s Health in China,” guest lecture and facilitated discussion in Cell to Society seminar, a graduate course offered by the School of Medicine, University of Vermont, April 30, 2009.

◦“Ethnographic Observations on Women in China,” guest lecture presented to Prof. R. Montgomery’s course on Women’s Health in the School of Nursing, UVM, March 2008.

◦“Women’s Health in Global Perspective,” presented to Prof. R. Montgomery’s course on Women’s Health in the School of Nursing, UVM, April 2007.

◦ “Views of the Body, Health, and Disease in Chinese Medicine,” presented to Prof. D. Blom’s Anthropology course on Ancient Health and Disease, UVM, Feb. 2007.

 ◦"The Notion of 'Experience' in Research on Gender and Aging in China," presented to Prof. K. Trainor's Honors 100 course on experience, UVM, Feb. 2006.

◦"Gender and Health in China," presented to Prof. M. Canales' course nursing course on women's health at the School of Nursing, UVM, Oct. 2005.

◦"Views of the Notion of 'Experience' in Medical and Psychological Anthropology," presented to Prof. K. Trainor's Honors 100 course on experience, at UVM, Feb. 2004.

◦"Menopause in Cross-Cultural Perspective," research lecture to Prof. M. Canales' nursing course on women's health at the School of Nursing, UVM, Nov. 2003.

◦ “Sociocultural Diversity in Vermont,” module presented to students in Vermont Studies 095: Freshman Honors: Who Owns the Past, at UVM, Oct. 27, 29, 31, 2003.

◦"Chinese Women and the Body," presentation to course on cultural construction of the human body taught by Prof. D. Blom at UVM, Apr. 2003.

◦"Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Views of Health and the Body," presentation to Anthropology 21: Human Cultures taught by Prof. J. Dickinson at UVM, Fall 2002.

◦"Children in China," presentation to course on Geographies of Children taught by Prof. C. DeBurlo at UVM, Nov. 2000.

◦"Sociocultural Variation in Feminist Theory: A Focus on Feminism in Chinese Contexts," presented to Women's Studies 273 taught by Prof. R. Kahn, UVM, Apr. 2000.

◦"Cults in East Asia: China`s Falun Gong and Japan's Aum Shinrikyo," Anthropology 177: Crisis Cults and Movements course taught by Prof. S. Pastner at UVM, Oct. 1999.

◦"Chinese Conceptions of the Lifecycle," presented to Anthropology 21: Human Cultures course taught by Michael Sheridan at UVM, Spring 1999.

◦"Gender and Marriage Practices in Chinese Culture," presented to Anthropology 21: Human Cultures course taught by Dr. C. DeBurlo at UVM, Spring 1999.

◦Discussed intellectual and social change in China around 1900, in history course by Prof. R. Horowitz at UVM, Feb. 1999.

◦“Cultural Differences in Representation and Experience of Menopause and Aging: China, Japan, and North America," lecture presented in Culture, Illness, and Healing taught by Prof. A. Kleinman and B. Good at Harvard University, Nov. 1996.

◦"Current Trends in American Anthropology," lecture presented in Chinese to anthropology class in the Sociology Department at Beijing University, Jan. 1994.




◦“Sociocultural Diversity in China,” lectures presented to UVM faculty and staff in preparation for 60 Chinese students coming to study at UVM, Spring 2010 and Fall 2010.

◦“Sociocultural Diversity in China,” presented to high school students attending Governor’s Institute on Asia, June 2003, June 2005, June 2006, June 2007, June 2009 and June 2010.

◦“Chinese Culture and Society” presented to teachers attending National Consortium for Teaching About Asia, sponsored by the Five College Center for East Asia Studies, Montpelier, Vermont, March 28, 2009.

◦“Chinese Minorities in Yunnan Province,” presented to students at Essex High School, March 13, 2008.

◦“Chinese Minorities and the Hui,” presented to Asian Studies Outreach Program, UVM, May 19, 2007.

◦“Chinese History and Culture,” five hour lecture presented to teachers attending the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia, Five College Center for East Asia Studies, Montpelier, Vermont, Jan. 27, 2007.

◦“Issues of Efficacy in Chinese Medicine,” presented to alternative healing student suite, Living and Learning, UVM, April 2006.

