CALS 001&183 Lab 10 outline Thursday 4 November, 2010, 5:30-6:45pm 010 Morrill

For Persuasive/Choice Presentation Labs Monday Nov 1 - Friday Nov 5!

Announcements / Reminders / New stuff:

New Handouts: TA Recommendations, Choice presentation critique sheets.

How's everything going?   How were labs?  Issues?   

Mid-Term Warning time:  Any student performing at a C level or lower, please email me their names.  Thanks.

Next Semester!  Would you like to TA for CALS 002/085?  Registration begins November 15, You get first pick!
Advantages of TAing:
-Strong reference letter from Dr. L option for future!
-Continue to work with your students: Tell your current students they can sign up for your lab next semester!
-Looks great on your resume!
-Earn three credits!
-Practice skills all jobs require: Communication, Information Technology, Team work, & Leadership.
-Review the Information Technology skills you learned in CALS 002/085.
-Next semester's schedule is here.

Review an example of a choice speech?