Some Books at UVM Library on the Hellenistic Age

Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin. Polyeideia: the "Iambi" of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition. 2002. PA3945.Z5 A36 2002

Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin. Arion's Lyre: Archaic Lyric into Hellenistic Poetry. 2010. PA3092 .A53 2010

Adams, W. Lindsay, and Eugene N. Borza, eds. Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Macedonian heritage. 1982. DF233 .P477

Allen, R. E. The Attalid Kingdom: a Constitutional History. 1983. DS156.P4 A5 1983

Annas, Julia. Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. 1992. B187 .M55 A56 1992

Anson, Edward. Eumenes of Cardia: a Greek among Macedonians. 2004. DF235.48.E96 A57 2004

Bagnall, Roger S. The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions outside Egypt. 1976. DS62.2 B32 1976

Bar-Kochva, Bexalel. The Seleucid Army: Organization and Tactics in the Great Campaigns. 1976. U31 B37

Berthold, Richard M. Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age. 1984. DF261.R47 B47 1984

Bickerman, E. J. Institutions des Seleucides. 1938. DS96 B63

Bilde, Per. ed. Religion and Religious Practice in the Seleucid Kingdom. 1990. BL1060 R43 1990

Billows, Richard A. Antigonos the One-eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State. 1990. DF235.48 A57 B5 1990

Billows, Richard A. Kings and Colonists: Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism. 1995. DF233.2.B55 1995

Bosworth, A. B. From Arrian to Alexander: Studies in Historical Interpretation. 1988. DF234.2 .B67 1988

Bosworth, A. B. The Legacy of Alexander: Politics, Warfare, and Propaganda under the Successors. 2002. DE86 .B67 2002

Bouché-Leclercq, Auguste. Histoire des Lagides. 1963. DT92 B75 1963

Branham, R. Bracht. The Cynics: the Cynic Movement in Antiquity and its Legacy. 1996. B508 .C94 1996

Chaniotis, Angelos. War in the Hellenistic World: a Social and Cultural History. 2005. U31 .C49 2005

Cloché, Paul. La dislocation d'un empire: les premiers successeurs d'Alexandre le Grand. 1959. DF235 C55

Cohen, Getzel M. The Seleucid Colonies: Studies in Founding, Administration and Organization. 1978. DS96.2 C63

Cohen, Getzel M. The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor. 1995. DF86 .C44 1995

Connor, W. Robert. Greek Orations. 1966. PA3481 .C66 1966

Crawford, Dorothy J. Studies on Ptolemaic Memphis. 1980. DT73 M5 C7

Croisille, J. M., ed. Neronia IV. Alejandro Magno, modelo de los emperadores romanos. 1990. DF234 .S63 1987

Engel, Rudolf. Untersuchungen zum Machtaufstieg des Antigonos I Monophthalmos: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der frühen Diadochenzeit. 1978. DF235.48 A57 E53

Errington, R. M. Philopoemen. 1969. DF238.9 .P55 E7

Errington, R. M. A History of the Hellenistic World. 2008. DE86 .E77 2008

Gabbert, Janice J. Antigonus II Gonatas: a political biography. 1997. DF237 A6 G33 1997

Ginouvès, René. Macedonia: from Philip II to the Roman conquest. 1994. QUARTO DF233 .G5613 1994

Grainger, John D. Alexander the Great Failure: the Collapse of the Macedonian Empire. 2007. DF233.G65 2007

Grainger, John D. A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer. 1997. DS96 G73 1997

Grainger, John D. Seleukos Nikator: Constructing a Hellenistic Kingdom. 1990. DS96.2 G73 1990

Grainger, John D. The Cities of Seleukid Syria. 1990. DS96.2 G72 1990

Grant, Michael. From Alexander to Cleopatra. 1982. DE86.G73 1982

Green, Peter, ed. Hellenistic History and Culture. 1993. DF77 .H5464 1993

Green, Peter. Alexander to Actium: an Essay on the Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age. 1990. DE86 .G738 1990

Green, Peter. Apollonios Rhodius. The Argonautika. 1997. PA3872 .E5 1997b

Gruen, Erich S. The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome. Berkeley 1984. DG241.2.G78 1984

Habicht, Christian. Studien zur Geschichte Athens in hellenistische Zeit. 1982. DF236 .H32 1982

Hammond, N. G. L. The Macedonian State: Origins, Institutions, and History. 1989. DF261 M2 H35 1989

Hansen, Esther V. The Attalids of Pergamon. 1947. DS156 .P4 H3

Heckel, Waldemar. The Marshals of Alexander's Empire. 1992. DF234.2 .H38 1992

Holleaux, Maurice. Rome, la Grèce et les monarchies hellénistiques au IIIe siècle avant J. C. (273-205). 1921. QUARTO D5 .B4 Fasc. 124 LRA

Hunter, Richard. Theocritus. Encomium of Ptolemy Philadelphus. 2003. PA4442 .C617 2003

Macurdy, Grace Harriet. Hellenistic Queens. A Study of Woman-Power in Macedonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt. 1932. DF235.3 .M3 1985

McShane, Roger Burnham. The Foreign Policy of the Attalids of Pergamum. 1964. H31 .I4 vol.53 LRA

Momigliano, Arnaldo. Alien Wisdom. The Limits of Hellenization. Cambridge 1975. DF78.M6

Müller, Olaf. Antigonos Monophthalmos und "Das Jahr der Könige". 1973. DF233.8 A57 M82 1973

Nicolaou, Ino. Prosopography of Ptolemaic Cyprus. 1976. QUARTO DS54.6 N52

Orth, Wolfgang. Königlicher Machtanspruch und städtische Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu den politischen Beziehungen zwischen den ersten Seleukidenherrschern (Seleukos I., Antiochos I., Antiochos II.) und den Städten des westlichen Kleinasiens. 1977. DS155 .O76

O'Sullivan, Lara. The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317-307 BCE: a Philosopher in Politics. 2009 DF235.48.D455 O87 2009

Préaux, Claire. L'&ecute;conomie royale des Lagides. 1939. HJ213 P73 1939

Préaux, Claire. Le monde hellénistique: la Gréce et l'Orient (323-146 av. J.-C.). 2 volumes. DF78 .P73

Shear, T. Leslie Jr. Kallias of Sphettos and the Revolt of Athens in 286 B.C. 1978. QUARTO DF235.7 .S53 LRA

Sherwin-White, Susan M. From Samarkhand to Sardis: a new approach to the Seleucid empire. 1993. DS96 S53 1993

Stephens, Susan A. Seeing Double: Intercultural Poetics in Ptolemaic Alexandria. 2003. PA3081 .S74 2003

Stewart, Andrew. Faces of Power. Alexander's Image and Hellenistic Politics. 1993. DF234.2 S74 1993

Trevett, Jeremy. Apollodoros, the son of Pasion. 1992. DF233.8 A66 T74 1992

Walbank, F. W. Aratos of Sicyon. 1933. DF237.A7 W3

Walbank, F. W. Philip V of Macedon. Cambridge 1940. DF238.9 P5 W3

Walbank, F. W. The Hellenistic World. Harvard 1993. DF77 .W35 1993

Waterfield, Robin. Dividing the Spoils: the War for Alexander the Great's Empire. 2011. DF235.4 .W38 2011. Electronic book available through UVM library

Whitehorne, J. E. G. Cleopatras. 1994. DS62.23 .W47 1994