2013 年春季茶话会话题

Topics for Chinese Tea Hour in spring 2013



1.       我的寒假生活 1/25

My life during winter break

2.       我眼中的中国(2/1

My vision of China

3.       “春节”的传说与习俗(2/8

History and custom of Spring Festival

4.       中国年轻人的爱情与婚姻(2/15

Young Chinese people’s   love and marriage

5.       “元宵节”的习俗与“元宵节”灯谜(2/22 or   [最喜欢的季节Favorite Season]

Lantern festival custom and lantern riddles.

6.       我知道的中国名人(3/1

Famous Chinese people that I know

7.       学汉语过程中的趣事(3/15

Interesting things I came across while learning Chinese

8.       近两年汉语中出现的新词语(3/22

New Chinese words

9.       有意思的汉语俗语(3/29

Interesting Chinese sayings

10.   “清明节”的起源与风俗(4/5        or  [最喜欢的音乐Favorite kind of music]

History and custom of Ancestor day

11.   我最喜欢的中国饭(4/12

My favorite Chinese food

12.   中国与美国文化差异的例子(4/19

Culture differences between America and China

13.   我最难忘的一次度假(4/26

My most unforgettable vacation