POINT:  What are the main points or arguments the author(s) make in the article?  What are the key inferences and conclusions the author(s) make?

EVIDENCE:  What evidence or information is given to support the points, inferences, or arguments?  Is the evidence a fact or measurement about something that has actually occurred?  Are data or measurements presented?  If so, what are they?

RELIABILITY:  What is the source of the information or evidence?  Does the evidence have an identified source (for example a specific person, organization, publication, web site, journal, or book)?  Is the source a primary source (original author) or is it secondary or further removed (textbook)?  If authorities are cited, what credentials do they have?    Do you think the source is credible?    Why or why not?

PERSUASIVENESS:  Is the evidence consistent with the argument?  Is the argument convincing?  If yes, explain why.  If not, explain why not.  Is there another way to interpret the evidence?  If there is insufficient evidence for you to judge the argument, what specific additional evidence would be needed for you to judge the validity of the claim?

WORLD VIEW:  What general assumptions does the author have underlying their thinking?  What are they taking for granted?   What World view does the author have?  Is there another World view or point of view that the author should consider?

PROPAGANDA: What examples of propaganda words and techniques are used in the arguments?

YOUR TAKE:  What do you agree and disagree with in the article?