Reading Quiz - Week 4

Ch. 8 - Insectivora

1. Caravaning behavior is found in: European shrews - American moles - golden moles

2. The nose of the star-nosed mole contains a touch receptor called - Vomero-nasal Organ - Jacobson's Organ - Eimer's Organ

Ch. 9 Xenarthra

3. Giant sloth were still around in North America during the arrival of humans on this continent: yes - no

4. An extremely long tongue and tongue-retracting muscle is found in anteaters (Myrmecophagidae) - sloths (Bradypodidae) or armadillo's (Dasypodidae)?

Ch. 10 Dermoptera

5. The intestinal tract of colugos ("flying lemurs") is specialized with a long cecum for: insectivory - herbivory - carnivory.

Ch. 11 Scandentia

6. Distribution of the Tupaias is Palearctic - Oriental - Australian

7. They have been variously assigned to Primates becasue of their: complex behavior - overall appearance - insectivorous & frugivorous diet

Ch. 19 Macroscelidea

8. Elephant shrew could be called original: Ethiopian - Neotropic - Oriental stock.

Ch. 21 Aspects of Physiology

9. The point at which a homeotherm animal expends little or no energy on temperature is called: thermal neutral zone - lower critical temperature - upper critical temperature

10. The ability of some mammals to allow the temperature of the skin or extremities to drop well below the core body temperature is termed: Regional heterothermy - thermal conductance - behavioral thermoregulation.