Some Bibliography on Theodosius and His Successors

Arnheim, M.T.W. The Senatorial Aristocracy in the Later Roman Empire. 1972. JC85 .S4 A75

Bardill, J. The Golden Gate in Constantinople: a Triumphal Arch of Theodosius I. AJA 103 (1999) 671-696.

Barnes, Timothy D. Religion and Society in the Age of Theodosius in Grace, Politics and Desire: Essays on Augustine, edd. Hugo A. Meynell (Calgary 1990) 157-175. BR65.A9 G72 1990

Barr, William. Claudian's Panegyric on the Fourth Consulate of Honorius. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary. 1981. PA6373.E5 P34 1981 LRA

Bassett, S. "Excellent Offerings": the Lausos Collection in Constantinople. ABull 82 (2000) 6-25.

Beskow, Per. The Theodosian Laws against Manichaeism in Manichaean studies: proceedings of the first international conference on Manichaeism, August 5-9, 1987, Department of History of Religions, Lund University, Sweden, ed. Peter Bryder (Lund 1988) 1-11.

Blockley, R.C. The Division of Armenia between the Romans and Persians at the End of the Fourth Century A.D. Historia 36 (1987) 222-234.

Bonney, Robert. A New Friend for Symmachus? Historia 24 (1975) 357-374.

Bowersock, G. From Emperor to Bishop. The Self-Conscious Transformation of Political Power in the Fourth Century A.D. CPh 81 (1986) 298-307.

Brocca, Nicoletta. Il "proditor Stilicho" e la distruzione dei "Libri Sibyllini", in Nuovo e antico nella cultura greco-latina di IV-VI secolo, edd. Isabella Gualandri, Fabrizio Conca, Raffaele Passarella (Milan 2005) 137-184.

Bruggisser, Philippe. Rarissimes païens: l'art du persiflage dans le "Contre Symmaque" de Prudence. Historia 51 (2002) 238-253.

Burrell, Emma. Claudian's "in Eutropium liber alter". Latomus 62 (2003) 110-138.

Burrell, Emma. A Re-Examination of Why Stilicho Abandoned His Pursuit of Alaric in 397. Historia 53 (2004) 251-256.

Cameron, A. Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilicho. HSPh 73 (1968) 96-102.

Cameron, Alan. Claudian: Poetry and Propaganda at the Court of Honorius. 1970. PA6374 .C3

Cameron, Alan, Jacqueline Long and Lee Sherry. Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius. 1993. PA4441.S9 C36 1993

Canto, Alicia María. Sobre el origen bético de Teodosio I el Grande, y su improbable nacimiento en "Cauca de Gallaecia". Latomus 65 (2006) 388-421.

Cesa, Maria and Hagith Sivan. Alarico in Italia: Pollenza e Verona. Historia 39 (1990) 361-374.

Chastagnol, A. Les Espagnols dans l'aristocratie gouvernementale à l'époque de Théodose in Les empereurs romains d'Espagne (Paris 1965) 269-292. QUARTO DG292 .E4

Christiansen, P.G. Claudian Versus the Opposition. TAPhA 97 (1966) 45-54.

Coskun, Altay. Der "comes" Romanus, der Heermeister Theodosius und die drei letzen Akte der "Lepcis-Magna-Affairs" (A. 373-377)." AntTard 12 (2004) 293-308. [75-10257

Cristo, S. The Relationship of Symmachus to Stilicho and Claudian. A&R 21 (1976) 53-59. [47-08781

Croke, B. Arbogast and the Death of Valentinian II. Historia 25 (1976) 235-244.

Daly, L.J. The Mandarin and the Barbarians. The Response of Themistius to the Gothic Challenge. Historia 21 (1972) 351-379.

Daly, L.J. Themistius' Concept of φιλανθρωπíα. Byzantion 45 (1975) 22-40. [47-04227

Daly, L.J. Themistius' Refusal of a Magistracy (Or. 34, cc. XIII-XV). Byzantion 53 (1983) 164-212. [54-05209

Demandt, A. Der Tod des alteren Theodosius, Historia 17 (1969) 598-626.

Downey, G. Philanthropia in Religion and Statecraft in the Fourth Century after Christ. Historia 4 (1955) 199-208.

Downey, G. Antioch in the Age of Theodosius the Great. 1962. DS99 .A6 D58 1962

Egger, R. Der erste Theodosius. Byzantion 5 (1929) 9-32.

Ehrhardt, A. The First Two Years of the Emperor Theodosius I. JEH 15 (1964) 1-17.

Errington, R.M. The Accession of Theodosius I. Klio 78 (1996) 438-453.

Errington, R.M. Theodosius and the Goths. Chiron 26 (1996) 1-27. [67-09701

Errington, R.M. Christian Accounts of the Religious Legislation of Theodosius I. Klio 79 (19972) 398-443. [68-09706

Errington, R.M. Church and State in the First Years of Theodosius I. Chiron 27 (1997) 21-72. [68-09707

Errington, R.M. Themistius and His Emperors. Chiron 30 (2000) 861-904. [71-11116

Errington, R.M. The Date of Themistius' First Speech. Klio 83 (2001) 161-166. [72-06677

Errington, R.M. Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius. 2006. DG319 .E77 2006

Evenepoel, Willy. Ambrose vs. Symmachus: Christians and Pagans in AD 384. AncSoc 29 (1998-1999) 283-306. [70-12154

Fowden, Garth. Bishops and Temples in the Eastern Roman Empire A.D. 320-435. JThS 29 (1978) 53-78

Freeman, Charles. A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State. 2009. BR217 .F744 2009

French, Dorothea R. Rhetoric and the Rebellion of A.D. 387 in Antioch. Historia 47 (1998) 468-484.

Gaudemet, Jean. Politique ecclésiastique et législation religieuse après l'édit de Théodose I de 380, in Atti dell'Accademia romanistica constantiniana, VI Convegno internazionale (Perugia: Univ. degli Studi fac. di Giurisprud. 1986) 1-22.

Geyssen, John W. Presentation of Victory on the Theodosian Obelisk Base. Byzantion 68 (1998) 47-55.

Gnilka, Ch. Zur Rede der Roma bei Symmachus Rel. 3. Hermes 118 (1990) 464-470.

Grumel, V. La deuxième mission de saint Ambroise auprè de maxime. REByz 4 (1951) 154-160. [22-00069

Haertel, Gottfried. Die Religionspolitik der römischen Kaiser von Diokletian bis Justinian I. anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus dem Codex Theodosianus, dem Codex Justinianus und den Novellen Justinians I. ACD 22 (1986) 69-86. [58-11060

Harries, J. Prudentius and Theodosius. Latomus 43 (1984) 69-84.

Harries, J. and Ian Wood, edd. The Theodosian Code. 1993. KJA459 .T48 1993

Heather, P.J. The anti-Scythian Tirade of Synesius' De regno. Phoenix 42 (1988) 152-172.

Heather, P. Goths and Romans, 332-489. 1991. D137 .H43 1991

Hedrick, Charles W. History and Silence: Purge and Rehabilitation of Memory in Late Antiquity. 2000. CN535 .H43 2000

Holum, K. Theodosian Empresses: Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity. 1982. DG322 .H64 1982

Honoré, T. Law in the Crisis of Empire 379-455 AD: the Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors. 1998.

Isola, Antonino. "De Monachis": un titolo controverso (Codex Theodosianus 16,3, 1/2). WS 119 (2006) 199-214. [77-01592

Janssen, Tido. Stilicho: das weströmische Reich vom Tode des Theodosius bis zur Ermordung Stilichos (395-408). 2004.

King, N. The Emperor Theodosius and the Establishment of Christianity. 1961.

Klein, Richard. Symmachus. Eine tragische Gestalt des ausgehenden Heidentums. 1971. PA6704.S9 K5

Klein, Richard. Zur heidnisch-christlichen Auseinandersetzung in Rom um die Wende vom 4. zum 5. Jahrhundert: Prudentius in Rom. RQA 98 (2003) 87-111. [75-04701

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Larson, C. Theodosius and the Thessalonian Massacre Revisited - Yet Again. Studia Patristica 10 (1970) 297-301. BR41 .I57

Leppin, Hartmut. Theodosius der Grosse. 2003.

