Some (Mostly) Recent Scholarship on the Gracchi

Adshead K. "Further Inspiration for Tiberius Gracchus?," Antichthon 15 (1981) 118-128

Badian, Ernst. "The Pig and the Priest," in Ad fontes!: Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch zum 65. Geburtstag am 15. September 2004, edd. Herbert Heftner and Kurt Tomaschitz (Vienna: Phoibos, 2004) 263-272. [75-10062

Beness, J. Lea and T. W. Hillard. "The Theatricality of the Deaths of C. Gracchus and Friends," CQ 51 (2001) 135-140

Bernstein, Alvin H. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus: Tradition and Apostasy. Ithaca 1978. DG254.5 .B47

Boren, H. C. "Tiberius Gracchus: the Opposition View," AJPh 82 (1961) 358-369

Boren, Henry C. The Gracchi. New York 1969. DG254.5 .B6 1969

Bringmann, Klaus. Agrarreform des Tiberius Gracchus: Legende und Wirklichkeit. Stuttgart 1985. DG254.5 .B75 1985

Briscoe, John. "Supporters and Opponents of Tiberius Gracchus," JRS 64 (1974) 125-135

Carcopino, Jérôme. Autour des Gracques, études critiques. Paris 1967. DG254.5 .C3 1967 LRA

Clark, Anna J. "Nasica and 'fides'," CQ 57 (2007) 125-131

Dart, Christopher J. "The Impact of the Gracchian Land Commission and the 'dandis' power of the triumvirs," Hermes 139 (2011) 337-357

De Ligt, Lukas, "Poverty and Demography: the Case of the Gracchan Land Reforms," Mnemosyne 57 (2004) 725-757

Dixon, Suzanne. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi. London 2007. DG254.5 .D59 2007

Earl, Donald C. Tiberius Gracchus: a Study in Politics. Brussels 1963. DG254.5 .E2

Erdkamp, Paul. "Feeding Rome, or Feeding Mars?: a Long-term Approach to C. Gracchus' 'lex frumentaria'," Ancient Society 30 (2000) 53-70. [71-11805

Flower, Harriet I. "Rome's First Civil War and the Fragility of Republican Political Culture," in Citizens of Discord: Rome and its Civil Wars, edd. Brian W. Breed, Cynthia Damon and Andreola Francesca Rossi (Oxford 2010) 73-86. DG254.2 .C57 2010

Keaveney, Arthur. "The Tragedy of Caius Gracchus: Ancient Melodrama or Modern Farce?" Klio 85 (2003) 322-333. [75-06910

Kefeng, Chen. "A Perspective of the 'senatus consultum ultimum' in the Late Roman Republic from the Constitutional Point of View," JAC 19 (2004) 125-132. [75-10673

Linderski J. "Patientia fregit; M. Octavius and Ti. Gracchus (Cicero, Brutus 95)," Athenaeum 60 (1982) 244-247. [53-01278

Linderski, Jerzy. "The Pontiff and the Tribune: the Death of Tiberius Gracchus," Athenaeum 90 (2002) 339-366. [73-11548

Millar, Fergus. "Politics, Persuasion and the People before the Social War (150-90 B.C.)," JRS 76 (1986) 1-11

Morgan, M. Gwyn and John A. Walsh, "Ti. Gracchus (tr. pl. 133 B.C.), the Numantine Affair, and the Deposition of M. Octavius," CPh 73 (1978) 200-210

Mouritsen, Henrik. Italian Unification: A Study in Ancient & Modern Historiography. London: Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 70, 1998. DG256.2 .M68 1998

Mouritsen, Henrik. "The Gracchi, the Latins, and the Italian Allies," in People, Land, and Politics: Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy 300BC-AD14, edd. Luuk De Ligt and S. J. Northwood (Leiden 2008) 471-483. HB853.R66 P46 2008

Nagle D. B. "The Etruscan Journey of Tiberius Gracchus," Historia 25 (1976) 487-489

Nicolet, Claude. Gracques ou Crise agraire et révolution à Rome, présentés par Claude Nicolet. Paris 1967. DG254.5 .N45 LRA

Ossier, John F. "Greek Cultural Influence and the Revolutionary Policies of Tiberius Gracchus," SHHA 22 (2004) 63-69. [75-10721

Reiter, W. L. "M. Fulvius Flaccus and the Gracchan Coalition," Athenaeum 56 (1978) 125-144. [49-10001

Rich, John William. "'Lex Licinia', 'Lex Sempronia': B. G. Niebuhr and the Limitation of Landholding in the Roman Republic," in People, Land, and Politics: Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy 300BC-AD 14, edd. Luuk De Ligt and S. J. Northwood (Leiden 2008) 519-572. HB853.R66 P46 2008

Riddle, John M., ed. Tiberius Gracchus: Destroyer or Reformer of the Republic? Lexington 1970. DG254.5 .R5

Roskam, Geert. "Ambition and Love of Fame in Plutarch's Lives of Agis, Cleomenes, and the Gracchi," CPh 106 (2011) 208-225

Rowland, Robert J., Jr. "C. Gracchus and the Equites," TAPhA 96 (1965) 361-373

Santangelo, Federico. "A Survey of Recent Scholarship on the Age of the Gracchi (1985-2005)," Topoi (Lyon) 15 (2007) 465-510. [78-10751

Scullard, H.H. "Scipio Aemilianus and Roman Politics," JRS 50 (1960) 59-74

Seager, Robin. "'Populares' in Livy and the Livian Tradition," CQ 27 (1977) 377-390

Shochat, Yanir. Recruitment and the Programme of Tiberius Gracchus. Brussels 1980. U35 .S53

Smuts F. "Stoic influences on Tiberius Gracchus," AClass 1 (1958) 106-116

Spaeth, Barbette Stanley. "The Goddess Ceres and the Death of Tiberius Gracchus," Historia 39 (1990) 182-195

Spielvogel, Jörg. Reflections on the development of the mentality within the Roman nobility. Klio 86 (2004) 382-397. [75-10209

Stockton, David. The Gracchi. Oxford 1979. DG254.5 .S76