Finding Information in
The Writer's Brief Handbook

The Writer's Brief Handbook is a tool that will help you answer questions you have about writing edited, standard English. To learn how to use this valuable tool so that you will become a more confident, correct, independent writer, find the answers to the following questions. Begin your search by using "How to Use This Book" or the "The Quick Reference Guide" on the inside front cover and the first page, or perhaps the "Detailed Contents" on pages v-xix will lead you to an answer. There's the Index --the last blue tab -- and the "Correction Symbols" on the inside back cover, which will also help you find the section that has the information you need. Although coming up with the right answer is the final product of this activity, equally important is how you found that answer, so do jot down where you looked to come up with your answer. And please use the handbook even if you think you know the correct response. Our focus here is on using this writing tool so that it becomes a quick and easy reference book. Doesn't it make so much more sense to work from knowledge rather than ingnorance?

  1. Which is correct: Between you and I or Between you and me?

  2. Do periods and question marks go inside or outside quotation marks?

  3. What is the rule for using ie and ei?

  4. What are some ways to avoid using only male nouns and pronouns?

  5. How can sentences be made less wordy?

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