Some Scholarship relating to Early Christianity and Rome

Three Christian Sources

Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Letters of St. Cyprian, trans. Sister Rose Bernard Donna. 1965. BR60 .F3 v.51

Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Treatises, trans. R.J. Deferrari; The dress of virgins, trans. A.E. Keenan; Mortality, trans. Sister George Edward Conway. 1958 (1977). BR60 .F3 v.36

Lactantius. On the Deaths of the Persecutors (De mortibus persecutorum) trans. J.L. Creed BR65.L23 D43513 1984; minor works BR60 .F3 v.54

Victor of Vita, History of the Vandal persecution, trans. with notes and introduction by Moorhead, J. 1992. BR1608.A355 V5313 1992

Articles and book chapters

Alcock, A. Persecution under Septimius Severus. Enchoria 11 (1982) 1-5 Text, Übersetzung und Kommentierung von P. Oxy. 4 1B74/K(a) (4. Jh. n. Chr. ?); der koptische Text betrifft die Verfolgung von Christen in Alexandria. [55-01116

Alexander, P.J. Religious persecution and resistance in the Byzantine Empire of the eighth and ninth centuries. Methods and justifications. Speculum 52 (1977) 238-264.

Athanassiadi, P. Persecution and response in late paganism. JHS 113 (1993) 1-29.

Barnes, T.D. Sossianus Hierocles and the antecedents of the Great Persecution. HSPh 80 (1976) 239-252.

Burgess, R.W. The date of the persecution of Christians in the army. Journal of Theological Studies 47 (1996) 157-158.

Chroust, A.H. A note on the persecution of the Christians in the early Roman empire. Classica et mediaevalia 28 (1967) 321-329.

Clarke, G.W. Double-trials in the persecution of Decius. Historia 22 (1973) 650-663.

Clarke, G.W. Some observations on the persecution of Decius. Antichthon 3 (1969) 63-76.

Clarke, G.W. Two measures in the persecution of Decius? Two recent views. BICS 20 (1973) 118-123.

David, J.M. Réformes des administrations de l'annone et des domaines en Numidie, pendant la persécution de Valérien (257-260). A propos de CIL 8,2757. Antiquités Africaines 11 (1977) 149-160. [48-09212

Davies, P.S. The origin and purpose of the persecution of AD 303. Journal of Theological Studies 40 (1989) 66-94.

Dearn, Alan. The 'Passio S. Typasii Veterani' as a Catholic Construction of the Past. VChr 55 (2001) 86-98.

Den Boer, V. A Pagan Historian and His Enemies: Porphyry against the Christians. CPh 69 (1974) 198-208.

Digeser, Elizabeth Depalma. Lactantius, Porphyry, and the Debate over Religious Toleration. JRS 88 (1998) 129-146.

Digeser, Elizabeth Depalma. An Oracle of Apollo at Daphne and the Great Persecution. CPh 99 (2004) 57-77.

Duff, Paul Brooks. René Girard in Corinth. Helios 22 (1995) 79-99.

Duval, Yvette. Le début de la persécution de Dèce à Rome. Revue des Études Augustiennes 46 (2000) 157-172. [71-11113

Evans, J.A.S. The Monophysite persecution: the eastern view. The Ancient World 27 (1996) 191-196. [67-11583 Flach, Dieter. Die römischen Christenverfolgungen. Gründe und Hintergründe. Historia 48 (1999) 442-464.

Frend, W.H.C. Prelude to the great persecution. The propaganda war. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 38 (1987) 1-18.

Gruen, E.S. Hellenism and Persecution, in Hellenistic History and Culture, ed. P. Green (1993) 238-274. DF77 .H5464 1993

Haas, C.J. Imperial religious policy and Valerian's persecution of the church. A.D. 257-260. Church History 52 (1983) 133-144.

Humphries, Mark. In Nomine Patris: Constantine the Great and Constantius II in Christological Polemic. Historia 46 (1997) 448-464.

Janssen, L.F. Superstitio and the persecution of the Christians. Vigiliae Christianae 33 (1979) 131-159.

Keresztes, P. From the great persecution to the peace of Galerius. Vigiliae Christianae 37 (1983) 379-399.

Keresztes, P. The imperial roman government and the Christian Church, 2. ANRW 2.23 (1979) 375-386.

Klawiter, F.C. The role of martyrdom and persecution in developing the priestly authority of women in early Christianity. Church History 49 (1980) 251-261

Krodel, G. Persecution and tolerance of Christianity until Hadrian. The catacombs and the colosseum, S. Benko and J.J. O'Rourke (1971) 255-267. BL810 .C38

Lancel, S. Le proconsul Anullinus et la grande persécution en Afrique en 303-304 ap. J.-C.: nouveaux documents Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 1999 (3): 1013-1022. [70-12323

Lepelley, C. Chrétiens et païens au temps de la persécution de Dioclétien; le cas d'Abthugni, XV. Studia patristica 226-232. 1984. BR41 .I57

Löhr, Winrich A. Some Observations on Karl-Heinz Schwarte's 'Diokletian's Christengesetz'. VChr 56 (2002) 75-95.

Mans, M.J. The tunica molesta and the Neronian persecution of the Christians. Akroterion 29 (1984) 53-59 [55-12407

Nakamura, Byron J. When Did Diocletian Die? New Evidence for an Old Problem. CPh 98 (2003) 283-289.

Nicholson, Oliver. Flight from persecution as imitation of Christ. Lactantius' Divine Institutes iv.18,1-2. Journal of Theological Studies 40 (1989) 48-85.

Nicholson, Oliver. The 'Pagan Churches' of Maximinus Daia and Julian the Apostate. JEH 45 (1994) 1-10.

Pagels, E.H. Gnostic and orthodox views of Christ's passion. Paradigms for the Christian's response to persecution? The rediscovery of gnosticism: proceedings of the International Conference on Gnosticism at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut, March 28-31, 1978, ed. B. Layton (1980) 262-288. BT1390 .C58 1978

Pergola, P. La condamnation des Flaviens 'chrétiens' sous Domitien. Persécution religieuse ou répression à caractère politique. Mélanges d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'École Française de Rome 90 (1978) 407-423.

Plescia, J. On the persecution of the Christians in the Roman empire. Latomus 30 (1971) 120-132.

Portmann, Werner. Zu den Motiven der diokletianischen Christenverfolgung, Historia 39 (1990) 212-248.

Rousselle, A. La persécution des chrétiens à Alexandrie au 3 siècle. Revue historique de droit français et étranger 52 (1974) 222-251. [45-09946

Sage M. M. The persecution of Valerian and the peace of Gallienus. WS 17 N.F. (1983) 137-159.

Saulnier, Chr. La persécution des chrétiens et la théologie du pouvoir à Rome (I-IV S.). Revue des sciences religieuses (1984) 251-279. [55-10459

Scholer David M. Tertullian on Jewish persecution of Christians, XVII, 2. Studia Patristica: 821-828. 1982. BR41 .I57

Schott, Jeremy M. Christianity, Empire, and the Making of Religion in Late Antiquity. 2008. BR165 .S398 2008

Sergejenko, M. Je. The Decian persecution. VDI 151 (1980) 171-176 (Vestnik Drevnej Istorii = Revue d'Histoire Ancienne) [51-09713

Siat, Jeannine. La persécution des chrétiens au début du 2e s. d'après la lettre de Pline le Jeune et la réponse de Trajan en 112. LEC 63 (1995) 161-170.

Sweetland, D.M. Discipleship and persecution. A study of Luke 12,1-12. Biblica 65 (1984) 61-80. [55-04673 [This periodical is in LRA, years 1967-1981 only]

Tabernee, William. Eusebius' 'Theology of persecution'. Journal of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997) 319-334.

Taylor, Justin. The love of many will grow cold, Matt. 24:9-13 and the Neronian persecution. Revue Biblique 96 (1989) 352-357. [60-05407

Vinson, Martha. Gregory Nazianzen's Homily 36. Classica et mediaevalia 44 (1993) 255-266

Von Wahlde, Urban C. Acts 4, 24-31: the prayer of the Apostles in response to the persecution of Peter and John, and its consequences. Biblica 77 (1996) 237-244 [68-05716

Von Wahlde, Urban C. The theological assessment of the first christian persecution: the Apostle's prayer and its consequences in Acts 4, 24-31.. Biblica 76 (1995) 523-531 [68-05717 [This periodical is in LRA, years 1967-1981 only]

Whitehorne, J.E G. P. Oxy. XLIII 3119; a document of Valerian's persecution? ZPE 24 (1977) 187-196.

Woods, D. Two notes on the great persecution. Journal of Theological Studies 43 (1992) 128-134.

Woods, D. 'Veturius' and the beginning of the Diocletianic persecution. Mnemosyne Ser. 4 54 (2001) 587-591.

