North Winooski Avenue from Pearl Street north to 103 North Winooski Avenue

Photo Pair 6

Viewable buildings: 31 and 35 North Winooski Avenue

Photographer:  Louis L. McAllister

Date:  October 27, 1928


The foreground of the photograph shows a group of men overseeing the pouring of concrete.  A pickup truck appears to be dumping the dry cement into the concrete mixer and then transferring it to the pourer.  The entire road has been ripped up to reveal dirt.  The beds of the track are raised above the area that is being paved with the concrete.  The houses shown in the photo are a mix of Queen Anne and Italianate styles.  Specifically, the house on the right is number 41, one of the Queen Anne houses that were pictured in the previous comparisons.  Moving south, the large Italianate house, with brackets along the cornice of the steeply pitched, front-gable roof, is number 35.  It is a cross-gable plan, with three bays that project on the front façade; an entrance is recessed on a bay on the southern side of the house.  The windows are two-over-two with decorative lintels that include a small keystone.  Number 35 was built circa 1870, on land that was vacant up until this year.(1)  Number 31 sits to the south of 35, and is a small vernacular Queen Anne house that was built in circa 1885 (1885 map cuts off area of number 35).(2)  It is an irregular front façade, with three windows on the first floor, and two dormers unaligned with the first floor, on the second floor.  The dormers are steeply pitched with stickwork in the gables.  A small portico hangs above the front entrance, which is on the north bay of the house.  By 1926, a shed was added to the yard of number 31.  When this photograph was taken, both of these homes were vacant.(3)  Keeping with the trend of doctors living on the street in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, number 35 was home to doctor Josh Caisse in 1929.(4)

(1) 1869 Beers Map

(2) 1885 Sanborn Map

(3) 1928 Burlington City Directory

(4) 1929 Burlington City Directory


Photographer:  Rebecca McNamara

Date:  September 21, 2005

UTM Coordinates:  18T 0642240 4926945

Standing in front of 46 North Winooski Avenue looking southwest


Since this photograph was taken, number 31 had been turned into apartments by 1942.  For number 35, a bay window was added to the southern wall of the house.(1)  By 1978, number 31 was a rooming house.(2)  Judging from the exterior in 2005, number 31 has been very well maintained and preserved.  The exterior has the original siding and two-over-two windows.  The only main difference is that it has been divided into three apartments, judging from the electric meters.  Number 35 has changed considerably; it has been resided in white vinyl, and the brackets and shutters have been removed.  The only noticeable original detail left is the curved decoration of the small portico that hangs above the entrance on the south bay, but is not visible on the McAllister photograph.  Being such a large house, it now has nine apartments.  Landscaping is the major change that has occurred over the years, a huge tree is now blocks the entire façade of number 35 during the growing season. 

(1) 1942 Sanborn

(2) 1978 Sanborn



Historic Burlington Project
Burlington 1890 | Burlington 1877 | Burlington 1869 | Burlington 1853 | Burlington 1830

Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections