~ The New Gus Gallery ~

These are some pictures of Gus taken with a digital camera. Click in the image if you're interested in seeing a larger view. For more pictures of Gus, you can also check out his old gallery, his wet bunny pictures, or our pictures of the whole group. Enjoy!


Well, what can I say. He's either running like the devil, or stopped, looking cute. It's hard to catch him in an "exploring" phase. I'll be on the look out though, now that I've realized that this category is lacking! Prepare for photos of smeared white lightening..


"Mmmm.. oregano."

"Food? Where?!"

Having a munch.

Gus inhaling lettuce.


I just look marvelous, don't I?

Believe it or not, he did recover from this position! (check out the thumpers on this bun!)

Gus engaging in the famous "Bunny-foot-lick maneuver".



Bunnies just don't get much cuter than this.


What a baby face!

Cooling himself on the tiles.

Relaxing after a hard day of binkying.

Last Modified by Jessica Dion on January 8, 1999.