2014 年春季学期茶话会话题

Topics for the Chinese Tea Hour in Spring 2014


1.      我的寒假生活 1/23

My life during the winter break


2.      春节(1/30

Spring Festival


3.      我眼中的佛蒙特(2/6

Vermont in my eye


4.      情人节(2/13

Valentine’s Day


5.      佛蒙特州的名人(2/20 

Celebrities of Vermont


6.      假如你有十亿美元,你想做什么?(2/27

If you had one billion dollars, what would you do with your money?


7.      环境保护(3/13

Environmental Protection


8.      伯灵顿最好玩最有意思的地方(3/20

The most interesting and fun places in Burlington


9.      我最喜欢的运动(3/27

My favorite sport


10.  愚人节(4/3

April Fools’ Day


11.  我理想的工作(4/10

My ideal job


12.  贫穷和富有(4/17

Rich and Poor


My plan for the summer vacation