CDAE 85 Spring 1999 Final Exam

Fill in the letter circle on the answer sheet that best answers each question.  Use pencil only.  50 questions, 2-
points each.

1. In lecture Jonathan Leonard talked about modems and how the POTS telephone system was designed to 
transmit tones between 50 and 3000 cycles per second (tones no higher than 3000 Hertz).  He also 
mentioned that the early modems used only 2 tones, one for the 1-bit, and another for the 0-bit.  These 
early modems transmitted at 2400 bits per second.  It was also explained how newer modems used more 
tones, each coding for more than one bit.  For example, using four tones the modem could send twice as 
much data.  The first tone would code for 00, the second for 01, the third for 10, and the fourth for 11.  So, 
even though the there are now still 2400 tones sent per second, the actual speed of data transfer is 4800 
bits per second.  Using this same logic, which of the following is the number of different tones that would 
have to be used for a modern modem that can transmit at least 56K bits per second?
A) 32
B) 64
C) 128
D) 256
E) 512

2. Imagine you want to create a new web page on zoo using zoo's text editor.  You are in one of the computer 
labs.  You turn on the PC.  Which of the following software do you use to connect to zoo to begin creating 
your web page?
A) Telnet terminal
B) Netscape Navigator
C) Netscape Communicator
D) MS Internet Explorer
E) Unix (AIX)

3. Following along from the previous question.  You log in to zoo with your username and password.  The 
prompt reads either> or just zoo>.  At this point what operating system software 
are you using on zoo?
B) Pine
C) Pico
D) Windows95
E) Unix (Aix)

4. Following along from the previous question.  Imagine now you decide to switch into the directory that has 
all of your web files.  Which of the following commands do you use?
A) cd public_html
B) cd ..
C) pico public_html
D) chmod web
E) public_html

5. Following along from the previous question.  You want to see what files are in the directory you are 
currently in.  Which of the following commands will show you the file names and extensions?
A) ls
B) pwd
C) chmod *.*
D) pine
E) dir /w

6. Following along from the previous question.  You discover that you are in fact in the directory with all 
your web files.  You decide now to create a new file with zoo's operating system's editor.  Which of the 
following do you use (like we used in lab)?
A) pine
B) notepad
C) Word
D) Emacs
E) pico

7. Following along from the previous question.  You have opened the editor and are now beginning to type 
in the first tags of the web page in a file called TESTPAGE.HTML.  According to what we did in lab, 
which of the following is the first tag you should put in?
B) <H1>
C) <A HREF=picture.gif>

8. Following along from the previous question.  You have created your first draft of the web page using zoo's 
editor, but you still need to save it and test it.  Which of the following commands do you use to save the 
TESTPAGE.HTML file you just created?
A) Pull down the file menu and save the file as an html file.
B) Ctrl-X, Y, enter
C) Alt-Print Screen
D) Click on the small icon of a diskette
E) Shift-Alt-Delete

9. Following along from the previous question. You now have saved your TESTPAGE.HTML file.  Assume 
the HTML tags are correct, and that the page has no HTML errors.  Now you need to view the page with a 
browser.  Which of the following software is a browser that you can use to see your page?
A) Telnet
B) Pine
C) Netscape Navigator
E) Unix (AIX)

10. Following along from the previous question.  You open the browser.  Which of the following is closest to 
the URL you enter into the Location: box in the browser?
B) C:\My Programs\Netscape\Navigator\TESTPAGE.HTML
D) /./uvm/fs/racka4/u/ugrads/yourid/public_html

11. Following along from the previous question.  You type in the correct URL in the browser and suddenly 
the Forbidden error message appears on the screen.  Which of the following best explains what 
A) Your html file was uploaded into your home directory instead of in your public_html directory.
B) Your html file was uploaded as an ASCII file instead of as a binary file.
C) Your html file needs to have the file permissions changed so web browsers can see it.
D) Your html file was created in zoo instead of in notepad, all web pages need to be created in notepad.
E) Your html file needs to be complied in order to run properly in the public_html directory.

