Lecture A: Tuesday  12:30 - 1:45 CODE 10833, Lafayette Building, Rm. 108
Lecture B: Thursday 12:30 - 1:45 CODE 10840, Lafayette Building, Rm. 108

CDAE 85 LAB SCHEDULE:  All students are REQUIRED to attend one 2-hour lab per week during the semester.  The nine lab are listed below.

Lab Schedule:
Lab Section Day Time Place
A01 10844 Monday 2:30 - 4:30 113 Q Waterman 
A02 10845 Tuesday 9:25 - 11:30 005 Morrill
A03 10847 Tuesday 2:00 - 4:00 113 Q Waterman
A04 10850 Wednesday 9:05 - 11:00 113 Q Waterman
A05 10853 Wednesday 2:30 - 4:30 005 Morrill
A06 10856 Thursday 9:25 - 11:30 113 Q Waterman 
A07 10860 Thursday 2:00 - 4:00  005 Morrill
A08 10872 Friday 9:05 - 11:00 113 Q Waterman
A09 10880 Friday 2:30 - 4:30 005 Morrill 

Continuing Education:  Tuesday 5:30-8:30 pm Lecture and Lab: CODE 10005,
Room 005 Morrill Hall: Microcomputer Lab. Instructor: Jonathan Leonard.
Jonathan Leonard Thomas Patterson Jill Winnick Nancy Wood Gemma Scallon
208H Morrill Hall 208D 27
Loomis Street Apartment #5
004 Morrill Hall 58 Buell Street Apartment #3
656-2979 656-0042 862-9018 656-8289 658-5084
Home: 434-3787 (Call before 9pm) Home: 658-7496 Home: 425-3507 (Call before 9pm)
Office: 8:15-10:15 Tuesdays Office: 8:30-10:30 Thursdays By appointment Tues12:30-1:30,
11:00-12:00 Thurs
By Appointment

GENERAL COURSE GOAL: To prepare students with a solid foundation of computer skills and knowledge to enable them to use current and future software and hardware.

SPECIFIC COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon satisfactory completion of CDAE 85, students will:
1.  Become familiar with computer hardware and types of computers.
2.  Understand the role of Operating Systems and demonstrate knowledge of UNIX, and Windows95/98.
3.  Understand, detect and eliminate Computer Viruses.
4.  Demonstrate proficiency with electronic communication: e-mail, signature files, listservs, messenger, and Chat.
5.  Understand the role of programming languages and be able to write a simple program.
6.  Demonstrate proficiency in word processing applications.
7.  Demonstrate proficiency in spreadsheet and graphics applications.
8.  Understand and demonstrate how to present and interpret data in graphic form.
9.  Explore, find, and report on useful data from the Internet.
10.  Create World Wide Web Pages.
11.  Understand the history and legacy of computing.
12.  Appreciate the utility, benefit and limitations of computers.
13.  Increase writing skills.

Required Text:

Discovering Computers 2000: Concepts for a Connected World, 1999, by Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Misty E. Vermaat, and Tim J. Walker.  Course Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142,  ISBN 0-7895-4618-3.

 One copy of the text is available for 2-hour loan from the Reserve Desk at the Bailey-Howe Library.

GRADE POLICIES: The following categories contribute to your course grade as weighted below:

Grade Policies:
Three Exams  (2 in class, 1 Final) 35%
Computer Lab Assignments 60%
Attendance, Participation & Attitude 5%
TOTAL= 100%
Optional Term paper/project   extra credit 10%

AUDITS:  Persons wishing credit for auditing the class are required to attend at least 9 of the 14 lectures and labs.

Exams will cover material from the reading assignments as well as discussion in lecture, and material from lab.  The format of the exams will be multiple choice.  You must be on time for exams.  If you are late for exams, you will lose points.  See Lecture Syllabus for schedule.

Exam Reschedule or Make Up Policy: Any requests to take the exam at other than the scheduled time must be discussed with Jonathan Leonard at least one week prior to the exam. Only in the case of medical emergency, death in the family, or other extreme circumstance are missed exams excused and re-taken.  In such extreme circumstances you are to notify Jonathan Leonard within 48 hours of the event.

