CALS Self Design Major Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome 1.  Students will write a proposal of their learning goals and outcomes with the help and collaboration of a faculty advisor. [Skills Category]

Learning Outcome 2.   Students will identify the necessary knowledge and skills needed to successfully prepare them for their immediate post-graduate goals. [Knowledge and Skills Category]

Learning Outcome 3.  Students will defend their proposal in front of the CALS Self-Designed Major Faculty Committee and edit the proposal based on committee feedback. [Skills Category]

Learning Outcome 4.  Students complete the coursework approved by their advisor and the CALS Self Designed Major Committee and internships, semesters studying abroad, and extra curricular experiences that support and enhance their chosen area of study. [Knowledge and Skills Category]

Learning Outcome 5.  During their last semester students present to their advisor, and the Self-Designed Major Faculty Committee, a reflection presentation on how they met their goals through coursework, and experiential learning such as internships, and study abroad. [Knowledge and Skills Category]