Note: I tried to comment on the content of each site by quoting material from the site itself. Other comments are my opinion - if you disagree with the description or categorization of a web site, please let me know. Thanks.


General fish related web sites:

Marine Links

note: This section is admittedly barren, sorry! more links soon to come...

Pages devoted to Aquatic Plants:

Pages devoted to specific topics: Some Frog related websites: Some of these are silly, some are very genuine. Live Food related links (note: may be scary to those of you who are lower on the food chain) Regional Clubs, organizations or University divisions: Commercial Companies:

(note: most mail order fish and pet supplies are significantly cheaper than buying them through retail pet stores. You can often save between 20-70% of the retail price by mail ordering. On the other hand, it's a very good idea to support your local fish and pet stores, if you can. You may often rely on local pet stores for live food, advice, browsing, etc. and it's a good idea to give them your business. This will keep the hobby healthy and visible for future fishkeepers (most people starting out go to local stores), and will keep your cash in your local economy. Local pet stores often have great return policies and stand by their sales. Also, although mail order usually gets your orders to you within a week, there's something to be said for instant gratification. :-)

Fellow Fishkeepers (some of these people have more interesting pages than others!)

Other lists of fishkeeping related web sites!!

Last Modified September 14, 1999