~ Cleome Gallery ~

These are some pictures of Cleome taken with a digital camera. Click in the image if you're interested in seeing a larger view. For more pictures of Cleome, you can also check out our our pictures of the whole group. Enjoy!


"What, ME?!?"

Stunned, after leaping into the pond (in the background), presumably thinking that it was a table.. aand being rescued and towelled off.

She would make a fine hood ornament model, don't you think?

Cleome giving us her best baby face (now we know where Basil gets his from!).

Showing off her rumply fur, which she simply refuses to let us brush.

Cleome with Lettuce.

Patiently waiting for her treats.



Cleome in mid-turn.

"This couch is MINE, all mine!"

"Oooh.. a thing."

Cleome digging and bunching a dish towel, tucked into the couch to protect it.

Cleome's heavenly bunching is interrupted by a rude Mike foot!

Disgusted, she leaps off of the couch.

Cleome sniffing the "litterbox" upstairs.

Cleome on our wood carrier, which later became a favorite pee spot (easily washable, fortunately)


"I meant that!" (licking the water from her fur after leaping into the pond)

Sometimes you've just got to lick your butt.

Cleome licking her paw.

"That pesky toe again.."

Gardening and Munching:

"Mmmm.. Oxalis."
(we know it's bad for them now, and they don't eat it anymore)

"This begonia is entirely unruly! I can help."

Cleome finds Nirvana.

Back at home:

"Say Clover, nice bum!"

Sleepy Cleome cuddles with her daughter Clover.

Last Modified by Jessica Dion on January 7, 1999.