◦"Diversity in China," presented to teachers in Asian Studies Outreach Program, June 2005.

◦"China's Multicultural Mosaic," presented to teachers in Asian Studies Outreach Program, July 2003.

◦"Ethnic Minorities and Diversity in China," presented to high school students participating in the Governor's Institute on Asia in Vermont, June 2002. 

◦"Sociocultural Diversity in China: A Focus on Ethnic Minorities," presented to high school students participating in Governor's Institute on Asia in Vermont, June 28, 2001. 

◦"Value Systems and Sociocultural Diversity in China," presented to high school students participating in the Governor's Institute on Asia in Vermont, June 23, 2001.

◦"Sociocultural Diversity in China: A Focus on Regional Variation," presented to school teachers participating in the Asian Studies Outreach Program in Vermont, June 2, 2001.

◦"Economic and Political Effects on East Asia of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks and America's War Against the Taliban," presented to Anthropology Club, UVM, Oct. 2001.

◦"Value Systems in Chinese Culture," presented to high school students participating in the Governor's Institute on Asia in Vermont, Spring 1999.

◦Several lectures on traditional and modern value systems in Chinese culture and cultural and regional diversity in China for Asian Studies Outreach Program, Spring 1999.

◦"Chinese Conceptions of the Lifecycle," presented to high school students participating in the Governor’s Institute on Asia in Vermont, Fall 1998. 

◦"Chinese Debates Over Romance, Sex, and Marriage in Later Life," presented to Anthropology Club at UVM, Feb. 1998.





Advisor to Undergraduates in Anthropology, Health IDMs, etcetera:

◦In Spring 2011, a total of 24 students listed as my advisees on Banner system, including 23 Anthropology majors and 1 student with another major.

◦In Spring 2010, a total of 32 students listed as my advisees on Banner system (Jan. 21, 2010), including 24 Anthropology majors, 1 Asian Studies major, 1 Health IDM, and 6 other students.

◦In Spring 2009, a total of 49 students listed as my advisees on Banner system (Feb. 17, 2009), including:26 Anthropology majors, 16 Asian Studies majors, 1 Health IDM, and 4 other students. 

◦During spring 2009, I also had some additional advising related to directing the Asian Studies Program which had 43 majors and 12 minors and chairing the Asian Languages and Literatures Department which

had 32 Japanese minors and 21 Chinese minors (Banner, Feb. 17, 2009).

◦I also regularly advise students interested in social studies of health, including self-designed health studies majors (global health, international health, public health, alternative healing) and pre-health students with an interest in medical anthropology.

◦TAP freshmen seminar advising: 17 freshmen in 2006, 18 in 2005, 27 in 2003-04, and 17 in 1999-2000.

◦Advising materials on my website at and my blog at




Dissertation Committees:

◦Adam Gonzalez, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, Anxiety sensitivity, mindfulness and HIV-related distress, Department of Psychology, UVM, Spring 2011.

◦Kristin Weibust, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, Effects of Mortality Salience and Perceived Vulnerability on Risky and Preventative Behaviors Related to HIV Infection, Department of Psychology, UVM, Fall 2009-Spring 2010.

◦Janna Linn Fikkan, Committee Member, Ph.D dissertation, individual and social psychology of dieting, Department of Psychology, UVM, Fall 2005-2008.

Vanitha Nair, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, rural health and HIV in Vermont, Department of Psychology, UVM, February 2003-Spring 2005. 

◦Debby King, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, Chinese meditative arts in the professional development of teachers, School of Education, UVM, July 2003-Fall 2004.

◦Jing Qi, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, power relations between expatriate teachers and Chinese supervisors, School of Education, UVM, April 2003-Spring 2004. 

◦Matthew Mishkind, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, organizational culture in business, Department of Psychology, UVM, Spring 2000-October 2001.

◦Annie Farnsworth, Committee Chair, Ph.D dissertation, Chinese youth and their mental health, Department of Psychology, UVM, Fall 2001-Winter 2003. 


Master’s Thesis Committees:

◦Loretta Charles, Committee Chair, M.A. thesis, project on cultural competency comparison of Australian

and Indian students’ journals, School of Nursing, Advisor Ricki Maltby, Spring-Fall 2011.

