Lecture 7, Feb 26, 28

Textbook reading: Chapters 2, 3, 4, 12, A.1.  How Hackers Break In  Sci. Am. October 1998.
Username: your last name in lower case, Password: last 7 digits of barcode
Next Week: NO LECTURES, But labs WILL MEET!  If you have lab on Tuesday, go then, or go to another lab during next week (don't miss Web Page Construction!)
Second Exam is 2-weeks away (March 12, 14) OUR NEXT Lecture MEETING!

Today:   Return Exams
              Good/Bad of IT/ % World using Internet
              Finish Programming: Demo QBASIC
              Software Licenses
              History of Internet Video

Return Exam

Writing Exercise: Good/Bad of Information Technology,
& what Percent of the World uses the Internet?

    Source Code: Quick Basic Demo

Software License Agreements

ASCII:  Why are there 8-bits per byte instead of some other number?

Example Questions:

History of Internet Video