Bibliography for Roman Oratory (mostly books)

In general: rhetoric in education, rhetorical theory and practice, literary criticism

NB: Voyager shows 308 titles in UVM library under subject Rhetoric, Ancient

Bartsch, Shadi. Actors in the Audience. Cambridge, MA 1994.

Berry, D. H. and Andrew Erskine. Form and Function in Roman Oratory. Cambridge, New York 2010.

Bonner, Stanley F. Roman Declamation in the Late Republic and Early Empire. Liverpool 1949.

Clark, Donald L. Rhetoric in Greco-Roman Education. New York 1957.

Clarke, Martin L. Rhetoric at Rome. A Historical Survey. London 1953.

Connolly, Joy. The State of Speech: Rhetoric and Political Thought in Ancient Rome.

Dominik, William. Speech and Rhetoric in Statius' Thebaid. Hildesheim, New York 1994.

Dominik, William, ed. Roman Eloquence: Rhetoric in Society and Literature. London, New York 1997

Dominik, William and Jon Hall. A Companion to Roman Rhetoric. Malden, MA 2007.

Enos, Richard Leo. Roman Rhetoric: Revolution and the Greek Influence. West Lafayette, IN 2008

Evans, Jane DeRose. The Art of Persuasion. Political Propaganda from Aeneas to Brutus. Ann Arbor 1992.

Fantham, Elaine. "The Early Training of the Roman Orator," Paideia 55 (2000) 197-215.

Fantham, Elaine. The Roman World of Cicero's De Oratore. Oxford 2004.

Gleason, Maud W. Making Men. Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton 1995.

Gunderson, Erik, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric. Cambridge, New York 2009.

Habinek, Thomas. Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory. Blackwell Introductions to the Classical World. 2005.

Kaster, Robert A. Guardians of Language: the Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. California 1988.

Kaster, Robert A. C. Suetonius Tranquillus De grammaticis et rhetoribus, edited with a translation, introduction, and commentary. Oxford 1995.

Kennedy, G. 1968. "The Rhetoric of Advocacy in Greece and Rome," AJP 89 (1968) 419-436.

Kennedy, George A. A New History of Classical Rhetoric. An extensive revision and abridgment of The Art of Persuasion in Greece, The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, Greek Rhetoric under Christian Emperors with additional discussion of late Latin rhetoric. Princeton 1994.

Kennedy, George A. The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World 300 b.c.-a.d. 300. Princeton 1972.

Kennedy, George A., ed. The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Vol. 1. Classical Criticism. Cambridge 1989.

Leeman, A. D. Orationis Ratio. The Stylistic Theories and Practice of the Roman Roators Historians and Philosophers. 2 vols. Amsterdam 1963.

Menander Rhetor. edd. D. A. Russell and N. G. Wilson. Oxford 1981.

Pernot, Laurent, trans. W. E. Higgins. Rhetoric in Antiquity. Washington, D.C. 2005.

Russell, D. A. and Winterbottom, M. Ancient Literary Critism. The Principal Texts in New Translations. Oxford 1972.

Wisse, Jakob. Ethos and Pathos from Aristotle to Cicero. Amsterdam 1989.

Wooten, Cecil W., ed. The Orator in Action and Theory in Greece and Rome. Leiden, Boston 2001.

On Cicero:

Achard, Guy. 1981. Pratique rhétorique et idéologie politique dans les discours optimates de Cicéron. Leiden 1981.

Alberte Gonzalez, Antonio. Ciceron ante la retorica. La auctoritas Platonica en los criterios retoricos de Ciceron. Linguistica y filologia No. 3. Universidad de Valladolidad. 1987.

Berry, D. H. "The Publication of Cicero's 'Pro Roscio Amerino', Mnemosyne 57 (2004) 80-87.

Bornecque, Henri. "La façon de désigner les figures de rhétorique dans la Rhétorique à Hérennius et dans les ouvrages de rhétorique de Cicéron," Revue de philologie, ser. 3, 8 (1934) 141-158.

Burck, Erich. "Ciceros rhetorische Schriften," Altsprachliche Unterricht 9:1 (1960) 99-128.

Canter, H.V. "Irony in the Orations of Cicero," AJP 57 (1936) 457-464.

Canter, H.V. "Digressio in the Orations of Cicero," AJP 52 (1931) 351-361.

Cerutti, Steven M. Cicero's Accretive Style. Rhetorical Strategies in the Exordia of the Judicial Speeches. University Press of America 1996.

Clarke, M.L. "Ciceronian Oratory," Greece and Rome 14 (1945) 72-81.

Classen, Carl Joachim. Recht-Rhetorik-Politik. Untersuchungen zu Ciceros rhetorischer Strategie. Darmstadt 1985.