12. Following along from the previous question.  Which of the following commands would fix the problem 
described in the previous question?
A) chmod 644 *.*
B) mkdir public_html
D) cd ..
E) pine

13. Following along from the previous question.  You decide to add a picture to your TESTPAGE.HTML web 
page.  You use a browser to go out on the web and you find a great picture you want to get into your own 
web page.  Which of the following methods below will work?
A) Put your mouse arrow on the picture, right click, and choose Save Image As, save the file to disk, then 
upload to zoo.
B) Click on the image once, then pull down the Edit menu, choose copy, open up Netscape, point to your 
web page and choose Paste.
C) Hold your left mouse down on the picture and drag it from the browser to your HTML code, then let 
go of the mouse button.  Then click the right mouse button and choose Paste.
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

14. Following along from the previous question.  You manage to get the picture you want saved as a file to 
your working diskette.  Next you decide to try to upload the picture file (PIC.GIF) to your public_html 
directory on zoo.  Which of the following software do you use to upload the file?
A) Netscape Navigator
B) Telnet terminal
D) Pico
E) Unix (AIX)

15. Following along from the previous question. You successfully upload the file from your diskette to your 
public_html directory on zoo.  You open zoo's editor to add the html tag so the PIC.GIF file will be 
displayed in your TESTPAGE.HTML web page.  Which of the following is the correct html tag to use to 
get the picture to work?

16. Following along from the previous question.  You go to the browser to look at your page with the new 
picture.  You discover that the picture does not work.  Which of the following is NOT a possible reason 
why the picture is not working?
A) The PIC.GIF file was uploaded from the diskette as an ASCII file.
B) The image html tag is incorrect.
C) The PIC.GIF file needs to have the file permissions changed so that the picture file is public.
D) The picture will only work if it is saved inside an image directory.
E) The file in the directory is PIC.GIF, but the file in the tag is pic.gif.

17. Following along from the previous question.  You fix the picture so it works and next decide to make an e-
mail link.  Which of the following is the correct tag for an e-mail link?
A) <A>send me mail</A>
C) <EM></EM>
D) <A>
E) <e-mail>></e-mail>

18. Following along from the previous question.  Next, you discover there is a text file called MY.TXT in 
your home directory that you would like to link to from your new TESTPAGE.HTML file.  First you must 
move from your current public_html directory and switch back to your home directory.  Which of the 
following commands would you use?
A) cd public_html
B) sw ..
C) move home
D) cd
E) cp ..

19. Following along from the previous question.  You have successfully switched from your public_html 
directory on zoo into your home directory.  Which of the following commands will copy the MY.TXT file 
from your home directory to your public_html directory and re-name the file to be MY.HTML?
A) mv  MY.TXT  MY.TXT/public_html
B) cp  MY.TXT  ~/public_html/MY.HTML
C) COPY  MY.TXT  MY.HTML/public_html
D) cp  MY.TXT  MY.HTML/public_html
E) copy MY.TXT  MY.HTML/public_html/~

20. Following along from the previous question.  You successfully copy the MY.TXT file from your home 
directory on zoo, into your public_html directory.  You switch back into your public_html directory and 
begin editing the MY.HTML file.  Which of the following html tags do you use to display the text in 
courier font just the way it was formatted in the original MY.TXT file?
B) <PRE>
C) <UFT>
E) <TXT>

21. Last question about the TESTPAGE.HTML file.  The last thing you need to do is make a link from your 
TESTPAGE.HTML file to you're MY.HTML file that is now in proper html format in your public_html 
directory.  You open up the editor and open TESTPAGE.HTML.  Which of the following is the correct 
tag that will insert a link from TESTPAGE.HTML to MY.HTML?
A) <A HREF="">Go to my other
to my other page>
C) <A HREF="">Click here
to go to My.html </A>
D) <SRC=>Click here </SRC>
E) <HTL="">Click here for my
other page</HTL>

22. According to the textbook and lecture, which of the following is the correct term for individuals who try to 
gain illegal access of computer systems?
A) Boogies
B) Hackers
C) Freakers
D) Crackers
E) Gweepers

23. Which of the following is NOT an operating system?
A) Linux
B) Unix
C) Windows98
D) Mac OS 8
E) Telnet

24. According to lecture and the textbook, which of the following media have the fastest transmission rates or 
A) Twisted-pair wire (voice-grade telephone line)
B) Microwave 
C) Infrared
D) Coaxial cable
E) Twisted-pair wire (direct connection)