Siling Zhou, Committee Chair, M.A. thesis, project comparing ancient English and ancient Chinese

poetry, Department of English, UVM, Fall 2007-Spring 2011.

◦Linda Pervier, Committee Member, M.A. thesis, translating a late nineteenth/early twentieth century French serialized novel by a French-Canadian immigrant women in Lowell, MA., Canadian Studies Program, UVM, Fall 2006-Spring 2007.

◦Kristin Weibust, Committee Chair, M.A. thesis, stigma of death surrounding persons with HIV/AIDS, Department of Psychology, UVM, Spring 2006-Spring 2007.

◦Lyn Morgan, Committee Chair, M.A. thesis, menopause and aging among the Abenaki, School of

Nursing, UVM, Fall 1999-Spring 2002.  




Senior Thesis Committees:

◦Paul Chambers, Thesis Advisor, An Exploration of the Roles of  Camp Counselors in Guiding Campers at Summer Camp, Senior Honors Thesis in Anthropology, Spring 2011-Spring 2012.

◦Robert Brenna, Committee Chair, I­Sharing and Face-to-Face Encounters with Objectively Similar and Dissimilar Others, Senior Honors Thesis in Psychology, Spring 2011.

◦Kathryn Mitchell, Faculty Advisor (Co-Mentor), Interventions in Malaria Prevention in Kamuli, Uganda, Distinguished Senior Research Project for Independently Designed Major in Epidemiology and Global Health, CALS, Fall 2010 [student decided to not to revise and resubmit proposal as invited because review committee was requiring quantitative survey research and she wished to do a qualitative study].

Moriah Stokes, Faculty Advisor, Ideas and Applications of Holism Among Alternative Health Promotion Practitioners, Senior Research Project for Independently Designed Major in Alternative Healing and Health Promotion, Fall 2009-Spring 2010.

◦Greta Mattessich, Committee Chair, expressions of Chinese poetry, Asian Studies Program, UVM (Spring 2009).

◦Marie Dardeno, Thesis Advisor, research on HPV infection and stigma amongst U.S. college students, Anthropology Department, UVM (Fall 2007-Spring 2008).

◦Ashley Bunnell, Committee member, research on dysmennorhea and acupuncture, IDM in Health Studies, UVM (Spring 2008).

◦Ari Nesper, Thesis Advisor, neonatal treatment decision-making and ethics, Spring 2007-Fall 2008, IDM in Global Health, UVM, (Spring 2007-Fall 2007).

◦Sadie Richards, Thesis Advisor, health NGOs in Ghana, IDM in Global Health, John Dewey Honors Program, UVM (Fall 2006-Spring 2007).

◦Meg MacDonald, Thesis Advisor, identity and childrearing among Chinese women immigrants to Vermont, Anthropology Department, UVM (Fall 2005-Spring 2006).

Liz Kuttler, Committee Chair, relationship between perceived parental sex attitudes, adolescent’s sexual self-perceptions, and eating behavior, Psychology Department, UVM (Spring 2006).

Ashley Elliott, Committee member, Traditional East Asian Medicine among Vietnamese Immigrants to Vermont, Environmental Studies, UVM (Fall 2005-Spring 2006).

◦Jessica Zilsky, Committee member, study of behavioral habituation, Psychology Department, UVM (Spring 2004).

◦Mackenzie Rand, Committee member, Ethnobotany of Vermont Native Americans, Environmental Studies, UVM (Spring 2004).

◦Beth Moore, Committee member, environmental education in young children, School of Education, UVM (Spring 2003-Spring 2004).

◦Tom Corr, Committee Chair, campus education concerning biased behavior, Psychology Department, UVM (Fall 2002-Spring 2003). 

◦Dan Cassidy, Committee Chair, differential college student receptivity to HIV prevention education with respect to risk behavior, Psychology Department, UVM (2003).

◦Beret Halverson, Committee member, cultural aspects of community gardens, Environmental Studies, UVM (Fall 2001-Summer 2002). 

◦Kate Mathieu, Committee member, amputees in Namibia, Anthropology Department, UVM (Fall 1998).