Levy, Harry L. Claudian's In Rufinum: an Exegetical Commentary. 1971. PA6372.I73 L4 LRA

Lippold, A. Theodosius der Grosse und seine Zeit. 1968. DG330 .L5 LRA

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Long, Jacqueline. Claudian's In Eutropium, or, How, When, and Why to Slander a Eunuch. 1996. PA6372.I7 L66 1996

Marique, J.F.M. A Spanish Favourite of Theodosius the Great, Cynegius, praefectus praetorio. CF 17 (1963) 43-59. [35-07606

Matthews, J.F. A Pious Supporter of Theodosius I: Maternus Cynegius and His Family. JThS 18 (1967) 438-446.

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Oost, S.I. Count Gildo and Theodosius the Great. CPh 57 (1962) 27-30.

Potter, David S. Prophets and Emperors: Human and Divine Authority from Augustus to Theodosius. Harvard UP 1994. nil

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Pack, R. Studies in Libanius and Antiochene Society under Theodosius. 1935. PA4228 .P3 1934

Pohlsander, H.A. Victory: The Story of a Statue. Historia 18 (1969) 588-597.

Rebenich, Stefan. Gratian, a Son of Theodosius, and the Birth of Galla Placidia. Historia 34 (1985) 372-385.

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Rebenich, Stefan. Augustinus im Streit zwischen Symmachus und Ambrosius um den Altar der Victoria. Laverna 2 (1991) 53-75. [63-00935

Roberts, Michael. Martin Meets Maximus: the Meaning of a Late Roman Banquet. REAug 41 (1995) 91-111. [66-01595

Safran, L. Points of View: the Theodosian Obelisk Base in Context. GRBS 34 (1993) 409-435.

Salzman, Michele Renee. Superstitio in the Codex Theodosianus and the Persecution of Pagans. VChr 41 (1987) 172-188.

Salzman, Michele Renee. Reflections on Symmachus' Idea of Tradition. Historia 38 (1989) 348-364.

Salzman, Michele Renee. How the West was Won: the Christianization of the Roman Aristocracy in the West in the Years after Constantine. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 6 (1992) 451-479. PA6011 .S86

Salzman, Michele Renee. The Evidence for the Conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity in Book 16 of the "Theodosian Code". Historia 42 (1993) 362-378.

Salzman, Michele Renee. Symmachus and the "Barbarian" Generals. Historia 55 (2006) 352-367.

Seager, Robin. Ammianus, Theodosius and Sallust's "Jugurtha". Histos 1 (1997) no page numbers.

Sivan, Hagith. Ausone et la législation impériale: l'exemple de CTh 13, 3.11. REA 91 (1989) 47-53.

Sivan, Hagith S. Eunapius and the West: Remarks on frg 78 (Müller). Historia 50 (1991) 95-104.

Sivan, Hagith. Ammianus' Terminus and the Accession of Theodosius I in Charistion C. P. T. Naudé, edd. Ursula Vogel-Weidemann and Jan Scholtemeijer (Pretoria 1993) 113-120.

Sivan, Hagith. Ausonius of Bordeaux: Genesis of a Gallic Aristocracy. 1993.

Sivan, Hagith. Anician women, the Cento of Proba, and Aristocratic Conversion in the Fourth Century. VChr 47 (1993) 140-157.

Sivan, Hagith. Numerian the Intellectual: a Dynastic Survivor in Fourth-Century Gaul. RhM 136 (1993) 360-365.

Sivan, Hagith. The last Gallic Prose Panegyric: Paulinus of Nola on Theodosius I. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 7 (1994) 577-594. PA6011 .S86

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Sogno, Cristiana. Q. Aurelius Symmachus: a Political Biography. 2006. PA6704.S9 S64 2006

Solmsen, F. The Conclusion of Theodosius' Oration in Prudentius' Contra Symmachum. Philologus 109 (1965) 310-313.

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