Some Bibliography relating to the Battle of Adrianople

Arvites, J.A. The military campaigns of Adrianople. HT 31 (1981) 30-35. [53-10323

Austin, N.J.E. Ammianus' Account of the Adrianople Campaign: Some Strategic Observations. AClass 15 (1972) 77-83.

Austin, Norman J.E. and Boris Rankov. Exploratio: military and political intelligence in the Roman world from the Second Punic war to the battle of Adrianople. London, New York: Routledge 1995.

Banchich T. M. Eunapius and Jerome. GRBS 27 (1986) 319-324.

Burns, T.S. The battle of Adrianople. A reconsideration. Historia 22 (1973) 336-345.

Dagron, G. L'empire romain d'Orient au ive. siècle et les traditions politiques de l'hellénisme. Le témoignage de Thémistius. Travaux & Mémoires 3 (1967) 1-242. [39-07985

Daly, Lawrence J. The Mandarin and the Barbarian: The Response of Themistius to the Gothic Challenge. Historia 21 (1972) 351-379.

Demandt, A. Der Fall Roms. Die Auflösung des römischen Reiches im Urteil der Nachwelt. Munich 1984.

Doignon, J. Oracles, prophéties, 'on-dit' sur la chute de Rome (395-410). Les réactions de Jérôme et d'Augustin. REA 36 (1990) 120-146.

Elbern, S. Das Gothenmassaker in Kleinasien (378 n. Chr.). Hermes 115 (1987) 99-106.

Errington, R.M. The accession of Theodosius I. Klio 78 (1996) 438-453. [67-09700

Errington, R.M. Theodosius and the Goths. Chiron 26 (1996) 1-27. [67-09701

Ferrill, A. The Fall of the Roman Empire. The Military Explanation. 1986. DG312 .F47 1986

Frank, E. Symbolic imagery in Ammianus Marcellinus. CB 42 (1966) 46-47. [37-00110-111

Goffart, Walter. Rome, Constantinople, and the Barbarians. AHR 86 (1981) 275-306.

Grumel, V. L'Illyricum de la mort de Valentinien Ier (375) à la mort de Stilicon (408). REByz 14 (1951) 5-46. [22-05417

Heather, P. The Anti-Scythian Tirade of Synesius' De Regno. Phoenix 42 (1988) 152-172.

Heather, P. Goths and Romans 332-489. 1991. D137 .H43 1991

Larson, C.W.R. Theodosius and the Thessalonian massacre revisited - yet again. Studia patristica 10 (1970) 297-301. BR41 .I57

Lenski, Noel E. Failure of empire: Valens and the Roman state in the fourth century A.D. 2002. DF559 .L46 2002

Nicasie, M. J. Twilight of empire: the Roman army from the reign of Diocletian until the Battle of Adrianople. Amsterdam: Gieben, 1998. (Dutch monographs on ancient history and archaeology ; 19). nil

Rosen, K. Wege und Irrwege der römischen Gothenpolitik in Ammians 31. Buch, in Cognitio Gestorum. The Historiographic Art of Ammianus Marcellinus, edd. J. den Boeft, D. den Hengst, H. Teitler (Amsterdam 1992) 85-90.

Rousseau, Philip. Visigothic Migration and Settlement, 376-418: Some Excluded Hypotheses. Historia 41 (1992) 345-361.

Sasel Kos, Marjeta. The defensive policy of Valentinian I in Pannonia: a reminiscence of Marcus Aurelius?, in Westillyricum und Nordostitalien in der spätrömischen Zeit (Zahodni Ilirik in severovzhodna Italija v poznorimski dobi), ed. Rajko Bratoz (Ljubljana: Narodni muzej 1996) 145-175.

Seager, Robin. Ut dux cunctator et tutus: the caution of Valentinian (Ammianus 27.10). Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar 9 (1996) 191-196.

Seager, Robin. Roman policy on the Rhine and the Danube in Ammianus. CQ 49 (1999) 579-605.

Sivan, Hagith. Ammianus' terminus and the accession of Theodosius I, in Charistion C. P. T. Naudé, ed. Ursula Vogel-Weidemann in collaboration with Jan Scholtemeijer (Pretoria: University of South Africa 1993) 113-120.

Speidel, Michael P. Sebastian's strike force at Adrianople. Klio 78 (1996) 434-437. [67-09746

Speidel, Michael P. The slaughter of Gothic hostages after Adrianople. Hermes 126 (1998) 503-506.

Tritle, L.A. Whose tool? Ammianus Marcellinus on the Emperor Valens. AHB 8 (1994) 141-153. [65-13280

Wanke, Ulrich. Die Gotenkriege des Valens: Studien zur Topographie und Chronologie im unteren Donauraum von 366 bis 378 n. Chr. Bern: Lang 1990.

Wolfram, H. Die Schlacht von Adrianopel. AAWW 114 (1977) 227-250. [50-09699

Wolfram, H. History of the Goths, tr. H. Dunlap. 1988. D137 .W6213 1988