Some Scholarship on Sallust and Jugurtha, including the Numantine War and Related Issues

Allen, Walter Jr. "The Source of Jugurtha's Influence in the Roman Senate," CPh 33 (1938) 90-92 Allen, W. "The Unity of the Sallustian Corpus," CJ 61 (1966) 268-269

Astin, A. E. "Dicta Scipionis of 131 B. C.," CQ 10 (1960) 135-139

Bates, Richard L. "'Rex in Senatu': A Political Biography of M. Aemilius Scaurus," PAPhS 130 (1986) 251-288

Boren, Henry C., "Tiberius Gracchus: The Opposition View," AJPh 82 (1961) 358-369

Briscoe, John. "Supporters and Opponents of Tiberius Gracchus," JRS 64 (1974) 125-135

Claassen, Jo-Marie. "Sallust's Jugurtha: Rebel or Freedom Fighter? On Crossing Crocodile-Infested Waters," CW 86 (1993) 273-297

Cheesman, G. L. "Numantia," JRS 1 (1911) 180-186

Curchin, Leonard A. Roman Spain: Conquest and Assimilation. New York 1991. DP94 .C872 1991

Dué, Casey. "Tragic History and Barbarian Speech in Sallust's Jugurtha," HSPh 100 (2000) 311-325

Earl, D. C. "Sallust and the Senate's Numidian Policy," Latomus 24 (1965) 532-536

Fabricius, Ernst. "Some Notes on Polybius's Description of Roman Camps," JRS 22 (1932) 78-87

Farney, Gary D. "The Fall of the Priest C. Sulpicius Galba and the First Consulship of Marius," MAAR 42 (1997) 39-71

Fritz, Kurt, von. "Sallust and the Attitude of the Roman Nobility at the Time of the Wars Against Jugurtha," TAPhA 74 (1943) 134-168

Grethlein, J. "Nam quid ea memorem: the Dialectical Relation of Res Gestae and Memoria Rerum Gestarum in Sallust's Bellum Jugurthinum," CQ 56 (2006) 135-148

Grethlein, J. "The Unthucydidean Voice of Sallust," TAPhA 136 (2006) 299-327

Hellegouarc'h Joseph. "Vrbem uenalem . . . (Sall., Iug. 35,10)," BAGB (1990) 163-174

Hellegouarc'h Joseph. "Présence et actualité du discours de Marius dans le 'Bellum Iugurthinum'," in Présence de Salluste, ed. Rémy Poignault (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours 1997) 131-141. [69-04291

Ilevbare, J. A. "Jugurtha. A Victim of Roman Imperialism and Factional Politics," MusAfr 6 (1977/78) 43-59. [53-10101

Josserand, Charles. "La 'modestie' de Jugurtha (Salluste, Bellum Jugurthinum, VII, 3)," AC 50 (1981) 427-431

Keay, S. J. Roman Spain. 1988. DP94 .K4 1988

Kurita, Nobuko. "Who Supported Jugurtha? The Jugurthine War as a Social Revolution," in Forms of Control and Subordination in Antiquity, edd. Yuge Tory and Doi Masaoki (Leiden: Brill 1988) 164-168. [62-11083

Le Gall, J. "La mort de Jugurtha," RPh 18 (1944) 94-100. [16-01507

Levene, David S. "Sallust's Jugurtha: an 'Historical Fragment'," JRS 82 (1992) 53-70

Mathieu, Nicolas. "Portraits de la 'nobilitas' dans la 'Conjuration de Catilina' et la 'Guerre de Jugurtha'," in Présence de Salluste, ed. Rémy Poignault (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours 1997) 27-43. [69-04301

Montgomery, P. Andrew. "Sallust's Scipio: A Preview of Aristocratic Superbia (Sal. Jug 7.2-9.2)," CJ 109 (2013) 21-40

Morgan, M. G. and Walsh, J. A. "Ti. Gracchus (tr. pl. 133 B.C.), the Numantine affair, and the Deposition of M. Octavius," CPh 73 (1978) 200-210

Morstein-Marx, Robert. "The Alleged 'Massacre' at Cirta and its Consequences (Sallust Bellum Iugurthinum 26-27)," CPh 95 (2000) 468-476

Murray, Robert. J. "Cicero and the Gracchi," TAPhA 97 (1966) 291-298

Oost, S. I. "The Fetial Law and the Outbreak of the Jugurthine War," AJPh 75 (1954) 147-159

Pantzerhielm-Thomas, S. "The Prologues of Sallust," SO 15-16 (1936) 140-162

Parker, Victor. "'Romae omnia venalia esse': Sallust's Development of a Thesis and the Prehistory of the Jugurthine War," Historia 53 (2004) 408-423

Raschke, Wendy J. "The Chronology of the Early Books of Lucilius," JRS 69 (1979) 78-89

Richardson, J. S. Hispaniae, Spain and the Development of Roman Imperialism, 218-82 B.C.. Cambridge 1986. DP94 .R53 1986

Richardson, J. S. The Romans in Spain. Oxford 1996. DP94 .R54 1996

Scanlon, Thomas Francis. "Textual Geography in Sallust's The War with Jugurtha," Ramus 17 (1988) 138-175. [60-04542

Scullard, H. H. "Scipio Aemilianus and Roman Politics," JRS 50 (1960) 59-74

Starr, Raymond J. "Velleius' Literary Techniques in the Organization of His History," TAPhA 110 (1980) 287-301

Suerbaum, Werner. "Rex Ficta Locutus est: Zur Beurteilung der Adherbal- und der Micipsa-Rede in Sallusts 'Bellum Iugurthinum'," Hermes 92 (1964) 85-106

Sumner, G. V. "Notes on Provinciae in Spain (197-133 B.C.)," CPh 72 (1977) 126-130

Sutherland, C. H. V. The Romans in Spain, 217 B.C.-A.D. 117. London: Methuen 1939

Timpe, Dieter. "Herrschaftsidee und Klientelstaatenpolitik in Sallusts bellum Jugurthinum," Hermes 90 (1962) 334-375

Walbank, F. W. "Political Morality and the Friends of Scipio," JRS 55 (1965) 1-16

Wiedemann, T. "Nunc ad inceptum redeo. Sallust, Jugurtha 4.9 and Cato," LCM 4 (1979) 13-16. [50-03879

Wiedemann, Thomas. "Sallust's Jugurtha: Concord, Discord, and the Digressions," G&R 40 (1993) 48-57

Wikander, O. "Caius Hostilius Mancinus and the foedus Numantinum," ORom 11 (1976) 85-104. [49-10052