Classen, Carl Joachim. "Le pouvoir de la parole: La stratégie rhétorique de Cicéron," Bull. de l'Assoc. G. Budé (1985) 187-201.

Craig, Christopher P. Form as Argument in Cicero's Speeches. A Study of Dilemma. Atlanta 1993. APA American Classical Studies No. 31.

Craig, Christopher P. "Means and Ends of 'indignatio' in Cicero's 'Pro Roscio Amerino', in Form and Function in Roman Oratory, ed. Dominic H. Berry and Andrew Erskine (Cambridge, New York 2010) 75-91.

Dilke, O. A. W. "Cicero's Attitude to the Allocation of Land in the De lege agraria," Ciceroniana 3 (1978) 183-187. [50-01120

Douglas, A.E. "The Intellectual Background of Cicero's Rhetorica: A Study in Method," ANRW 1.3 (1973) 94-138.

Dugan, John. Making a New Man: Ciceronian Self-fashioning in the Rhetorical Works. Oxford, New York 2005.

Éloquence et rhétorique chez Cicéron. Fondation Hardt Entretiens 28. Geneva 1981.

Gennaro, Salvatore. "Animadversiones quaedam de Ciceronis arte rhetorica," Orpheus 10 (1989) 121-126.

Gotoff, Harold C. Cicero's Elegant Style. An Analysis of the Pro Archia. Urbana 1979.

Gotoff, Harold C. Cicero's Caesarian Speeches. A Stylistic Commentary. Chapel Hill 1993. [Pro Marcello, Pro Ligario, Pro Rege Deiotaro]

Gotoff, H. "Oratory: The Art of Illusion," HSCPh 95 (1993) 289-313.

Herrouet, Jean Marie. The Development of Cicero's Oratorical Style. UVM (M.A. thesis) 1917.

Hinard, François. Sullana uaria: aux sources de la première guerre civile romaine. Paris 2008.

Holst, Hans. Die Wortspiele in Ciceros Reden. Oslo 1925. Symbolae Osloenses suppl. 1.

Humbert, Jules. Les plaidoyers écrits et les plaidoires réelles de Cicéron. Paris 1975.

Hutchinson, G.O. "Rhythm, Style, and Meaning in Cicero's Prose," CQ 45 (1995) 485-499.

Johnson, W. Ralph. Luxuriance and Economy: Cicero and the Alien Style. Berkeley 1971.

Jonkers, E. J. Social and Economic Commentary on Cicero's De lege agraria orationes tres. Leiden 1963.

Köhler, Ch. Die Prooemientechnik in Ciceros Reden. Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis von rhetorischer Theorie und rednerischer Praxis. Diss. phil. Jena 1968.

Kirby, John T. The Rhetoric of Cicero's Pro Cluentio. Amsterdam 1990.

Landgraf, Gustav. De Ciceronis elocutione in Orationibus pro P. Quinctio et pro Sex. Roscio Amerino conspicue. Diss. phil. Würzburg 1878.

Leonhardt, Jürgen. "Senat und Volk in Ciceros Reden 'De lege agraria'," ACD 34-35 (1998-1999) 279-292. [70-01412

Laurand, Louis. Études sur le style des discours de Cicéron. 4th ed. Paris 1936-1938. Reprint Amsterdam 1965.

Lévy, Jean Philippe (J. Ph.). "Cicéron et la preuve judiciaire," Droits de l'antiquité et sociologie juridique: Mélanges Henri Levy-Bruhl. Publications de l'Institut de droit romain de l'Université de Paris 17. Paris 1959. 187-197.

Loutsch, Claude. L'exorde dans les discours de Cicéron. Brussels 1994.

MacKendrick, Paul. The Speeches of Cicero. Context, Law, Rhetoric. London 1995.

May, J. Rhythmische Analyse der Rede Ciceros pro S. Roscio Amerino. Leipzig 1905.

May, James M. Trials of Character. The Eloquence of Ciceronian Ethos. Chapel Hill 1988.

Meisner, Jesper Johansen. "Cicero's Italy: Identity, Oratory, and Politics in the Late Republic," C&M 62 (2011) 117-151.

Michel, Alain. 1960. Rhétorique et philosophie chez Cicéron. Essai sur les fondements philosophiques de l'art de persuader. Paris 1960.

Militerni della Morte, Paola. Studi su Cicerone Oratore. Studi e Testi dell' Antichità 8. Naples 1977.

Negri, Monica. "Il 'giovane' Cicerone, la 'lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficiis' e la datazione del 'De inventione'," Athenaeum 95 (2007) 183-201.

Neumeister, Christoff. Grundsätze der forensischen Rhetorik gezeigt an Gerichtsreden Ciceros. Diss. Heidelberg 1962 (München 1964).

Nisbet, R.G.M. "The Speeches," in Dorey, T.A., ed. Cicero. London 1963. 47-79.

