WWW Survey Building tools            
Priority Type Quality Perseus Survey Solutions Enterprise Hosted Survey Snap Survey Said Advanced Internet Survey Machine Zoomerang Question Mark
1 Security The data collected should be stored in an electronically safe place. Yes NO (the data is stored on Hosted Survey's Server) Local PC Via e-mail ONLY through OUTLook Data is stored on WWW server as separate text data file. NO (the data is stored on Zoomerang's Server) Data Stored as MDB on UVM NT Server
1 Support The processing script should not have to be created and changed for every survey Yes Yes No Script used One Script will deal with ALL surveys ??? ???
1 Use The data should be in a format useable to multiple desktop tools. (The data should be readable or convertible to spreadsheets and desktop databases.) Yes Yes Stored Flat ASCII, conversion to TSV, CSV Stored as flat text file which is brought into Survey Said and can be exported to TSV ??? LIkely through ODBC
1 Use Easy to use. (The details of the HTML code should be hidden from the user.) Yes Yes ??? Sales says this is their MOST important feature ??? ???
2 Security The tool should allow for the capturing of data to identify who completed the survey. Yes Yes NO Only if invited by e-mail and unique code is produced and captured by the script ??? ???
2 Security The tool should be able to create surveys where only one submission per person is allowed Yes Yes Via Cookie Can be managed during download of .POS file ??? This product is based upon test taking. Any test (survey) can specify who is able to respond.
2 Support The system should NOT require additional central IT human resources for every survey built. Yes NA NA No additional IT support is needed for each survey ??? ???
2 Support The product should be one that can reasonably be supported by CIT. Yes ??? ??? Yes ??? ???
3 Flexibility Knowledgeable designers should be able to make reasonable customizations to the HTML code to provide a common look and feel with their other WWW pages. ??? ??? ??? Survey Said HTML pages can be highly customized because the generated HTML code is not position dependent nor does it use Java Script. You can add links easily anywhere and you can include audio and image links if you need to. You can spawn links to separate browser windows, or you can use the default browser window. Answers will be preserved provided the form is not set to expire or "no cache". ??? ???
3 Flexibility The code produced should provide validity checks at the time of entry. Yes Yes Yes ??? ??? ???
3 Flexibility The code produced should allow for branching so that early questions can alter which questions follow. Yes Yes ??? ??? ??? ???
3 Value Cost Server $2,500 Desktop Designer tool ($500) .35 - .95 per RESPONSE $1,290 / Network? + $200-$795 per designer $6,000 for UNLIMITED design, analysis and survey use. ??? <>$7,500 for ANNUAL site license
3 Use Number and size of Surveys Unlimited Pay per Response Unlimited Unlimited ??? Unlimited

This file was created by Doug Varney on 02/13/01.
Send comments to DSV@Zoo.uvm.edu