Other Senior Thesis or Internship or Independent Research Advising:

◦Nikki Kleitzel, independent research on institutionalization of children in Romania, presented at UVM Student Research Conference, April 2011.

◦Casey Sexton, issues of teen pregnancy and childrearing through internship in a local agency and library research, Women’s Studies, UVM (Spring 2006).

◦Allie Moffitt, anthropology internship researching and cataloguing Egyptian vessels at the Fleming Museum, UVM (Spring 2006).

◦Mary MacDonough, anthropology internship in Fleming Museum researching and cataloguing Melanesian and Indonesian cultural artifacts, UVM (Spring 2006).

◦Lila Buckley, pregnant Chinese women in northern China and in Montréal,  Anthropology Department, Middlebury College (April 2003-2004).




Mentor to Research Assistants

◦Trained and mentored numerous undergraduate and post-graduate research assistants through research grants, work study, course credit, and volunteer mentoring experiences, 1998-present.

◦Invited by Ann Kroll Lerner, Undergraduate Research Coordinator at the Honors College at UVM to speak at CUPS workshop on including undergraduates in faculty research, 2011.


Mentor to Teaching Assistants:

◦Trained and mentored numerous undergraduate teaching assistants seeking work study, course credit, and volunteer mentoring experiences, 1999-present.


Advisor to Other Co-Curricular Activities:

◦Advisor to MEDLIFE undergraduate global health group, spring 2008-present.

◦Led several UVM students to Global Health Conference at Yale University (2008, 2010). 

◦Led six UVM students to medical anthropology conference at McGill University (Spring 2004). 

◦Advisor to educational field trip of ten UVM anthropology students from Senior Seminar and Anthropology Club to Northeastern Anthropology Association meetings in Queens, NY; five students presented academic papers, spring 2000.

◦Led Anthropology Club tours of New York City's Chinatown (Spring 2000) and of Montréal's Chinatown (Fall 2000). 

◦Advisor to Asian Cultural Exchange (ACE), a student club promoting Asian cultural activities at UVM together with Asian American Student Union to develop Asia-related campus activities, Sept. 1998-2001.








Academic Affiliations                                            

Anthropology Department                                                                     1998 - present

Asian Studies Program                                                                          1998 – present

Asian Languages and Literatures Department                                        Spring 2009

Women's and Gender Studies Program                                                  1998 - present

ALANA US Ethnic Studies Program                                                     1998 - 2004

Area and International Studies                                                              1998 - present

Center for the Study of Aging/Center on Aging                                     1998 - present

The Graduate College                                                                            1999 - present

Canadian Studies Program                                                                     1999 – present


Institutional Review Board                                                Fall 2009-present

◦Appointed member of Institutional Review Board Human Subjects Committee for Behavioral Sciences at the University of Vermont – attend

monthly IRB meetings, review research protocols, and assist with development of qualitative IRB forms and materials. Full member fall 2009-

spring 2011.  Alternate member fall 2011-present.


Pre-Health Advisory Committee                                      Spring 2011

◦Appointed member of Pre-Health Advisory Committee, which conducts medical school interviews with premed and post-bach. students planning to apply to medical school.  


Delegates Assembly                                                                 Fall 2010-Spring 2011

◦Elected to fill one-year opening on Delegates Assembly, Faculty Union.


Faculty Mentor Program                                                    Fall 2010-present

◦Assigned to serve as Faculty Mentor to new tenure-track faculty member Mildred Beltre in Studio Art.


University Chinese Foreign student program         Fall 2009-Fall 2011

◦Cultural consultant to the Chinese undergraduate foreign student initiative of the International Student Success Task Force at the University of

Vermont slated to matriculate 60 students from China in 2010; gave two public lectures to campus community on sociocultural issues in China

to help in preparations; arranged cultural exchange in Fall 2011 with American students in an anthropology of China course.


Public Health TRI Working Group                                   Fall 2009-Spring 2010

◦Appointed member of Public Health Working Group, Transdisciplinary Research Initiative, Charged by Office of the Provost and President,

University of Vermont.


president's Commission for Racial Diversity            Fall 2005-Spring 2007

◦Appointed by President's Office; addresses issues of diversity at UVM, including the six-credit diversity requirement; member of webpage

faculty recruitment and retention subcommittees, the latter of which conducted and analyzed qualitative interviews with university



Faculty Senate Representative                                        Fall 2006-Spring 2007

◦Elected to represent the Anthropology Department at Faculty Senate meetings.



