HST296E: Class notes, 27-January-2005

A hamlet is the smallest community, a village usually implies some center or commercial activity.

What is liberal, as Henretta uses it? Someone who believes in the opportunity of the market. Not an aristocrat, an individualist.

A lot of energy goes into projecting our own views on the 17th/18th cents. Another view is that they came over and immediately tried to recreate the old world. Henretta says: they were not looking for profit. (This applies to North--southern economy developed differently.)

"The colonial farmer raised his children to succeed him, not to succeed in the marketplace."

How would you test this? How would you know?
Generational name similarities suggest importance of continuity, acquisition of/distribution of land (didn't consolidate land holdings geographically), patterns of settlement/use (shows variety of land types needed for subsistence).

Coming from England, they tried to adapt their familiar culture to an unfamiliar land.

Merchant: see notes, cool stuff

Gilmore: reading

Reading was intensive - few things read often, then moved to extensive--many things read superficially. Reading out loud changed to reading silently to one's self.

For project: Use the big overarching theories to compare your idea against.
What is the way a farmer would describe success?

underhill, barn use? reenactment thing of daily life--does that lead anywhere?