Computer Lab Assignments vary in point value; the Final Lab Project is worth 150 points, the other assignments vary from 10 to 30 points each.  Exceptionally creative work may earn a grade above the point value of the assignment.  Lab assignments should be stapled together and handed in at the beginning of scheduled lab time.  YOUR NAME AND LAB SECTION MUST APPEAR ON ALL ASSIGNMENTS.  You may re-submit assignments for re-grading WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF THE DUE DATE (not accepted later); please include your old, already graded assignment, along with the re-done work.  The sooner you re-submit, the more generous your lab instructor will be in re-grading.
Save your graded homework assignments until February 2000 in a pocket folder.

 LATE PENALTY:  10% off the value of the assignment per week, up to two weeks from the due date.  If the assignment is any later, NO CREDIT.

Attendance, Participation and Attitude:  Five percent of your grade is determined by attendance, class participation (how you contributed to the class), and your attitude.  In order to earn full credit you must attend all the lectures and labs and contribute to the class in a positive way by helping other students and participating in class discussions.  Unexcused absences will result in a deduction of 1 % of your course grade per unexcused absence.  Absences are excused only in cases of sickness (Physician's note), death in the family, or other extreme circumstances.  If you are absent, you should notify your lecture and lab instructor within 24 hours.

Optional Term Paper or Project of at least ten typed, double spaced pages can be elected for extra credit of up to 10% of your grade in addition to what you have earned in the course.  The term paper must be on a computer-related topic approved by Jonathan Leonard and cannot be for another class.  You must cite references in the text for any information that is not common knowledge.  Or, you may use computer software to complete a project that is approved by Jonathan Leonard.  Draft of Term Paper or Project due Friday March 17th, 4 pm. Term Paper or Project due Friday, 28 April 2000 at 4 pm.  You may not hand in this extra credit assignment if you miss the draft deadline of Friday March 17th.

It is expected that you will help your fellow students with techniques of computer use, but always hand in original work.  For example, if the assignment for the week was to write a 3-page paper, you are expected to help students who are not as familiar as you with the use of the word processor, i.e. how to re-format the page, re-arrange paragraphs, delete words, check the spelling, etc..  This does not mean that you can copy work or take it off the Internet without crediting it to the original source.  ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO HAND IN THEIR OWN ORIGINAL WORK.  Students have been severely penalized in the past for not following these instructions.

Students may use the labs whenever there are no scheduled classes or workshops.  Schedules are posted on lab doors.  Morrill Hall Lab schedule is distributed in lecture every month.

LAB ROOM HOURS (Unless posted otherwise): 005 Morrill: Check the following Web Pages

Waterman 113: Monday - Thursday   8 am - 11:45 pm
          Friday ...........…………………..8 am - 5:45 pm
          Saturday .......…………………..12 noon - 5:45 pm
          Sunday .........…………………...12 noon - 11:45 pm

LAB HELP POLICY:  There will be some lab assistant help available in the lab during most hours.  Lab assistants may not be able to help you with all your problems with the course.  When not in a formal lab, you will be expected to rely on classmates, software manuals, class notes, online help, and lab assistants when available.  If you need extra help, make an appointment with your lab instructor.  Formal tutoring may be available.

WORK LOAD TO EXPECT:  In order to complete the work in this class you can expect to spend (on average) 6-10 hours per week OUTSIDE OF CLASS AND FORMAL LAB TIME studying and working in lab on CDAE 85 assignments.

SOFTWARE USE POLICY:  It is illegal to use the software available in the computer labs outside of the labs.  The University of Vermont offers the use of this software in the lab under the copyright agreements of the software companies who own the software.  The University of Vermont and the computer labs do not own the software.  The use of the software is licensed.  Therefore, it is illegal to copy, distribute, sell, or loan copies of the software or manuals, or to use the software or manuals outside of the computer labs.

You don't have to be a "rocket scientist" or "computer wiz" to do well in this class.  This is a course where you will do well if you go to class, follow instructions, do all your lab assignments on time and spend time reading and studying.