Aiken Lecture Series China Committee                         Fall 2006-Fall 2007

◦Appointed by Dean to help in generating ideas for conference on the economy, society, health, and environment in China.  Suggested

invitation of keynote speaker Nicholas Kristof.        


Elections and Nominations Committee                        June 1999 - June 2002

◦Elected Member of Elections and Nominations Committee in College of Arts and Sciences, UVM


Service within Anthropology Department               January 1998 - present

◦Departmental Curriculum Committee (1999, Fall 2005-Spr. 2007, 2009-2011). 

◦Member of Faculty Search Committees seeking: anthropologist focusing on food systems (Fall 2010-Spr. 2011), junior archaeologist (Fall 2006-Spr. 2007), and linguistic anthropologist (Fall 2001-Spr. 2002).

◦Department Representative to the faculty union (2002-2004, 2005-2008, 2009-2011). 

◦Chair of Faculty Search for cultural anthropologist/preference for Muslim focus (Fall 2005-Spr. 2006). 

◦Co-organizer of Brown Bag Discussions (Spr. 2010). 

◦RA/TA Practicum Committee Member (Fall 2009). 

◦Coordinator of Internships (Fall 2005-Spr. 2007, 2009) & Independent Studies (Fall 2005-Spr. 2006). 

◦Faculty Senate Representative (Fall 2006-Spr. 2007).

◦Interim Acting Department Chair (July 15-21, 2006).

◦Departmental course evaluation form revision committee (1998).  

◦Took several UVM students to Global Health Conference at Yale University (2008, 2010). 

◦Took six UVM students to medical anthropology conference at McGill University (Spr. 2004). 

◦Led Senior Seminar/Anthropology Club trip to Northeastern Anthropology Association conference in New York at which six UVM students presented papers (April 2000). 

◦Led Anthropology Club tours of New York City's Chinatown (Spring 2000) and of Montréal's Chinatown (Fall 2000). 

◦Participated in some Anthropology Club meetings (1998-2003).  Gave lectures about impacts of 9/11 terrorist attacks on East Asia (Fall 2001) and on Chinese Sexuality in Later Life (1998). 


Service within Asian Studies Program                          January 1998 - present

◦Director of Asian Studies (January –June 2009, June 2007-June 2008). 

◦Asian Studies Program curriculum committee member (Spr.2008). 

◦Japanese language faculty search committee member (April 2007-Spr. 2008). 

◦Assisting with NEAAS conference hosted by UVM (Summer-Fall 2010).

◦Arranged cultural exchange between international students from China and American undergraduates in Anth 152: Chinese Culture and Society course.

◦Arranged campus visit, lecture, and film screening by Professor Maris Gillette (Fall 2011).

◦Served on faculty research funding committee with Professor Peter Seybolt and helped to develop Asian Studies research colloquium series (1999). 

◦Gave numerous lectures for Asian Studies Outreach Program to Vermont school teachers (1998-present) and for the Governor's Institute on Asia (1998-present).

◦Served as cultural advisor/translator for UVM Outreach educational tours for Vermont teachers of Montréal's Chinatown (September 2003) and Beijing, Hohot, and Qufu, China (June-July 2000).  

◦Advisor to student club the Asian Cultural Exchange (1999-2001) which sponsors cultural activites such as taiqi demonstrations and cooking workshops.


Service within Asian Languages Department           Fall 2008 - Spring 2009

◦Acting Chair of Asian Languages and Literatures Department (January - June 2009).  

◦June Orientation Advising Sessions (June 2009). 

◦Japanese language faculty search committee member (April 2007-Spr. 2008).


Service in Interdisciplinary health studies             Fall 2000-Present

◦Pre-Health Advisory Committee, interviewed ten premed students and participated in committee evaluation of eighty candidates, Spring 2011.

Faculty Advisor to university student club, Medlife, an undergraduate global health interest group which does service learning on spring

break, Spring 2008-present.

