Mixing Colors and Light
(A K/1 physical science webquest)

There are three primary colors.  These are Red, Yellow, and Blue.  The other two colors you need to make all the colors of the rainbow are Black and White.  During this webquest you will gain a greater knowledge of how to mix colors to get all the colors to draw anything you want. You will also learn how a rainbow is made.

Your task is to find out how to mix the colors that I discuss using the colors that I give you.  You have to find out how to change colors and match them.
Your second task is to tell me how a Rainbow is made.  To learn about this you will learn about light!

If I give you the colors Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue, What colors make Brown?
If I give you the colors Red, Black, and White, What colors make Pink?
If I give you the colors Black, White, and Yellow, What colors make Gray?
If I give you the colors Blue, Red, Purple, and White, What are two different ways you can make the color Light Purple?
Here's a hard one.  If I give you the colors Blue and Yellow, How much of each color do you use to make Blue-Green?
More Color Fun!
http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/color/color.html - Use this site to paint with colors on the color pallette. *Requires Macromedia Shockwave

Have you every looked up into the sky after it has rained and seen a beautiful rainbow.  How is that rainbow made? Why do all the colors show up in the sky? Do you know what refraction is? (Refraction is a 5th grade word!)

http://www.brainpop.com/ Check out a video about rainbows! Click on Science and then on Rainbow.
Now that you've read about color and light...Mix the colors! Enjoy!
http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/java/image/rgbColor.html - Use this to play with light and paint?  How are they different?
Do you want to learn more?
Use Google and look up these words: 
"Mixing Colors" "Paint Colors" "Prisms"
More Fun!

http://www.seussville.com/seussville/titles/days/ -  Can people be different colors?  Find out with this online book. How do you feel when you are Blue or Red?

Did you like my webquest? Send me questions or feedback to Sarah DesLauriers at  sdeslaur@gmail.com