HST296e: Class notes, 20-Jan-2005

Introductions, class members

The class is structured to give as much time as possible to the process of developing the project. We will need to:
Week 1: We'll raise some ideas of what historians have done on the subject or subjects related to rural life in the U.S.

Next week's readings:
Henretta, "Families and Farms: Mentalité in Pre-Industrial America": when, whether, if farm people turn to profit motive. The arguments tend to depend on the idealogy of the historian. If pro-capitalist, the roots are found at Plymouth rock (!), if resistant to capitalist interpretation, one says, "very recently" or "never." One indicator might be a double ledger system. For example, early farmers kept 2 books, income and owed, not together, which implies they were not looking at profit and loss.

Merchant, Ecological Revolutions: People's relationship with the land, NE farmers and relationship to land after replacing indigenes.

Gilmore, Reading Becomes a Necessity of Life: desription of explosion of printed matter read and owned by rural people.

Some past projects:
Who we are: Jack, Matt, Sarah, Johannes, Jonathan, Ryan, Tom, Aaron, Matt, Ed, Trish, Erin, Hannah

hope.greenberg@uvm.edu, created/updated 24-January-2005
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