Rotating Lab Roles                                                   




7-9 Speakers - Responsible bringing a USB Flash Memory Stick Thumb Drive, and for giving presentations during that assigned lab period.




1 Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator

Responsible for: smooth operation of entire lab, including:

Writing presenter's name and topic on board before they speak,

Choose the first presenter out of the "hat" and have each presenter when finished choose the next presenter,
Introducing each presenter and their topic to the lab,

Facilitating discussion and questions at end of each presentation,

Insuring all jobs are assigned and being performed,


1 Timer

Responsible for: timing presentations using stop watch,

Holding up minute sheets so presenters see them,


2 Camera Operators

Responsible for: set up and repackaging of Flip Camera

Recording each presentation,

Getting Flash memory stick thumb drives from presenters and giving to TA with Laptop

Returning thumb drive to presenter after presentation is copied to thumb drive


1 Attendance Taker

            Responsible for taking lab attendance using form and returning to TAs.


1 Critique Forms Manager

            Responsible for: collecting student critique forms and giving forms to each

            presenter after presentation.


1 Speaker’s Aide

            Responsible for: helping each speaker before and after presentation,

            Arranging room (chairs, lights, handouts, props, etc.) to as needed by presenter.


Listeners & Questioners:


9-12 Listeners and Questioners

            Responsible for: actively listening to presentation and asking intelligent and

            cogent topical questions of speaker after presentation, and filling out critique
            forms with positive and constructive suggestions for improvement.