Richmond Congregational Church


Hemenway, Abby Maria. The Vermont Historical Gazetteer. Vol. 1. Burlington, Vermont: A. M. Hemenway, 1867.

National Park Service. "H. O. Wheeler School (Burlington, Vermont)." National Register of Historic Places. On file, VDHP office, Montpelier, Vermont.

National Park Service. "Richmond Underwear Company Building (Richmond, Vermont)." National Register of Historic Places. On file, VDHP office, Montpelier, Vermont.

Riggs, Harriet. "Significant Events in the Life of Richmond Congregational Church, UCC." Richmond (Vermont) Congregational Church, 1996.

Riggs, Harriet. Interview by author in Richmond, Vermont. April 10, 1997.

Shoettle, Clark. "Deceased Architects and Builders Who Have Worked in Burlington, Vermont." Unpublished manuscript, n. d. Special Collections. University of Vermont.

Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. "Vermont Historic Sites and Structures Survey, Burlington." On file, VDHP office, Montpelier, Vermont.


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Researched and written by James M. Moran, graduate student, University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program