25. Which of the following is the job of the modem?
A) Convert analog to digital
B) Convert digital to parallel
C) Convert analog to parallel
D) Convert serial to parallel
E) Convert serial to digital

26. According to the internet video, which of the following was the company that sold the dominant network 
operating system Netware in the late 80s and early 90s?
A) Microsoft
B) Novell

27. According to the video, which of the following was the place where many PC innovations were invented 
including one processor for one PC, the graphical user interface, the mouse, and ethernet?
A) Microsoft in Redmond Washington
B) IBM in research triangle park, North Carolina
C) Xerox Park, California
D) MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts
E) AT&T in Murray Hill, New Jersey

28. Which of the following does TCP/IP stand for?
A) Telnet Communication Protocol/ Internet Protocol
B) Transfer Control Protocol/ Information Protocol
C) Traffic Cipher Program/ Internal Program
D) Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol
E) Terminal Communications Protocol/ Internal Protocol

29. Here is an example of a URL:  According to the reading, which of 
the following represents the top level domain name in the URL above?
A) http:
B) www
C) uvm
D) edu
E) index.html

30. Which of the following best explains why the sum-check algorithm was NOT used for error checking in 
sending data back from the Voyager Space Probe (triplet coding was used instead), as described in the 
assigned article reading from Scientific American?
A) The sum-check algorithm is not as efficient at detecting errors as triplet coding.
B) The amount of source code to program the sum-check algorithm was longer than what could be stored 
in the Voyager's memory.
C) The sum-check algorithm had not been invented in the early 1970s when the Voyager was assembled.
D) The sum-check algorithm only works on analog computers.
E) The handshake-acknowledgement time would take to long.

31. According to the handouts and lecture material, which of the following best explains a GPL or copy-lefted 
software license?
A) The software is given away free, there are no restrictions at all.
B) The source code of the software is distributed for free, but any changes a developer makes in the 
source code must be sent back to the distributor and made available to other customers.
C) The source code remains hidden in the company safe.  Users pay for the opportunity to use the 
software binary executable files, but do not legally own the software.
D) The binary executable files can be downloaded off the web and be used for a trial period.  If the user 
wants to continue using the software, they must pay for registration.
E) A cut-down version of the software is available for download from the web.  If a user wants the full-
blown version, they must pay for registration.

32. Which of the following software is an example of Open-Source software?
A) Unix (AIX)
B) Linux
C) MS-Excel
D) Lotus 1-2-3
E) WordPerfect 8.0

33. Imagine you have graduated from UVM and are living somewhere in the continental USA.  You decide to 
start a large-scale commercial company on the web that uses interactive forms and data bases for 
customers to order products.  According to the handout in class, which of following choices would you 
use for putting your web site on the web?
B) Free web site like
C) Web hosting company
D) Free web site with Premiums
E) Your own PC as a web server

34. Which of the following does ADSL stand for?
A) Asymmetric digital subscriber line
B) Asynchronous direct sector link
C) Asymptotic digital silicon line
D) Asynchronous direct subscriber line
E) All data sent light

35. According to the video we saw in class, an IMP, or Interface Message Processor, that was used on the 
early internet, is equivalent to which of the following in today's internet?
C) Router
D) Modem
E) Mainframe host

36. Which of the following companies would deliver ADSL service to your home in the future?
A) Cable TV company
B) Telephone company
C) Satellite company
D) Radio station

37. According to the exercise we did in class, which TCP/IP layer contains the IP addressing information?
A) Data link layer
B) Network layer
C) Applications layer
D) Vanilla layer
E) Physical layer

38. According to the article "How Hackers Break In", which of the following was the way that Abednego 
slipped through the firewall and gained access to the victim company computer systems?
A) Abednego used a port scanner and found a guest account with no password.
B) Abednego discovered a modem connected to a computer at the company.  By dialing into the modem 
and then using a password guesser, he gained root access on a Silicon Graphics machine running Irix.
C) Abednego sneaked past the night watch security guards at the company and opened on the PCs and 
took the hard disk home.  He was then able to install the stolen drive into his machine and discovered 
the passwords to the company's other computer systems.
D) Abednego used "Strobe", a war-dialer, to log in to all available ports on the company's internal 
network.  One port was not protected and he was able to slip behind the firewall.
E) Abednego caused one of the company's web pages to crash and he was able to core-dump the machine 
and steal the password shadow file.

39.  Which of the following is the decimal equivalent to binary number 1010101?
A) 14
B) 85
C) 170
D) 256
E) 512

40. According to the last showing of the internet video, the "VCs" have played a key role in the development 
of the Internet.  Which of the following is what "VC" stands for?
A) Virtual Communities
B) Very-high-speed Computers
C) Venture Capitalists
D)  Volume Consultants
E) Virtual Classes

41. According to the last video shown in class, which of the following defined the word "computer" before 
World War II?
A) A mechanical calculator
B) A digital machine for doing calculations
C) A person
D) A slide rule
E) Pencil and paper

42. The three primary colors on a CRT monitor are Red, Green, and Blue.  Which of the following are the 
three secondary colors that are formed by two overlapping primary colors?
A) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
B) Brown, Aqua, Purple
C) Marine, Lavender, Chartreuse
D) Black, White, Grey
E) Orange, Violet, Aqua

43. According to the last video shown in class, which of the following switching technology was used in 
Konrad Zuse's general purpose electronic computer built in 1939 in Germany?
A) Vacuum tubes
B) Mechanical light switches
C) Telephone relays
D) Transistors
E) Early silicon wafer chips

44. The LCD flat panel display technology that is slowly becoming more popular with desktop computers 
uses which of the following technologies to filter light in only one plane?
A) Reostats
B) Polarizers
C) Nematic crystals
D) Dilithium crystal resin
E) Rectifiers

45. According to the last video shown in class, the mathematician and early computer designer, Alan Turing 
was mainly interested in which of the following branches of computer development in his later years?
A) Calculating Pi to one million places
B) Designing a computer that would play music
C) Deciphering German secret messages
D) Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
E) Calculation of firing and bombing tables

46. According to the last video shown in class, which of the following characteristics did Charles Babbage's 
Analytical Engine have in common with today's digital computers?
A) Use of binary numbers for calculation
B) Separation of processor and memory (mill & store)
C) Use of a digital, electronic stored program
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

47. A monitor's "dot pitch" refers to which of the following?
A) How "grainy" the monitor looks, controlled by the distance between pixels
B) How fast the screen is refreshed
C) How many pixels are across and down the side of the monitor screen
D) The angle created between the bottom of the monitor and the line drawn from corner to corner
E) The maximum brightness difference between the brightest and dimmest pixels on the screen

48. Here's some html code:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Quiz Question </TITLE>
</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=aqua> <H1> HTML Source Code
Example</H1><BR>Here's a question for you<BR>  <IMG

Imagine you are using Netscape in lab to view the web page that uses the above source code.  Which of 
the following would appear in the blue or red bar at the very top of the Netscape window?
A) title
B) Quiz Question
C) mountain.gif
D) HTML Source Code Example
E) Here's a question for you

49. Following along from the previous question.  You upload the above html file from your diskette to the 
directory on zoo that has your web files.  You make the file public by changing the file permissions.  You 
then go to the browser to view it and discover the mountain.gif image does not work.  Which of the 
following is NOT a possible explanation of the problem?
A) you forgot to upload mountain.gif.
B) you uploaded mountain.gif as ASCII.
C) you forgot to change file permissions for mountain.gif.
D) the tag that controls the image is spelled wrong.
E) you uploaded mountain.gif to your root directory on zoo.

50. Imagine you move to a new living space for next semester.  Your address and phone number have 
changed.  You wish to update your e-mail signature file on zoo.  Which of the following methods did we 
use in lab to edit your signature file on zoo?
A) Open your signature file with Notepad, make the change, and upload it to your public_html account on 
B) Use pico to edit your .signature file.  Make the change, then save with Ctrl-X, Y, enter.
C) Download your signature file from your root directory on zoo to your public_html directory on the 
PC's hard disk.  Use Word to edit and save the file.
D) Log on to zoo, change the directory to public_html, use pico to edit SIGNATURE.E-MAIL, save with 
E) Log on to zoo, use ftp to upload a new .signature file from your diskette to your public_html/email 
directory.  Use chmod 644 *.* to make it public.