There will almost always be a rush on the computers the last few days before a major assignment is due.  This would be true unless we had a computer for every person in the course.  Plan ahead.  Use the lab in the off times, arrive early to be assured of a machine when the lab opens.  Don't wait to the last minute for completing an assignment.  If you have a job or other commitments outside of regular school work or a heavy course load be sure your work hours allow enough time to complete your assignments.

The instructions on how to complete lab assignments will be given in the formal labs.  It is your responsibility to take notes during formal lab time and make sure you understand how to complete the assignments.  Part of the learning experience in this class is using the software manuals and fellow students as references.  Although some of the Lab Assistants will be able to help, they will not be able to help you at all times; they will not do the assignments for you.

This course is designed not only to give you experience on the PC, but also to teach you computing concepts so you will be able to work through any software on any personal computer and many servers and host computers.
Week / TOPIC READING IN Discovering Computing:
1. Intro to the course, Timeline 1
    OS Video 1
Chapter 1
2.   Timeline 2
      Anatomy of a Personal Computer
      Types of Computers
      OS Video 2
Chapters 3, 6, 8
3. Anatomy of the PC
    Units of Memory & Storage
     History of the Internet Video
Chapters 3, 6, 8
4. Exam Prep
    Memory & Storage
    Class Computer OS exercise
    Why study computers?
    History of the Internet Video
5.  EXAM  #1 February 15 or 17 February 15 or 17
6.  Programming Languages & BinaryNumbers, 
     Why compute?  Privacy Video
Chapter 12
7.  What is byte?  ASCII, Security.
      Software Licenses, Internet History Video
Chapter 2, 14 How Hackers Break In  Sci. Am. October 1998. 
Note: No Lecture March 7 or 9, Town Meeting Recess. Labs will Meet. Note: No Lecture March 7 or 9, Town Meeting Recess.  Labs will Meet.
8.   The Web, Protocols, Error checking, Physical 
      Media: Cables and Wires,.
Chapter 7, 9. 
Note: Spring Break March 20-24, no classes Note: Spring Break March 20-24, no classes
9.   Satellite Imaging, Error checking, Image
Voyager II article, Sci. Am. Nov. 1986
10. EXAM #2     April 4 or 6 April 4 or 6
11.  Buying a computer: pointing devices, monitors Chapters 4,5
12.  Buying a computer: System Unit
       Network computers
Chapters 10, 11
13. Security and Risks
      Giant Brains video
      Putting computing in perspective: History
FINAL EXAM: TUE MAY 9 High Noon, Gym Indoor Tennis Courts


Week Starting -------------> 31 Jan 7 Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28 Feb 6 Mar 13 Mar 27 Mar 3 April 10 April
Lab 1/dir Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 2/email Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 3/Basic Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 4/Resume Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 5/Spreadsheet Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 6/PowerPoint Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 7/Web 1 Due -10% -20%/redo
Lab 8/Web 2 Due -10% -20%/redo


Friday March 17th, 4 pm Draft of Extra Credit Term Paper or Project due.

Friday 21 April (4 pm): EARLY HAND IN FOR FINAL LAB PROJECT, 10% EXTRA BONUS  POINTS.  If later than 4pm, no bonus.

Friday 28 April :  FINAL LAB PROJECT DUE, 4pm
  5% OFF, LATE PENALTY PER DAY Including Saturday and Sunday!

Friday, 5 May: ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for all late projects (35% off).  Projects will not be accepted after 4pm.

