Test 2

Important things to think about: dates and major participants, events, and the causes of events of three periods: the Pentekontaetia (479-431), the first Peloponnesian war (ca. 460-445) - part of the Pentekontaetia -, and the long conflict known as The Peloponnesian War (431-404) which is actually the second Peloponnesian war; inter-state rivalries; political changes; activity of Persia in the eastern Mediterranean and other powers, mostly Greeks, in the western Mediterranean.

Format of Test

There will be two sections, with choice in each. Below are the instructions for each. Please e-mail if you want more information.

I. Identifications. Write a brief factual paragraph about 5 of the following. The important questions to answer are: who or what? when? (don't forget the date) where? why? how? and so what? (i.e., describe important action(s), principle(s) or result(s) for each answer). SOME GOOD ADVICE: Please be very careful choosing items to answer; you will receive ZERO CREDIT even if you write an answer, correct in itself, about a person or thing not on this list. [Beware especially of similar names (e.g. Thucydides the politician and Thucydides the historian) and of confusing the first and second Peloponnesian wars.] A minimal identification without details and discussion will receive very few points. [Items covered may be persons, places, events, or terms (emphasis on the first three; an example of the fourth would be Krypteia)]

Here is one example: Demosthenes (fifth century).
Inadequate answer (zero credit): important person in Greek history.
Barely adequate answer: Athenian general.
Marginally more adequate: Athenian general active in the Peloponnesian war.
Better: Athenian general during Peloponnesian war, responsible for Athenian capture of Pylos in first part of war, later involved in defeat in Sicily and died there.
Best of all: add details about why the capture of Pylos was a turning point in the war (because the Spartans were willing to make peace to get it back, especially since Demosthenes [and Cleon] also captured a number of Spartans at the same time) and explain that the Athenian disaster in Sicily came about against Demosthenes' express advice and wishes. Add dates!

II. Gobbets. Choose 5 passages and place them in their historical context: describe, with appropriate factual detail, the specific circumstance, problem, and/or person(s) involved, date, and what is especially important or interesting therein.Tabular or list form may be used where appropriate. Reformulation of the information in the passage does not constitute an adequate answer.

Examples: see information about test 1.

III. [No extra credit but giving an answer is a good idea.] What topic do you intend to focus on for your research project?