◦Public Health Working Group Member, Transdisciplinary Research Initiative, Appointed by Office of

the Provost and President, University of Vermont, Fall 2009.

◦Advising individually designed majors in social studies of health. 

◦Arranged in conjunction with the Anthro. Dept. and Asian Studies  Lintilhac Lecture Series to bring Dr. Arthur Kleinman of Harvard

University to UVM to lecture on medical anthropology, global health, and health and healing in Asia, April 2008,

◦Co-wrote successful Marsh Professor proposal in Fall 2007 to bring Berkeley anthropologist Professor Nancy Scheper-Hughes to UVM to

lecture on her research in medical anthropology, March 24-28, 2008.

◦Co-organizer, Problem-Based Learning Cmty, Health Challenges in 21st Century, Fall 2007-Spring 2008.

◦Presented on social and cultural issues in health to Interdisciplinary Cell-to-Society Seminar, 2007, 2009.

◦Exploration with UVM students and faculty of possibilities for a future major or concentration in health, society, and culture, public health, and global health. 

◦Compiled list of UVM faculty and students interested in interdisciplinary approaches health, healing, and health care for Trans-Collegial

Committee on Health, the Clinical and Translational Science Center, and Individually Designed Majors Program, 2007. 

◦Organized Asian Health and Healing Symposium, a conference bringing together international, national, and local researchers and practitioners on Asian forms of health and healing or health, healing, and health care in Asia; speakers from Indonesia, NYC, Boston, San Francisco, and VT, April 2001.

◦Organized Interdisciplinary Health Colloquium, with monthly lectures on sociocultural aspects of health and healing by researchers and

practitioners from Burlington area; speakers from Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Family Practice, Nursing, Center for Health and

Well-Being, and community midwifery, September 2000 - May 2001.


Service within Women's Studies Program                   January 1998 - present

◦Member of Women’s Studies Faculty Search Steering Committee conducting an external search for a new Director of Women’s Studies, Fall 2007-Spring 2008.

◦Invited to serve on women's studies curriculum committee (Fall 1998-Summer 2001).

◦Gave talk on gender and aging in China to Women's Studies Lecture series (Spring 1998).

◦Participated in Faculty Women's Caucus meetings (Fall 1999-2004, 2011).


Service within Canadian Studies Program                 December 1999-present

◦Member of Search Committee for Director of Canadian Studies appointed by Dean to elicit feedback from program faculty and students and

make recommendations  (Fall 2005). 

◦Contributed lectures on sociocultural diversity in Montréal and on Chinese in the Canadian Mosaic to Continuing Education seminars offered

during summer by Canadian Studies (2000, 2001) and gave lecture on Stereotypes of Chinese People in Montréal in Fall Institute on Biased

Behavior (2001, 2005). 


Service within Area and International Studies     Fall 1998-present

◦Participating in Executive Council meetings (2007-09).  Director of Asian Studies (2009). Interim Director of Asian Studies (2007-2008). 

◦Gave talk on “Culture, Language and Identity Among Montréal Chinese” (December 2003) and the “Effects of Economic Reform on Health and Health Care” (Fall 1999) to International and Area Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series.


Service within freshman honors program                Fall 2003

◦Invited to give instruction on diversity in Vermont during the last week of October 2003 in module coordinated by Deborah Blom, entitled Who Owns the Past. 

◦Organized screening of Vermont film, Nosey Parker, and discussion of representations of Vermont with director, John O'Brien, and Frank Bryan, Prof. of Vermont Studies.  Part of freshman enrichment course Vermont Studies 095.




◦Emcee for Chinese language and culture performances, Vermont Chinese School Chinese New Year Celebration, South Burlington Middle School, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.

◦Gave lectures on Chinese culture to students in Governor’s Institute on Asia, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011.

◦Lectures on Chinese cultural diversity, geography, cuisine, gender issues, and ethnic minorities to NCTA

seminar on Chinese culture for K-12 teachers, Montpelier, Jan.2007, Mar. 2009.

◦Guest lecture on minorities in Yunnan, China, Essex High School, March 13, 2008.

◦Cultural advisor to University of Vermont's Asian Outreach educational trip to visit the Chinese community in Montréal, Sept. 2003.

