HCOL 186 essay assignment.

Please write an essay that addresses the questions below using well-reasoned, thoughtful arguments with supporting information. Use well-constructed sentences and paragraphs and please limit your answer to 500 words. Email your essay as a Word document (saved as YourName_SwindleEssay) to Brian.Beckage@uvm.edu with the subject Swindle Essay by midnight of the due date.

1. What did you find to be the most surprising claim made in The Great Global Warming Swindle? Is the claim factually correct?  Provide citations from other sources to support your argument.

2. How do you rectify the perspectives in An Inconvenient Truth and The Great Global Warming Swindle? i.e., Do you combine the information? Do you reject one or the other? Is it useful to be exposed to both viewpoints? Where do they most differ? Where are they similar?