Online Student Advising Tools Workshops, January 2003


Jonathan Leonard, 208 Morrill, 656-2979,
Doug Johnson, 202B Stafford, 656-8203,

Everyone should have:
-Name Tent

Demo: What we can do now online:
1. CALS Core Document
2. CALS online course tool to find which courses fulfill which requirements.  URL = Login name: CALSCORE  password: h0lstein (note the 0 is a zero)
3. Online CALS Student Checklist.  Two ways of entering:
    (1) To update your advisees checklists, go to registrar, access your student advisee's "General Student Data" page, and click on the "Manage CALS Check List" button.  
    (2) To create or edit checklist templates go to the CALS Student Checklist page:  (CSC ) Login name: CSC  password: CSC

Our Goal today is to work on what ever online advising tools you think will be most useful for you.  It may be updating your course information in the course search tool, or to make blank checklists (templates) for your department Majors and/or concentrations, or to update your advisees checklists.

Please Keep Track of:
Any bugs
-Wish list: "I really wish I could do ____ with this."
Send to Jonathan Leonard:,  Thanks!