Other courses you may wish to take after CDAE 85:

Internet Applications for Agriculture and Life Sciences, CDAE 195, Summer 2000, Taught by Jonathan Leonard.
World Food Population and Sustainable Development, CDAE 002
Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD), CDAE 101
Research Methods for Applied Economists, CDAE 250
Advanced Computer Aided Drawing and Design, CDAE 195

Spring 2000 CDAE 85 Lab Schedule
January 24 Learn elementary components of the Personal Computer.  Using the Operating
System learn elementary Windows95 commands including how to FORMAT diskettes, Create Folders and COPY files from the Hard disk to the diskette, and BACKUP your diskette.  Learn to use the text editor notepad/wordpad. Due next Week: 1. Printout of your diskette directory, 2. Printout of the text file you created explaining your previous computer experience and what you want to get out of CDAE85. 3. Sign up for an AOL Instant Messenger account.
January 31  [DUE: PRINT OUT OF YOUR WORKING DISKETTE DIRECTORY & TEXT FILE, AOL Messenger Account in-lab check (20 points)]
Learn how to connect to ZOO via telnet software and send electronic mail (E-mail) with pine and Eudora.  Install and set up the Eudora e-mail client.  Use AOL instant messenger service.  Learn how to locate Information on the Web with a browser, and use search engines. Learn to copy a text file from your instructor’s zoo account; edit it, and insert it in an e-mail message.  Due next week: Download QBASIC.EXE to your working disk, and: Send an e-mail message including 1. The file copied from your lab instructor’s account where you have filled in the blank spaces, 2.  Your signature file, and 3. Describe to your lab instructor what you found on the Internet (at least a paragraph) and how to reach the data (include the URL).
February 7  [DUE: E-MAIL TO YOUR LAB INSTRUCTOR, QBASIC lab-check (20 points)]
Learn to create a graphics program using QBASIC programming language.  Create your own program that tells a story in pictures.  Due Next Week:  a diskette with your source code (write your name, lab section (day & time), and the name of the program file on the diskette).
February 14   [DUE: DISKETTE WITH BASIC PROGRAM (30 points)]  Learn Antivirus
software.  Learn MS-Word 97 for windows.  Create  your resume in the format given in the Lab Notebook.  Print your resume on a letter quality printer.  Upload your resume and e-mail it to your lab instructor.  Due next Week:  Hard copy of your resume (20 points) and your resume e-mailed (10 points).
February 21 (Monday Lab students attend
a different lab just for this week)
 [DUE: RESUME hard copy (20 points) & e-mail Resume (10 points]
Learn to create an Excel 97 spreadsheet with approximately 300 cells (30 rows X 10 Columns, or 10 rows X 30 Columns).  Due next Week:  2 Hard copies: 1. Spreadsheet display and 2. Spreadsheet showing Formulas.  3. Appropriate graph of some of the data from the spreadsheet.
February 28  [DUE: SPREADSHEETS & Graph (30 points)]
Learn to import the spreadsheet table and chart into Word 97.  Learn how to create a title page using MS-PowerPoint.  Due next Week: PowerPoint title page, a Printout from the word processor that contains: spreadsheet Table, Graph, and a discussion about the graph. Also you need to include had in a photocopy of the original data.
March 6 (Labs meet Tuesday March 7) [DUE: PowerPoint Title Page.   Spreadsheet, graph & discussion integrated and printed from a Word Processor (30 points)
On the Web, find the documents that explain how to create your own HTML documents (Web Pages).  Learn to set up your own home page.  Due next Week: A print out of your home page including the Zoo URL (http:// address) and the html source code.
March 13  [DUE: A print out of your home page and html source code.  Include the
zoo URL (http:// address). (30 points)]
Create a new web page.  Learn to set up hyperlinks to other URLs and include pictures in your new web page.  Due next week: A print out of your new Web page including the Zoo URL (http:// address) and the html source code.
March 20 Spring Break, no classes
March 27  [DUE: A print out of your new Web page and html source code.  Include the zoo URL (http:// address). (30 points)]
Introduction to the FINAL LAB PROJECT:  View the web page of instructions given to you by your lab instructor.  Read the instructions carefully.  You may wish to print them.  FINAL LAB PROJECT DUE, April 28, Friday (4 pm)
April 2 Graph details, pitfalls of project.  Work on Project.
April 10 Work on Project.
April 17 Work on Project
BONUS POINTS. (Final Lab Project Worth 150 Points)
Friday May 5, 4pm ABSOLUTE DEADLINE! All late projects due (with -35% late penalty).   Work will not be accepted after 4pm.

 Lab Table of Contents