Preiswerk, Rudolf. 1905. De inventione orationum Ciceronianarum. Basil 1905.

Preiswerk, Rudolf. 1907. "Griechische Gemeinplätze in Ciceros Reden," in Iuvenes dum sumus. Aufsätze zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft der 49. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner zu Basel dargebracht von Mitgliedern des Basler klassisch-philologischen Seminars aus den Jahren 1901-1907. 27-39.

Prill, Paul. "Cicero in Theory and Practice: The Securing of Good Will in the Exordia of Five Forensic Speeches," Rhetorica 4 (1986) 93-109.

Radin, Max. 1910/11. "Literary References in Cicero's Orations," CJ 6 (1910/11) 209-217.

Rohde, F. Cicero, quae de inventione praecepit. Diss. Königsberg 1903.

Römisch, Egon. "Umwelt und Atmosphäre, Gedanken zur Lektüre von Ciceros Reden," in Radke, Gerhard, ed., Cicero ein Mensch seiner Zeit. Acht Vorträge zu einem geistesgeschichtlichen Phänomenon (Berlin 1968) 117-135.

Schmitz, D. Zeugen des Prozessgegners in Gerichtsreden Ciceros. Prismata 1. Frankfurt 1985.

Settle, J.N. The Publication of Cicero's Orations. Diss. Univ. of NC. 1962.

Shackleton Bailey, D.R. "On Cicero's Speeches," HSCPh 83 (1979) 237-285.

Smethurst, S. E. "Cicero and Isocrates," Supplementary Paper: TAPhA 84 (1953) 262-320.

Solmsen, Friedrich. "Aristotle and Cicero on the Orator's Playing upon the Feelings," CP 33 (1938) 390-404 = Kleine Schriften 2. Hildesheim 1968. pp?

Solmsen, Friedrich. "Cicero's First Speeches: A Rhetorical Analysis," TAPA 69 (1938) 542-556.

Steel, C. E. W. Cicero, Rhetoric, and Empire. Oxford, New York 2001.

Steel, C. E. W. Reading Cicero. London 2005.

Stroh, Wilfried. Taxis und Taktik. Die advokatische Dispositionskunst in Ciceros Gerichtsreden. Stuttgart 1975.

Temelini, Mark A. "'Concordia' and the Failure of the 'rogatio Servilia agraria'," CEA 43 (2006) 49-60. [80-01470

Theoret, Michel. Les discours de Cicéron. La concurrence du tour casuel et du tour prépositionnel. Montreal 1982.

Thierfelder, Andreas. "Über den Wert der Bemerkungen zur eigenen Person in Ciceros Prozessreden," Gymnasium 72 (1965) 385-414.

Usher, S. "'Occultatio' in Cicero's Speeches," AJP 86 (1965) 175-192.

Vasaly, Ann. 1993. Representations. Images of the World in Ciceronian Oratory. Berkeley 1993.

Weische, Alfons. 1972. Ciceros Nachahmung der attischen Redner. Heidelberg 1972.

Wieacker, F. Cicero als Advokat. Berlin 1965.

On Tacitus and Pliny:

This is a sample:

Barbu-Moravová, Magdalena. "Trajan as an Ideal Ruler in Pliny's 'Panegyric'," GLP 18 (2000) 7-18. [76-04641

Connolly, Joy. "Fear and Freedom: a New Interpretation of Pliny's 'Panegyricus'," in Ordine e sovversione nel mondo greco e romano: atti del convegno internazionale: Cividale de Friuli, 25-27 settembre 2008, ed. Gianpaolo Urso (Pisa 2009) 259-278.

Eck, Werner. "An Emperor is Made: Senatorial Politics and Trajan's Adoption by Nerva in 97," in Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin, edd. Gillian Clark and Tessa Rajak (Oxford 2002) 211-226.

Edwards, Rebecca. "Hunting for Boars with Pliny and Tacitus," Classical Antiquity 27 (2008) 35-58.

Gibson, Bruce John. "Unending Praise: Pliny and Ending Panegyric," in Form and Function in Roman Oratory, ed. Dominic H. Berry and Andrew Erskine (Cambridge, New York 2010) 122-136.

Goldberg, S. M. "Appreciating Aper: the Defence of Modernity in Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus," CQ 49 (1999) 224-237.

Halfmann, Helmut. "Zu Tacitus' 'Agricola' als Dokument römischer Herrschaftsauffassung," in Widerstand - Anpassung - Integration: die griechische Staatenwelt und Rom: Festschrift für Jürgen Deininger zum 65. Geburtstag, edd. Norbert Ehrhardt and Linda-Marie Günther (Stuttgart 2002) 255-263.

Hoffer, Stanley E. "Divine Comedy? Accession Propaganda in Pliny, Epistles 10.1-2 and the 'Panegyric'," JRS 96 (2006) 73-87.

