Alumni Weekend - October 2009

Inspiring Alums Share Their Stories at Homecoming

On Saturday, October 3, seven UVM Alumni (five were HC alumni) returned to UVM during Homecoming Weekend to share both their undergraduate and post-graduation experiences with current students and their visiting parents in a panel discussion moderated by Associate Dean Lisa Schnell. A wide-ranging discussion took place in a packed lecture hall in Aiken, the panelists answering audience questions about their experiences as UVM and beyond. Much of the conversation focused on the panelists' experience with Honors education at UVM; particularly inspiring were their stories of the ways their undergraduate theses had shaped both their undergraduate and their post-graduate experiences.

You can view the six-part panel discussion here. For panel member bios, please see below.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

The seven represented a wide range of undergraduate majors; their career paths are equally diverse: