CALS 183 Lab 8 notes Thursday 27 March 2014

Prepare for Persuasive & Choice Presentation labs Monday March 31 - Friday April 4.

How's everything going?   Questions?   Tips from TAs?



Any Student performing at a C or lower - please send their name, and what they are missing and the assignment grades that they have done poorly on.

Grading Outside speech critiques.

Persuasive & Choice critique sheets go over.

Return cameras after lab.

Go over Grading Template.


After lab:

-Erase any files from Camera

-Immediately Return Camera Pack to BH Library,  Have them RECHARGE the battery pack!

-Meet with lab partner and reach consensus on the grade for each dramatic reading. 

-Erase videos from your laptop when done with them - you can show questionable/great/bad ones to Dr. L.

-Record attendance (DATE of absences) and grades on excel template and save it in at least three different places.

-Email your students who will be giving a dramatic reading the following week  to remind them to be prepared.

-Update the Speaking Schedule  and Roles for the semester. 

-Read examples of Poor/Good/Excellent Reflection Papers, and Excellent Outside Speech Critique:  in a couple weeks we will be grading these.

Visit: Heather & Willie's lab, Friday 28 March, 2-4 Rowell 115