Music 110 Introduction to Computer Notation, continued

Assignment #4
basic layout






for reference:

in-class score (PDF)

in-class score (Sibelius)

assignment score (PDF)

notes on layout actions (PDF)

previous Sibelius operations discussed in class




We will learn how to control the appearance of Sibelius scores using some of the powerful layout functions.

Most of what we do will be in the Layout menu: Document setup, Format submenu, Break submenu.

We will also go to the House Styles menu to modify the Engraving Rules.


Main event

Notate this page of music so that it is not only correct but also matches the original appearance and layout of the original as much as possible. You should end up with the same number of bars per system, systems per page, and approximate music size as the PDF, clean up any collisions, and correct any other differences (stem directions, placement of accents, etc.) from the original.

We will consult this page (the preceding page from the same song as your assignment) and practice layout operations using this score.



Print out your final score and submit a hard copy to your instructor. Follow all other instructions and advice for computer hygiene as for assignment 1.



Strive to make your music look as much as possible like the original PDF file.

9 points:

10 points: all the above plus



We may NOT HAVE COVERED some of the basic operations you will need for this assignment. Do not panic.

When you are unsure of anything, refer to the on-screen “Sibelius Reference” (via the Help menu, or type command-/). The reference itself is great, but its “Search” function is quirky; you may have better luck with the Index or Contents. As with assignment 1, everything you need to know can be gleaned from the Reference. The tutorials provide an excellent overview but come nowhere near to describing all the capabilities or shortcuts available.

Train yourself to use the keyboards (qwerty and MIDI) as much as possible, and the mouse only as necessary. Keyboards good! Mouse bad! Who needs carpal tunnel? Not musicians.

When you use any of the drop-down menus, note the keyboard shortcut and USE IT. Not next time, NOW. This is the only way to learn it. (Keyboards good! Mouse bad!)

You may find it ergonomic to print out the PDF file you are reproducing for ease of reference as you work.


File management and storage



RETAIN your file for this and all assignments on your own media for the duration of the semester. Your instructor may need to see your original file now or later.


Safe and happy computing!

Name and save your file immediately on creation.

Save often to the local hard disk.

At the end of every work session, move your file to a safe storage medium: your own flash drive or CD, or personal server space. If your work is really important or time-consuming, save it in two different places.

If you are working in a lab, DELETE your file from the local hard drive at the end of your work session. Failure to do so exposes your work to plagiarism, which will complicate your situation as well as that of the person duplicating your work.

Follow these simple rules for the whole course and the rest of your life!