College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

CALS Computer Subsidy to UVM's CAP program

CIT hosts the guidelines for the UVM CAP Program to subsidize the purchase of replacement computers. Details for the CAP Program are available at

The CALS Dean's Office provides funds of $250 per system to supplement the CAP program in the fall of each academic year. Applications for the CAP program and the $250 CALS subsidy must be sent through the CALS Dean's Office to: Applicants must include an account number to charge the balance of the computer.

The Information Technology (IT) Report made a recommendation that the CALS Dean's Office will be implementing this year to encourage continued training and upgrading of our IT skills. In order to qualify for the CALS subsidy, faculty and staff must participate in a training course that is offered by the University, College or Department that is geared to meeting or exceeding one of the proficiency standards. These proficiencies are listed below.

In addition to the information required by CIT, for the CALS subsidy you must identify the proficiency area you will receive training in. If you have had training in the past 12 months, please indicate the course or workshop attended and who the instructor was. If you plan to attend a training session in the 12 months, please list the proficiency you plan to obtain training in and what type of training you are planning on. This training is to be provided by the University, College or Department or outside training program, not a self-study guide.

For purposes of collaboration and to facilitate communication in CALS, the IT committee will be making annual recommendations of the basic computer proficiencies that faculty, staff and graduate students are expected to have. It is acknowledged that additional proficiencies are likely required by most employees but are job specific and therefore need to be defined by the supervisor.

It is expected that individuals may not be proficient in all these areas at the current time. The purpose of this is to allow individuals to assess where they are and see what is expected in the future as a minimum level of proficiency and develop an excellent plan of professional development to meet proficiencies.


This checklist is provided so that each individual can utilize this as a personal assessment tool.