North Winooski Avenue from Pearl Street north to 103 North Winooski Avenue

Photo Pair 10

Viewable buildings: 65 and 72 North Winooski Avenue

Photographer:  Louis L. McAllister

Date:  October 19, 1929


This photo was taken at the intersection of North Winooski Avenue and Grant Street.  The street corridor is lined with large elm trees and houses, mainly styled in Greek revival.  Blending in with the trees are posts for power lines.  A speed limit sign of 15 miles per hour is posted on the post on the right side of the photograph.  Cars are parked along both sides of the street.  There is a subtle difference in the road; the streetcar tracks stop just north of the intersection with Grant Street.  The removal of the tracks started further north and continued south, as documented in previous comparisons.  The houses seen in this photograph include numbers 71 and 72.   Number 71 is on the west side of the street (left side of the photo) and is distinguished by the two-story white porch with the elliptical arches.  Sedgewick Allen built it circa 1850 and the first known resident was James Brinsmaid, a jeweler.(1)   It is a Greek Revival house, gable front with three bays.  The porch was added circa 1906, as well as a bay window on the south wall, and a shed was built in the back yard.  At the time this photograph was taken, it appears that it had been converted to apartments, even though it the description was not changed on the Sanborn map.  There were three different individuals living here in 1929:  Maude Dragoon, Esther Cannon, and Harold Austin, as well as one vacant space.  Across the street is number 72, which is an L-plan Greek Revival house that was built circa 1840, verified by its inclusion on the 1853 map of Burlington.(2)  It is built of brick masonry and painted a light color.  A porch extends the width of the house on the south wall, and there is a covered porch on the second floor that fills in the “L” space.  The porch has delicate posts that support the porch roof.  The beauty of the arcaded elm trees is emphasized in this picture with the middle of the road viewpoint. 

(1) Morschbach, “71 North Winooski Avenue”.

(2) Morschbach, “72 North Winooski Avenue”.


Photographer:  Rebecca McNamara

Date:  September 21, 2005

UTM Coordinates:  18T 0642240 4926982

Standing in the middle of the intersection of North Winooski and Grant Street looking south


This view corridor still looks very much the same.  By 1942, number 71 with the 2-story porch and number 72 had been converted to apartments.  In 1978, number 72 was being used as a halfway house.(1)  The major differences for the road are that it became a one-way street and crosswalks have been installed at the 3-way intersection.  The elm trees have passed away, and young saplings were planted in their place.  The speed limit for the area is now 25 miles per hour.

(1) Morschbach, “72 North Winooski Avenue”.



Historic Burlington Project
Burlington 1890 | Burlington 1877 | Burlington 1869 | Burlington 1853 | Burlington 1830

Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students
in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection University of Vermont Library Special Collections