Lecture 12, April 23, 25

Last Lecture meetings!
Textbook reading: Chapters 13 (Data Bases), 14 (Information Systems), 16 (Careers)
Final Lab Project Due Dates:
    Regular Due date..........................Friday 26 April, 4pm
    If late, 5% (7.5 points out of 150) off per day including Saturday & Sunday
    Absolute LATE deadline..............Friday 3 May, 4pm  Projects will not be accepted after this time.
Optional Extra Credit Final Draft Papers (handed in with the first edited draft) Due Friday 26 April, 4pm.  Same late penalty applies (5% off per day until Friday 3 May, then not accepted).
Final Exam Monday May 6, High Noon, Lafayette 108.

Today:   History of Computing
              History of computing Video

Characteristics of computers:
        Processor that manipulates symbols by logical rules
        Storage and or memory

Abacus: 2700 years old: Babylon / China

Early 1600s: John Napier figures out Logarithms, basis for Slide Rule.

Mid-1600s first hand cranked adding & multiplying machines:
    Blaise Pascal
    Gottfried Liebnitz

1830s-50s Charles Babbage in England, "Father of Computing".
        Difference Engine
        Analytical Engine

1920s-WWII Cryptography, cryptanalysis, Ciphering machines: enigma.