106 Church Street
106 Church Street
(east side between Bank and College)
Lois H. Coulter

One of the few gable roofed structures remaining in the commercial areas of Church Street, little information is available about this building. A building with this footprint is on the 1853 Presdee and Edwards map in this location. Unlike other later structures built on previously existing foundations, 106 Church Street is stylistically compatible with the period from 1830-1853. It is a 3½-story rectangular gable front brick building on a stone foundation which was likely constructed as a 3x3 bay. The entrance is now in the center of the façade which may be its original location. Ghosts of a third window exist on the third floor. There is sufficient precedent to assume that it was built as a residence; its first recorded commercial use was as a telegraph office between 1892-1940s1. Since that time it has remained as a commercial building.

The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, Vermont Historic Sites and Structures Survey, Burlington, Church Street.

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