James, Paula. "The Language of Dissent," in Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire (London 2000) 277-303.

Luce, T. J. "Reading and Response in the Dialogus," in Tacitus and the Tacitean Tradition, edd. T. J. Luce and A. J. Woodman (Princeton 1993) 11-38.

Manolaraki, Eleni. "Political and Rhetorical Seascapes in Pliny's 'Panegyricus'," CPh 103 (2008) 374-394.

Méthy, Nicole. "Éloge rhétorique et propagande politique sous le Haut-Empire: l'exemple du Panégyrique de Trajan," MEFRA 112 (2000) 365-411.

Rees, Roger. "The Form and Function of Narrative in Panegyric," in Form and Function in Roman Oratory, ed. Dominic H. Berry and Andrew Erskine (Cambridge, New York 2010) 105-121.

Rees, Roger. "To Be and Not To Be: Pliny's Paradoxical Trajan," BICS 45 (2001) 149-168.

Roche, P. A. "The Public Image of Trajan's Family," CPh 97 (2002) 41-60.

Rutherford, Richard B. "Voices of Resistance," in Ancient Historiography and Its Contexts: Studies in Honour of A. J. Woodman, edd. Christina Shuttleworth Kraus, John Marincola, and Christopher B. R. Pelling (Oxford 2010) 312-330.

Rutledge, Steven Harold. "Reading the Prince: Textual Politics in Tacitus and Pliny," in Writing Politics in Imperial Rome, edd. William J. Dominik, John Garthwaite, and Paul A. Roche (Leiden, boston 2009) 429-446).

Stewart, James J. "Some Connections Between the Speech of Calgacus and the 'Laus Caesaris'," AHB 17 (2003) 1-4.

Tzounakas, Spyridon Chr. "Echoes of Lucan in Tacitus: the 'cohortationes' of Pompey and Calgacus," Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 12 (2005) 395-413.

Winterbottom, Michael. "Quintilian and the Vir Bonus," JRS 54 (1964) 90-97.

Winterbottom, Michael. "Returning to Tacitus' Dialogus," in The Orator in Action and Theory in Greece & Rome: Essays in Honor of George A. Kennedy, ed. Cecil W. Wooten (Leiden 2001) 137-155.

Woytek, Erich. "Der 'Panegyricus' des Plinius: sein Verhätnis zum 'Dialogus' und den 'Historiae' des Tacitus und seine absolute Datierung," WS 119 (2006) 115-156. [77-07636

In particular:

Achard, Guy. 1973. "L'emploi de boni, boni viri, boni cives et de leurs formes superlatives dans l'action politique de Cicéron," LEC [Les Études classiques] 41:2 (1973) 207-221.

Ahl, Frederick. "The Art of Safe Criticism in Greece and Rome," AJP 105 (1984) 174-208.

Alberte, Antonio. "Precisiones sobre el concepto de variatio," Latomus 47 (1988) 805-811.

Aricò, Giuseppe. "Iuvenilis redundantia. Per l'esegesi di Cicerone, Brut. 313-316 e orat. 107 s.," in Studi di filologia classica in onore di Giusto Monaco. Palermo 1991. 2.817-828.

Büchner, Karl. 1974. "Utile und honestum," in Probata-Probanda, 5-21, ed. F. Hörrmann. München 1974.

Gaillard, M. (oral communication) "Auctoritas exempli: pratique rhétorique et idéologie au Ier siècle avant J.-C.," REL 56 (1978) 30-34.

Gunderson, Erik. Staging Masculinity: the Rhetoric of Performance in the Roman World. Ann Arbor 2000.

Gunderson, Erik. Declamation, Paternity, and Roman Identity: Authority and the Rhetorical Self. Cambridge, New York. 2003.

Levy, Ernst. "Von der römischen Anklägervergehen," ZRG 53 (1933) 151-233.

Parks, Edilbert Patrick, brother. The Roman Rhetorical Schools as a Preparation for the Courts under the Early Empire. Baltimore 1945.

Plett, Heinrich F. Enargeia in Classical Antiquity and the Early Modern Age: the Aesthetics of Evidence. Leiden, Boston 2012.

Santoro L'Hoir, Francesca. Tragedy, Rhetoric and the Historiography of Tacitus' Annales. Ann Arbor 2006.

Takács, Sarolta A. The Construction of Authority in Ancient Rome and Byzantium. Cambridge, New York 2009.

Ulrich, Roger B. The Roman Orator and the Sacred Stage: The Roman Templum Rostratum. Brussels 1994.

Webb, Ruth. Ekphrasis, Imagination and Persuasion in Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Practice. Farnham, England and Burlington, VT 2009.

Wörle, Georg. "Actio. Das fünfte officium des antiken Redners," Gymnasium 97 (1990) 31-46.