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A How-to Guide for Web Junkies
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Taylor's Dynamic HTML Tutorial - Day 1
9 Mar 1998 Dynamic HTML is how Netscape's and Microsoft's 4.0 browsers are pushing the Web to new limits. In the first of five parts, Taylor looks at what dHTML is all about and what skills you need to code for it.

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Netscape Bares All!
2 Mar 1998 Are Netscape's plans to release its Navigator source code a game-winning play? Jeffrey takes a look.
Web Design
Cutting-edge style

Reference and tutorials

Dynamic HTML
Build interactive pages

Take control of your design

Graphics and Fonts
Production tips and tricks

Audio, video, and Shockwave

Cross-platform coverage

Writing cross-platform code

Learn the language

Server-side scripting

CGIs, servers, and security



All about HTML Email
26 Feb 1998 You got your Web page in my email! You got your email in my ... HTML email lets you send mail that gets viewed as a Web page. Carter tells you what it is and how to use it.

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Tune Up Your Browser

Learn HTML in Minutes

Web workers of the world unite!

Master Web Development at the Seybold/Wired Web Publisher Conference,
March 16 to 20 in New York City.

Web Development Tutorials will be powered by Webmonkey.
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Developer Headlines from Wired News

Wintel's Unix-Stopping Plan
13:58 PST, 6 March 98 At the center of the Microsoft-Intel push for the workstation market are graphics, graphics, graphics. Intel thinks it has found the way to challenge Unix-based workstations in the area of high-end graphics for computer-aided design work.

Hackers: We Fight Pedophiles, Not Pentagon
12:11 PST, 6 March 98 Two of the three teenagers implicated in recent attacks on unclassified military computer networks are members of an international online organization calling itself Enforcers. Members of the group came forward Thursday night to defend their colleagues and their actions - which they say have more to do with fighting kiddie porn than wreaking havoc on government Web servers.

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