XML: What, Why, When & How?

Notes from the Workshop
June 2003

The PowerPoint Slides:

For this class we used the Oxygen XML editor available at: http://www.oxygenxml.com
Other XML software is available at: http://www.xmlsoftware.com

Some sample files we used:

To use these, download them to a folder on your computer. Open them with Oxygen. If you just want to see their contents without actually downloading them, you can click on them and then choose Edit: Page View or Edit: Source View in your web browser.

In the class we explored three types of documents: a party invitation, a recipe, and a play (see PP slideshow for examples). We analyzed their structures in terms of creating a DTD. Here is a sample DTD drawn from the party invitation example:

The Text Encoding Initiative's DTD is used for creating humanities related documents such as transcriptions of manuscripts, dictionaries, literature, etc. It is a flexible, powerful, and quite large DTD. You can learn more about it at http://www.tei-c.org. At that site you can create your own TEI DTD, or, if you would like to see a sample, see

Questions? Comments? Hope Greenberg. Created/updated: June 2003.