Wynn, P. Rufinus of Aquileia's Ecclesiastical history and Victor of Vita's History of the Vandal persecution. Classica et mediaevalia 41(1990) 187-198.

Wypustek, Andrzej. Magic, Montanism, Perpetua and the Severan persecution. Vigiliae Christianae 51 (1997) 276-297.

Wypustek, Andrzej. Pagans and Christians around Perpetua and Felicitas: the study of Pagan ideas during persecution at the turn of the second century. Eos 85 (1998) 279-283. [70-12384

Books, In Library

Frend, W.H.C. Martyrdom and persecution in the early Church. A study of a conflict from the Maccabees to Donatus. Oxford, 1965. BR1604.2 .F7 1965

Molthagen, J. Der römische Staat und die Christen im zweiten und dritten Jahrhundert. 1970. BR1604.2 .M63 1970

Sheils, W.J., ed. Persecution and toleration: Papers read at the twenty-second summer meeting and the twenty-third winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. 1984. BR141 .S84 v.21

Sheils, W.J., ed. Monks, hermits, and the ascetic tradition: papers read at the 1984 Summer Meeting and the 1985 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. 1985. BR141 .S84 v.22

Wood, D., ed. Martyrs and Martyrologies: papers read at the 1992 Summer Meeting and the 1993 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. 1993. BR141 .S84 v. 30

Books, Not in library:

Borgen, Peder. Emperor worship and persecution in Philo's In Flaccum and De legatione ad Gaium and the Revelation of John. Festschrift M. Hengel. 3 : 493-509. - 1996 Geschichte - Tradition - Reflexion: Festschrift für Martin Hengel zum 70. Geburtstag. 3, Frühes Christentum / hrsg. von Hermann Lichtenberger. Tübingen : Mohr, 1996.

Collins, A.Y. Persecution and vengeance in the Book of Revelation. Apocalypticism: 729-749. (Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean world and the Near East. Proceedings of the international colloquium on apocalypticism, Uppsala, August 12-17, 1979, ed. Hellholm, D. Tübingen: Mohr, 1983)

Cunningham, Scott. Through many tribulations: the theology of persecution in Luke-Acts. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Pr., 1997. (Journal for the study of the New Testament. Supplement series 142)

Decret, François. Du bon usage du mensonge et du parjure: Manichéens et Priscillianistes face à la persécution dans l'Empire chrétien: (IV-V siècles). Mélanges Pierre Lévque, IV: Religion, ed. Mactoux, Marie-Madeleineand Geny, Evelyne. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1990. (Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon 413) (Centre de recherche d'histoire ancienne 96)

Duquesne, L. Chronologie des Lettres de S. Cyprien. Le dossier de la persécution de Dèce. Bruxelles, 1972

Duval, Yvette. Chrétiens d'Afrique à l'aube de la paix constantinienne. Turnhout, 2000

Frend, W.H.C. A Severan persecution? Evidence of the Historia Augusta. Studi in onore di M. Pellegrino 470-480.(Forma futuri. Studi in onore di Michele Pellegrino. Torino: Bottega d'Erasmo, 1975)

Hare, D.R.A. The theme of Jewish persecution of Christians in the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Cambridge, 1967

Jarak, Mirja. Martyres Pannoniae. Westillyricum und Nordostitalien 263-289. (Westillyricum und Nordostitalien in der spätrömischen Zeit (Zahodni Ilirik in severovzhodna Italija v poznorimski dobi), ed. Rajko, Bratoz. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej, 1996)

Les martyrs de la grande persécution (304-311) / trad., introd., notes & plan de travail par Hamman A.G. Paris, 1979

Mentxaka, Rosa. La persécution du christianisme à l'époque de Septime Sévère. Considérations juridiques sur la Passion de Perpétue et Félicité. Églises et pouvoir politique : 63-82. (Actes des journées internationales d'histoire du droit d'Angers, 30 mai-1 juin 1985. Angers: Pr. de l'Univ., 1987.)

Molinari, Andrea Lorenzo. The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles (NHC 6.1): allegory, ascent, and ministry in the wake of the Decian persecution. Atlanta (Ga.), 2000

Wankenne, L.J. Une affaire à suivre. Néron et la persécution des chrétiens d'après Tacite, Annales, XV,44, in Wankenne L.J. Antiquité classique et enseignement secondaire. (Louvain-la-Neuve: Ciaco éd. 1984) 185-199.

Weinrich, W.C. Spirit and martyrdom. A study of the work of the Holy Spirit in contexts of persecution and martyrdom in the New Testament and early Christian literature. Washington, DC, 1981