
201579-11日 中国 内蒙古 呼和浩特








1.     语言教学中文化教学的内容与方法

2.     语言教学中跨文化交际问题的研究与处理

3.     国际汉语教师跨文化交际能力的培养

4.     留华学生文化适应问题的研究与处理

5.     汉语教材中文化教学内容的编排与处理

6.     现代教育技术在语言及文化教学中的应用

7.     短期与长期留华项目的管理


二、 会前程序及说明

(一)            见此通知后,有意参会者,请于20141030日前上网(www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015)填写报名信息表,以便组委会向您直接发送后续的会议通知和更多会议情况。

(二)            有意参会并发表论文者,请于20141120日前上网(www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015提交论文概要。概要应该根据论文内容的类型(例如:文献分析、经验总结、逻辑思辨、科研实证,等等)简述论文主题、论题意义、论证或研究方法、结论。概要不宜过短或过长,以400字左右为宜。中、英文均可。

(三)          概要经评审专家匿名评审后,组委会于20141220日前将评审结果通知给概要提交者。组委会将为论文概要被采纳并于2015410日前交付会务费者安排15分钟的会上发言,并将其概要与其他概要汇集成册(电子版)。在会议期间,发送给所有参会者。

(四)          论文概要被采纳并有意提交论文全文者,请于2015220日前按照组委会发布的论文格式、体例、篇幅等规定完成并提交文稿。评审专家将对文稿进行匿名评审,择优编入计划出版的会议论文集。

(五)          由于计划出版的会议论文集出版篇幅有限、时间紧迫,因此,提交的论文文稿若有格式、体例及篇幅(A45页以内)不符合规定者,恕不予以评审。组委会只对符合规格的文稿进行匿名评审。评审结果于2015320日前通知论文作者。如果有评审修改意见,论文作者须在410日前完成修改并提交论文定稿。

(六)          会务费(含餐饮、宴会、会间文化考察、论文集、会场租用等费用)应于2015410日前交付。请概要被采纳者和论文录用者按时交付会务费。否则,无法安排其会议发言,亦无法录用其论文。 中国大陆参会者会务费为人民币900元。其他国家和地区参会者会务费为230美元。研究生均为所在国家、地区标准的50%,须提交研究生身份证明材料(有效学生证及所在院系证明信)。会务费用。2015410日以后,会务费增长30%

(七)          有关会务费交付办法、会议住宿、会有文化考察路线安排等通知将适时另行发布。


三、 研讨会组委会

      中方主席:  额尔很巴雅尔(内蒙古大学)
      外方主席:  印京华(美国佛蒙特大学)

四、 组委会联系方式


(一)中国大陆联系人: 赵金色




网址:www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015; chineseconference.org/ 

The 13th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy

July 9-11, 2015 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

The 13th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy will be held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China on July 9th-11th, 2015.  The Conference is organized and sponsored by Inner Mongolian University and the University of Vermont with assistance from specialists and experts in teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages from the University of Hawaii, the City University of New York, the University of Rhode Island, and Yale University.  The purpose of the Conference is to promote academic and educational exchanges and cooperation among teachers and scholars in the field of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages in the world.  The Conference Organizing Committee welcome all interested teachers and scholars to attend the 13th International Conference. 

1.      Conference Theme and Topics for Discussion

Conference Theme:  Worldwide Chinese Language Teaching and Chinese Culture

Topic for Discussion:

A)     Contents and methods of teaching culture in Chinese language curriculums

B)     Studies and solutions for cross-cultural communication issues in Chinese language curriculums

C)     Development of cross-cultural communication competence among teachers of Chinese to speakers of other languages

D)     Studies and solutions for cultural adaptation issues among international students in China

E)      Arrangements and treatments of the cultural contents in Chinese language textbooks

F)      Applications of modern educational technologies in teaching Chinese language and culture

G)     Management of short-term and/or long-term programs for international students in China


2.      Conference Preparation and Instruction

A)      If you plan to attend the conference, please get online at www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015 to provide your name and contact information by October 30, 2014.  The Organizing Committee will then continue to send you conference-related information.

B)      If you would like to present a paper, please submit your paper abstract online at www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015 by November 20, 2014.  Your abstract should be about 400 words in Chinese or English, stating the thesis of the paper, its significance, research or analysis method, and conclusion with regards to the type of paper you plan to present (e.g., documented literature reviews, summaries of experiences, logic analyses, and experimental studies reports).

C)      All the submitted abstracts will be evaluated anonymously, and the Organizing Committee will notify the authors the evaluation result by December 20, 2014.  The Organizing Committee will make sure to arrange a 15-minute presentation time during the conference for each of the authors whose paper abstracts are accepted and the conference fee is paid by the due date, which is April 10, 2015.  The abstracts will be put together and presented to all conference attendees.

D)      If your paper abstract is accepted, you may choose to submit your complete paper by February 20, 2015 according to the style sheet issued by the Organizing Committee for another around of anonymous evaluation.   The accepted papers will be included in a book of selected conference papers to be published.

E)       Due to the limited time and the space for publication of the selected papers, any completed paper that is not conformed to the style sheet (e.g., exceeding five pages of A4 paper) will be excluded from the book of selected conference papers.  The Organizing Committee will inform the author of the evaluation result by March 20, 2015.  The authors of the accepted papers must submit the finalized versions by April 20, 2015.  

F)       The conference fee (covering meals, cultural tour and performance during the conference, conference proceedings, conference rooms and facilities) is due on April 10, 2015.  If your paper abstract or your full paper is accepted, please pay the conference fee on time or your presentation time or the inclusion of your paper cannot be arranged.  The conference fee for conference attendees in mainland China is 900 CNY, and for those outside mainland China, it is $230 USD.  Graduate students can have 50% discount of the fee relevant to the region or country they are in.   To be eligible for the discount, graduate students must submit proofs of their graduate student status (i.e., a valid graduate student ID and an official letter of proof from his/her department or college).  The conference fee will increase by 30% after April 10, 2015. 

G)      Information about the conference fee payment method, hotel room reservation, and tours after the conference will be announced later. 


3.      The Conference Organization Committee

Conference Chairs: 

Erhimbayar (Inner Mongolian University)

John Jing-hua Yin (University of Vermont)

Associate Chairs:       
Yulin Li (Inner Mongolian University)
Juefei Wang (University of Vermont)

Committee Members:
Ligang Ren (Inner Mongolia University)
Yong Zhao (Inner Mongolia University)
Xiyong Wu (Inner Mongolia University)
Jinse Zhao (Inner Mongolia University)
Yan Ding (Inner Mongolia University)
Wenchao He (University of Rhode Island)
Ling Mu (Yale University)
Tao-Chung Yao (University of Hawaii)
Zhiqiang Yu (City University of New York)


4.      Conference Secretariat    

A)     Mainland China: 

Ms. Jinse Zhao

Email: zhaojinse@imu.edu.cn

Phone: 0471-4995053

Fax: 0471-4992596

URL: iec.imu.edu.cn/index.asp

B)     Counties and regions outside mainland China: 

Ms. Ying Hu
Email: ying.hu@uvm.edu
Phone: 802-656-1012
Fax: 802-656-8472
URL: www.uvm.edu/~chinese/conference2015 and chineseconference.org/ 


The 13th International Conference Organizing Committee
September 29, 2015