◦Provided feedback to UVM researcher, Paul Turner, on data collection in pilot study of techniques for patient-provider communication concerning asthma, Summer 2003.

◦Provided editing advice on research report on exodus of Chinese youth from Montréal to Christian Samfat, Exec. Director, Chinese Neighborhood Society, Montréal, Dec. 2002.

◦Invited discussant for new immigrant seminar on Adjusting to the Customs of Everyday Life in Montréal at Chinese Family Services in Montréal by Claude Jinbin He, June 2002.

◦Gave lectures in seminar on sociocultural diversity in Montréal to teachers in Canadian Studies Outreach program in Montréal, Quebec, July 2000-2001.

◦Gave numerous lectures on Chinese culture to K-12 educators in Asia Outreach Program UVM, and to students in Governor’s Institute on Asia Program, 1998-present.

◦Provided cultural/historical instruction and Chinese translation for Vermont educators on an Asian Studies Outreach Program to Beijing, Hohot, and Qufu, China, June-July 2000.

◦Presented “Ethnic and Sociocultural Diversity in China” talk to teachers and students participating in youth exchange with China, Leland and Gray Middle School, Jan. 2000.





◦Invited peer reviewer of submissions to scholarly journals, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry and Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, Fall 2002-present, Maturitas: The European Menopause Journal, Fall 2005-present, Modern China, Spring 2006-present, Social Science and Medicine, Summer 2006-present, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Summer 2006-present, Urban Anthropology, Spring 2007-present, Chinese Medicine, Spring 2007-present, China Perspectives, Spring 2008-present, and Medical Anthropology, 2010-present. 

◦Invited peer reviewer of grant proposals submitted to National Science Foundation, Fall 2008. 

◦Contributed feedback on revision of new edition of Charles Lindholm’s textbook, Culture and Identity, acknowledged in preface, Spring-Summer 2006.



◦Organizer and Chair of panel on Circulating Health: East Asian Interactions With Transnational Medicine, proposed to American Anthropological Association (AAA) conference, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 17-21, 2010.

◦Chair of panel on Ritual and Performance in China and Taiwan, Northeastern Association for Asian Studies (NEAAS) conference, Burlington, Vermont, Nov. 6, 2010.

◦Co-organizer of accepted panel “Reconfiguring the Body/Self,” with Michelle Ramirez, for American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA, Fall 2006.

 ◦Invited discussant on papers presented in panel on socioeconomic inequality and household strategies at an international conference in honor of the late Dean Joan Smith, at UVM, November 2006.

◦Invited discussant for panel Reconfiguring Masculinities in Post-Colonial Cities: Linking the Past to the Present chaired by Tiantian Zheng, with co-discussant Anne Allison, American Anthropological Association conference, Washington, D.C., Fall 2005.

◦Chaired China and Tibet session at Northeastern Anthropological Association Conference, Burlington, VT, Spring 2003.

◦Organized/chaired panel on "Culture, History, and the Life Course in East Asia," with discussants Charlotte Ikels and Susan Long at Am. Anthro. Assoc. Mtg., Nov. 1995.



◦Contributed moderated blog entry to AAA Ethics Task Force Blog concerning Draft Informed Consent Principle of the Code of Ethics of American Anthropological Association,, Spring 2011.



◦Qualitative research mentor to Prof. Cristina Melvin, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, UVM, sabbatical project on hospice in Australia, Spring 2006-Summer 2007.



◦Development of grant for intergenerational project, planning research on ethnic diversity and aging in Montréal, and participation in committee meetings in Montréal, Fall 1998-2003.



American Anthropological Association (AAA)                            Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA)

Clinically Applied Medical Anthropology (CAMA)                    Society for Psychological Anthropology (SPA)

American Ethnological Society (AES)                                           Association for Feminist Anthropology (AFA)

East Asian Interest Group (EAIG of the AAA)                            NE Anthropological Association (NEAA, 2000-2003)

Association for Asian Studies (AAS)                                             New Engl. Assoc. for Asian Studies (NEAAS, 1999)

Aging Special Interest Group (ASIG of the AAA)                       American Association for Gerontology (AAGE)

Chinese Women’s Studies Association (CWSA)                         Intl. Assoc..Study of Trad. Asian Med. (IASTAM, 2007-2008)

McGill Center for Study of Aging (1998-2003)                           Assoc. Francophone pour le Savoir (Acfas, 2002-03) 



American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Montreal, QC                                                 November 2011

Cultural Awareness Day, Medical School, Burlington, VT                                                        May 4, 2011

Association for Asian Studies Conference, Honolulu, HI                                                         Mar. 30-April 4, 2011

From Social Suffering to Caregiving, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA                          Mar. 4, 2011

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, New Orleans, LA                                           Nov. 17-21, 2010

New England Association for Asian Studies Conference, Burlington, VT                              Nov. 6, 2010

Global Health Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT                                                  Apr. 17-18, 2010

Gerontology Conference, Burlington, Vermont                                                                           Apr. 16, 2010

Center on Aging Research Day, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT                                Mar. 23, 2010

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Philadelphia, PA                                            Dec. 2-6, 2009

Society for Medical Anthropology Conference, Yale University                                             Sept. 24-27, 2009

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, San Francisco, CA                                        Nov. 19-23, 2008

Yunnan Health & Development Research Assoc. Meeting, Kunming, China                       Jul. 19, 2008

ICAES International Anthropology Conference, Kunming, China (mtg. cancelled)           Jul. 16-23, 2008

Harvard Yenching Conference on Development in China, Cambridge, MA                        Apr. 25-26, 2008

Global Health Conference, Yale University                                                                                 Apr. 12-13, 2008

Golden Mountain: China & Canada Interconnected, McCord Museum, Montreal            Nov. 2, 2007

New Departures in Cultural Study of Medical Anthro, Fudan U, Shanghai                           Oct. 20-24, 2007

Cell to Society Interdisciplinary Seminar, Burlington, VT                                                         Oct. 4-5, 2007

International Conference on Chinese Sexualities, Renmin University, Beijing                     Jun. 18-20, 2007

Global Health Conference, St. Michael’s College, Winooski, VT                                            Apr. 26, 2007

Integrating Chinese Medicine Into W. Health Care, U of Westminster, London                  Apr. 19-22, 2007

Association for Asian Studies Conference, Boston, MA                                                           Mar. 22-25, 2007

Translating Identities Conference, Burlington, VT                                                                     Feb. 24, 2007

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, San Jose, CA                                                  Nov. 15-19, 2006

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Washington, DC                                            Nov. 2005

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, San Francisco (mtg. cancelled)                   Fall 2004

Northeastern Medical Anthropology Conference, Montréal, PQ                                             Spr. 2004

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Chicago, IL                                                    Nov. 2003

Canada Seminar: The Changing Map of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada                      May 2003

Cultural Awareness Day, Medical School, Burlington, VT                                                        Apr. 2003

Northeastern Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Burlington, VT                                         Mar. 2003

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, New Orleans, LA                                           Nov. 2002

Association Francophone pour le Savoir Conference, Quebec City, PQ                                May 2002

Cultural Awareness Day, Medical School, Burlington, VT                                                        May 2002

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Washington, DC                                            Nov. 2001

Cultural Awareness Day, Medical School, Burlington, VT                                                        May 2001

Asian Health and Healing Symposium, Burlington, VT                                                            Apr. 2001

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, San Francisco, CA                                        Nov. 2000

International Congress on Asian Studies, Montréal, Quebec                                                    Aug. 2000

Northeastern Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Queens NY                                                Apr. 2000

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Chicago, IL                                                    Nov. 1999

Abenaki Conference, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT                                                  Nov. 1999

New England Asian Studies Assoc. Conference, New Haven, CT                                           Oct. 1999

Association for Asian Studies Conference, Boston, MA                                                           Mar. 1999

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Philadelphia, PA                                            Dec. 1998

New England Asian Studies Assoc. Conference, Boston, MA                                                  Oct. 1998

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, San Francisco, CA                                        Nov. 1996

Medical Anthropology of Chinese Societies, Taibei, Taiwan                                                   Aug. 1996

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Atlanta, GA                                                    Nov. 1995

American Anthropological Assoc. Conference, Washington, DC                                            Nov. 1994